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How are you bizarre when there are no witnesses?

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My two faves to sing out loud are the Sesame St song (the "La La La La La" one) and the "Oscar Mayer Weiner" song, and I've been vegetarian all my life, as I walk down groceries aisles, usually until I get too many weird looks, and that is quite a few. Sometimes they are all from my daughter : )



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Well... my kids are constantly asking me what I'm laughing about... so I guess I must keep up pretty frequent giggling or chuckling out loud, whether there are other people are around or not? I'm not really aware of doing it, but I DO tend to type "LOL" in almost every post I write- so the laughter is there... :leaving:


I do mumble to myself when I'm gardening.


I dunno... constant laughing and talking to oneself doesn't sound good! lol?

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My insanities are rather thinly veiled.


My problem is reining them in when people ARE looking. Like the people who used to ask of the mondo bizarro gourds I sold at market -- the ones that looked like a very large...erm...you get the picture.


"What on earth do you do with that thing?!"


"Well now, that depends on how adventurous you are."



Other pesky habits:


Breaking into Bill Cosby or Monty Python at inopportune moments

Laughing. Aloud. Often.

Camp songs





(Psst...Elaine, if I used a hair dryer, we'd make a great team!)

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I do these things in front of my son...


Break into song for no reason

talk to myself (no answers yet)



In the privacy of my own solitude....


think outloud, usually planning school stuff

use the amp to sing with my CD's

act out scenes of the books I'm attempting to write, it helps me tweak them.

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Extremely and embarrassingly bizarre. Even though I know no one is around to see it, I am still embarrassed. Oh yeah, it's that bad. Singing, saying nonsense stuff to myself, making weird noises, laughing at my own jokes which no one else would find the least bit funny. I am a freak.:svengo::gnorsi::willy_nilly::eek::blushing::smilielol5:

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Extremely and embarrassingly bizarre. Even though I know no one is around to see it, I am still embarrassed. Oh yeah, it's that bad. Singing, saying nonsense stuff to myself, making weird noises, laughing at my own jokes which no one else would find the least bit funny. I am a freak.:svengo::gnorsi::willy_nilly::eek::blushing::smilielol5:


I will hop on your bandwagon. I think I do most of those myself. And more that I won't share. Yep, I am weird and proud of it!

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usually until I get too many weird looks, and that is quite a few. Sometimes they are all from my daughter : )




Last week I had to explain to my kids that if they weren't supposed to be embarrassed by their parents in public, they wouldn't play Queen in the grocery store.

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I do these things in front of my son...


Break into song for no reason



Oh, I do that in front of the kids too! Not actual songs, though- I make them up. Usually when there has been bickering and fighting among the girls- I break it up with the craziest songs. They often really hate it! (Which makes it more effective. LOL, "Stop Mom, stop it please, I'll be nice..." lol.) There they are feeling grumpy and here comes mom singing about it.


I can go on and on if I can think of rhyming words fast enough. :D


Sometimes I will change existing songs into my own songs. Sometimes they are not very nice at all:


The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Was looking for a place to hide.

Daddy was asleep

And his mouth was open wide.

The spider thought a minute

And decided to crawl inside.


The Itsy Bitsy Spider

curled up and died.


My poor kids, eh?

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Dh and I make up weird performance art. You have to have one part of your body touching the other persons and both people have to contort the rest of their body in a "new way". We can't have used that pose before or it doesn't count.:blush5::blush5:


Is that weird enough? :001_huh:


Can you do this when we come to visit? I rilly want to see that!:lol:

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I speak out loud in other voices. I let my inner schizo out.


I do the same. I sometimes feel as if someone is watching me from the ceiling... so I find myself making excuses to them for my weird behavior.


I also practice what I'm about to say to people.

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I also practice what I'm about to say to people.


Someone else does this?

Do you have the complete conversation? Saying what you want to say and then what you expect they will say and then how you will retort that?


Yeah, I do the whole shebang.

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Singing in Walmart until I run into someone.


Or singing LOUD at Walmart with ds, and him dying a thousand deaths asking "mom pleeeeeease stop doing that!!""


It's just hard when you have a song stuck in your head and you feel the need to sing REALLY REALLY loud. :001_huh:


What can a girl do??

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Someone else does this?

Do you have the complete conversation? Saying what you want to say and then what you expect they will say and then how you will retort that?


Yeah, I do the whole shebang.


Oh gosh, that's creepy! I do the same thing! I thought for sure I was the only one!


And then on the way home, I replay the conversations that I screwed up, and what I should have said instead. ;)

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I sing. Really Loud. To whatever is playing on my radio/iPod. I have also been known to break into dance. I talk to myself also. Usually trying to keep my mind on the task at hand. I have also been known to converse with people I would love to meet someday. What I would ask them, what they would response. Just me & my friends in my own little fantasy world :D

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because people will frequently come into the room and ask me who I am talking to. I also laugh out loud so much that my dh sometimes has to leave the room. That's ok, he can be a grumpy old fart anyway. :001_tt2: I mean really, who tells someone to quit laughing so much? :001_huh:

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Hey, you can even participate! We'll teach you how and then you can teach your dh! It'll give you something to do in Jersey!

Hey, what's that supposed to mean? ahem.gif

We got plenty to do here in Jersey!

First of all, we keep a list of all the people who call our state "Jersey"!

Then we do other stuff.

Like blow dry our hair.

And drive down the shore.

And yell "Bruuuuce"!

And find the six degrees of separation between ourselves and Jon Bon Jovi.

And drive down the Turnpike.


So, um, yeah.

That's it.




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Even when my dh and dc are around, I make up songs, the lyrics, and incorporate a dance number. And when I make up my songs, I include my dh, ds, dd, and my dog into the lyrics.


I try to incorporate dance routines that I have seen in An American in Paris, or The Music Man, or I will even make up my own steps. And eventually I will end up making myself laugh so hard that tears come to my eyes and I fall onto the floor or the nearest chair, totally thinking I am such a nut.


I have never allowed knowledge of my "pretend" musical productions to ever get out of the house. And as of yet, my dh and dc are reluctant to say anything since my routines are so hokey.


Claire in NM

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My hero of all cooks is Alton Brown. Taking my cues from him, I try to explain what I am doing, why I am doing it, and how the practice originated. Of course, I haven't a clue as to what I am doing, but it is fun and makes meal preparation fun. And thankfully, what I tell my audience can't hurt them, especially since I am not much of a cook.


Claire in NM

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I make Oscar and Grammy acceptance speeches into my hairbrush while I am blowdrying my hair. I am really good at the crying on cue.;)


When I was in Jr. High and High School, I used to talk out loud pretending I was being interviewed by Oprah for something amazing I accomplished. The "accomplishment" always varied, but usually it had to do with my remarkable mothering skills to my many children. Think Michelle Dugger (that is her name, right?). It was usually that particular "accomplishment" because I always wanted to get married and have a family and be a great mom. Sometimes the "interview" was centered on my being a famous actress and the things I would do in my personal life would get "Oprah" asking me some interesting questions. I won't tell you which room in the house these "interviews" usually occurred, LOL.


As for what I do now that is bizarre? I suppose it would be breaking out into an English accent at anytime during the day. But I must admit that I don't do this alone. I speak this way to my kids all the time, my BFF and I will talk this way on the phone AND I've been known to speak this way in restaurants so the server thinks I'm English. :D

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I am very nutty!! I argue with myself when nobody is around. I laugh in a in different ways just to see how it sounds. I make goofy faces (I do this one with the kids and dh).


One time I was bored at work (had to sit at the welcome center waiting for a group to leave the building before I can arm it) so I took my phone and started taking pictures of me making all kinds of faces. My kids found the pics and laughed so hard. :tongue_smilie:


I have done so many stupid and crazy things when nobody is around. I won't name them all here.



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Well, see... I've never actually been to NEW Jersey:D. I'm thinking I need to head up there and check things out!


Oooooooh, I'm thinking you do!!!! Wouldn't that be fun?? It's not that far you know! :bigear::auto:

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Well, see... I've never actually been to NEW Jersey:D. I'm thinking I need to head up there and check things out!


I can pick you up on my way! We''ll go to the diner at 2 a.m. and get a black and white cookie.


New Jersey is a place unto itself in so many ways. ;)

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Oh, Claire, I feel so much better now!


I went on a "girl's weekend" with two of my dearest friend, and tried to play "cooking show" with them.


Guess our friendship is not...quite....ready

for that level of sillyness!


Oh, you could come here and play "cooking show." I have three different friends who like to play that. It's so much fun!

One of those friends has a cooking island like the one that Emeril had on his show. It's a long counter with bar stools on one side and the cooks stand on the other side. The stove is built into it. And people can sit on the stools and chat while the cooks stay on the other side slicing, dicing, and sauteeing. It's so much fun!

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I do silly walks, when no one's around to see. I mean really, if you're going to go from here to there you might as well make it interesting.


No one's seen me do it, but if John Cleese ever comes over, I'll show him some of my best ones. :tongue_smilie:

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