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Paging Dr. Hive! Dr. Google is freaking me out.

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I've been having "tummy troubles" since early Sunday morning. It started out as twinges that, to me, felt like the familiar signs of the beginning of a stomach bug, but I've yet to throw up. All day Sunday I felt lethargic, and experienced stomach pain when I moved around. Since this evening it's gotten a bit worse, and was excruciating while I tried lying in bed, but feels tolerable when I sit up (which is why I'm on the computer past midnight.)


COULD it be appendicitis? I wonder, because I do have some symptoms (abdominal pain, lethargy, and it's worse when I move) but the pain subsides significantly when I sit up (from feeling really sore to just slightly tender), and while I haven't thrown up, things out the other end haven't been exactly *ahem* normal today either.


Please say it could be something other than appendicitis, because I don't want to drag the kids out of bed right now to have DH take me to the ER. :tongue_smilie:

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Our family experienced a stomach bug like this recently (although some people were vomiting), everyone else had horrible stomach cramping (especially if they ate or drank anything), lethargy, gassiness/bloating, and diarrhea. Miserable kids and DH for awhile :(


For appendicitis, look for things like vomiting, fever, pain not only when you push on your stomach, but also when you remove your hand and let your stomach "rebound" back to its normal position (rebound tenderness). You can also see more pain if you lay on your back and flex your right hip, or if you cough.


Hope that helps you narrow down what's up with your gut!

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"Excruciating" abdominal pain is a very good reason to drag the kids out of bed so that you can go to the ER.


It could also be an ovarian cyst. Which can also be life threatening (I know, I had one and it was life threatening).


If you haven't done so, a minimum of a call to the doctor is in order.


I hope you feel better soon!

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With my appendicitis, I had a fever at the same time as the vomiting. Your pain would likely also begin centralizing on your right side.


(Of course, everyone won't likely experience all symptoms.)


Having had two dd's with appendicitis over the last 5 years, and having chatted some with doctors and nurses caring for them, the one thing I have learned about appendicitis is that there is a wide variety of ways it can present.


I guess I worry about what you wrote.

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Any updates? :grouphug:


The pain subsided about an hour after I posted and I was able to get some sleep, but it's back again, along with other *ahem* issues. It seems to be cyclical. It'll hurt a bunch for an hour or more, and then gradually subside to just being uncomfortable for a bit, and then flare up some more. No vomiting though, and it's my entire abdomen that's painful, not any one particular side.


My Dr's office opens at 8, so I'll probably be calling in to try and get an appointment, if only to put my mind at ease that it's just a bug, and not appendicitis. A friend of mind suffered a ruptured appendix last Thanksgiving, and I'd rather avoid going through what she did.

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Having had two dd's with appendicitis over the last 5 years, and having chatted some with doctors and nurses caring for them, the one thing I have learned about appendicitis is that there is a wide variety of ways it can present.


I guess I worry about what you wrote.



I just had my appendix out in January. I had NONE of the usual symptoms of appendicitis other then right sided pain, and it wasn't even really pain it was a dull ache that wouldn't go away. I jumped up and down, pressed on it, wasn't sick. I felt fine other then the dull ache.


I knew something wasn't right so I went to the ER, and sure enough it was appendicitis.


Because they caught it early, I was able to have it done laproscopically, and came home the same day. Recovery was a lot quicker then the normal appedix surgery. I was back at my normal activities(minus not being able to lift over 25 pounds) the following week.


Better safe then sorry.



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