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Please, Lord...NOT Little Creek!

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Sooo...we're waiting for the where and when for DH's transfer to the Tidewater area. Today, DH e-mails me about the juicy rumor going round the office. Apparently a 1,200 desk office space (approved and funded) was abandoned by the tenant and is available in Little Creek. Housing close to Little Creek (at least, off the major roads dh wants to be on) is *the most expensive* per sq. foot, unless you want to live next door to the highway or airport :tongue_smilie:.


A city lot (no house) starts at $125,000 :001_huh:.


I know dh would LOVE to work at Little Creek, but he'll have to compromise and DRIVE more than 10 miles if we're going to be able to afford to live there (which means, he has to leave the house no later than 6:30 to avoid most traffic).


And, my favorite potential "stations" apparently have gotten the nix... Yorktown and Ft. Eustice. Boo! That leaves Norfolk, Little Creek (new), Oceana and Suffolk. I'm going to pray for Suffolk or Oceana :D, but if the Little Creek office is already paid for...:sinking feeling: I know we can "afford" to live in that area, but I don't want to spend that much.

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Sooo...we're waiting for the where and when for DH's transfer to the Tidewater area. Today, DH e-mails me about the juicy rumor going round the office. Apparently a 1,200 desk office space (approved and funded) was abandoned by the tenant and is available in Little Creek. Housing close to Little Creek (at least, off the major roads dh wants to be on) is *the most expensive* per sq. foot, unless you want to live next door to the highway or airport :tongue_smilie:.


A city lot (no house) starts at $125,000 :001_huh:.


I know dh would LOVE to work at Little Creek, but he'll have to compromise and DRIVE more than 10 miles if we're going to be able to afford to live there (which means, he has to leave the house no later than 6:30 to avoid most traffic).


And, my favorite potential "stations" apparently have gotten the nix... Yorktown and Ft. Eustice. Boo! That leaves Norfolk, Little Creek (new), Oceana and Suffolk. I'm going to pray for Suffolk or Oceana :D, but if the Little Creek office is already paid for...:sinking feeling: I know we can "afford" to live in that area, but I don't want to spend that much.




Welcome to the area...even though you don't know which area yet :tongue_smilie:... I'll be your neighbor across the tunnels on the peninsula. I have noticed quite a few people on here are in this area.

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10 miles is not far to drive, but I don't know if that's busy highway driving or what. How long of a drive would it be?


10 miles translates to roughly a 1/2 hour drive...can be an hour with traffic. The idea was to reduce dh's commute time (and mine...for swim practice). Of course, this was about 20 years ago...He lived off of Shore Drive in the years before we dated and got married. He loved it. Of course, he lived in an apartment overlooking the beach...and was SINGLE making $80k a year. However, now with a family of 7, the living requirements are a bit different...lol.

Edited by LisaK in VA
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We lived three miles from Little Creek in a very nice subdivision and housing was reasonable. There are plenty of back roads that lead to the area so it is actually fairly easy to avoid the long commutes. My dh was traveling to the piers on Norfolk in under 30 minutes.

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:) This reminds me somewhat of my "I hope you never get stationed in California" speech that I've given DH several times. It was mostly due to cost of living and traffic that I wanted to stay away.


When he got orders to CA he was scared to call me and let me know. He sounded really down in the dumps when he called. However, after his last duty station, getting orders ANYWHERE was an improvement so when I jumped up and down with joy and screamed with excitement that he had orders, even if they were to CA, he was somewhat taken aback.

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:) This reminds me somewhat of my "I hope you never get stationed in California" speech that I've given DH several times. It was mostly due to cost of living and traffic that I wanted to stay away.


When he got orders to CA he was scared to call me and let me know. He sounded really down in the dumps when he called. However, after his last duty station, getting orders ANYWHERE was an improvement so when I jumped up and down with joy and screamed with excitement that he had orders, even if they were to CA, he was somewhat taken aback.


I get it, having lived in CA...I do. I live in No. VA right now, and it's a 30 minute drive to the practice pool (although, only 10 to Walmart ;)). Part of the reason we wanted to move to Tidewater was to reduce dh's commute *and* mine...and reduce my time to the practice pool. I fell "in love" with the Newport News area...close enough to VA Beach to be convenient, far enough away so that the COL was much more affordable.


I just didn't want dh to have the "repeat" of his daily commute (not in miles-wise, but time-wise from Stafford to DC). We'll make it work. It may take some looking, but we'll make it work. As long as we're on the same side of the tunnels as dh's work, we'll be fine. Finding a house "close" to dh's work may be the thing that gives. He may just have to leave at 6am to avoid traffic (well, that's better than 5:15!) :lol:, and he'll be able to get home by 4ish instead of 6ish!


So, it will be good. DH's bubble burst a bit when I told him what houses on Shore Dr. were going for...poor guy. I know I'm supposed to be making enough money to afford those houses, but I don't want to spend all of my money to by a $650,000 house. I'd much rather take the family to Peru...Costa Rica...Australia...the UK...Greece and Italy...KWIM?


Also, the Little Creek option will be a minimum of 2 years out...and I'd rather move sooner rather than later (less than 2 years, and I won't feel bad about things like not decorating this house...;))

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I won't feel bad about things like not decorating this house...;))


:confused::confused: You're supposed to decorate a house? Ha! It drives my family nuts that my house is always so "sterile". Uh, they have lived in the same house for 31 years now. I've stayed in one house a Maximum of 23 months...usually it's closer to 12, in the past 11 years. I'm lucky if I get all the boxes unpacked before we move again (I never have). I'll hang up a picture or two, but I don't decorate...or do live plants.


I totally hear you on the travel, too. I'd rather live in a smaller house (as long as it has a minimum of two bathrooms) and travel, than live in a big monstrosity of a house and be stuck there all the time because I can't afford to do anything else.

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