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coffee on a netbook keyboard vent & whine

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I'm going to cry. I've had computers for 20 years, 20 YEARS!!! I have never spilled anything on a keyboard. This morning I splashed coffee on my netbook, my netbook. It worked for a while although the wireless network was messed up, now the screen is blank. Ds and I took off the back cover to let it dry and see.


This is really the straw breaking the camel's back. I'm so upset, I know my guys can get the hard drive out so I won't lose my info if the netbook dies, and I have an old laptop that I'm using right now. But this was my netbook, my one thing that was mine, newer, and worked like it was supposed to. It's not a hand me down, it didn't require a costly repair (like my car sitting idle in the garage), it didn't require maintenance or food.


I know it's just stuff, but lately nothing has been working out. This weekend we were supposed to get a new desk for ds, which would have allowed me to use his desk as an outdoor table. It didn't work out for a number of reasons. The ants have returned in time for spring, I still have stuff in storage in another state that we haven't had money to go get. My car isn't working, our plumbing is having an issue (which dh is working on). I told dh a few months ago I couldn't handle anymore stress, I'm about to call off school and go hide under the covers and cry. It would be nice if just a few things in life actually worked out, I'm about done.

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