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FLL/WWE + GWG/WWW...overkill?


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I'm planning for next school year (6 yr. old 1st grader).

We will definitely be using:

OPGTR (+ ETC1 just for fun/extra practice as needed)


handwriting (no formal program, as needed)

A Reason for Spelling (possibly beginning 2nd half of year)

WWE1 (a delay starting this)

hands-on science experiments 2x week

light geography 2x week



I feel like I have all my bases covered, but I can't stop checking out the Growing w/ Grammar and Winning w/ Writing website. I like workbooks, I just do! :blushing:


Does anyone use the 2 of these together (meaning FLL + GWG, WWE + WWW)? Perhaps using GWG as a review of a FLL lesson or when you're on the road/having a busy day/want a change? Or using WWW alternating with WWE (perhaps WWE 2x a week, WWW 1x)?


Maybe I'm having a hard time trusting "the WTM system" in its simplest form... Maybe I need to read more on TWTM/SWB's philosophy on writing at the grammar stage (I'm admittedly drawn to WWW b/c of it's more "creative" writing aspects, not just copywork). Another option is using GWG/WWW if we finish up FLL/WWE before the end of the school year...


So....doing them both together? (I'm not saying doing full-programs, nor on the same day). Thoughts? Feel free to totally SHUT DOWN this idea if you think it's overload or counterproductive. Thanks!

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I would use FLL/WWEfor the early years, bc they are short, gentle, thorough, and kinda fun to do things together. I am transitioning my oldest from these now, and using WWW3 this year withFLL4...planning to go on to GWG 5 next year, and either WWW4 or just using HO and its writing alone. If I could do it again, I think I would have started GWG this year with him, bc he is ready to be more independent than FLL allows. But I really love FLL/WWE in the early years!

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I think it is overkill for a 6yo. If you haven't read the WWE text called Writing with Ease Strong Fundamentals, you should get a hold of it and read it. I am thankful for it because it shows me where we are going on the WWE road. It is good to see where you are going, what is the goal - see the forest and not just the individual trees.


I gave GWG a shot at a time when my hands were full with little ones and I needed to have the kids to more independent work. I quickly found out that I preferred the simplicity and lessons of FLL and WWE and we ditched GWG after a few weeks.


So many other great things to do rather than doubling up on grammar. I'm sure you have ideas brewing - even just lots of reading would be wonderful!

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I've only used FLL 3 with my daughter, so I'm not sure this helps; but I can't imagine doubling her up on grammar. She loves FLL and we use Winning with Writing and she loves that too, but I think doubling up either of those would be a bit much for her - and she's in second grade. (And when I say "too much" I just mean that my daughter really enjoys those two subjects a lot, I think doubling her up would 1. take double the time, thus 2. could lead to her not liking those subjects as much.)

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Agreed with the above that it would be too much for a 6-year old. For my third grader, we used both programs. My son did FLL every day and now he does GWG for reinforcement. For history, science, and literature, I use the WWE guidelines for writing. He was using WWW at the same time, but we dropped it after the first semester. I found I was teaching the writing fundamentals as a natural extension of his WWE work.

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My son is really enjoying the combination of WWE/WWW & FLL/GWG. We started with WWE and FLL, and I bought WWW and GWG just to check it out. He did a week of WWW and GWG and then told me he wanted to continue with both. He says they are like workbooks ( which he likes ) for FLL and WWE. For now we will be using both, unless they get to be to much for him. My son loves words though, any words, all words, but especially new words. :lol::lol::lol:

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It might not seem like too much at that young age, if your dc doesn't mind it like the PP above. FLL and WWE eventually ramp up quite a bit, and then it would be too much. From what I understand though, it's recommended to practice the same types of exercises your child is doing in WWE on material from other subjects - for ex., copywork and dictation in history, narration in literature, maybe some copywork in science. A bit less is recommended since you're using the WWE workbook, but it doesn't take the place of all the writing TWTM recommends.


I suggest reading TWTM in full, listening to SWB's MP3 lectures A Plan for Teaching Writing (all 3 levels), and the front section of the WWE hardback, The Complete Writer. It might be easier to choose when you see the complete scope of where each program is headed long-term.

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Thanks for the feedback/thoughts!


I have The Complete Writer on its way, so I'll read it before I go ordering any more programs. :tongue_smilie:


We have also had a very relaxed K year, so I am thinking she would be overwhelmed if we jumped in w/ both feet like that...thanks for being the voice of reason! :D

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