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Holy cow folks. This game is fun. There is a strategy where the first person plays will always win. You can also play with any number to make it more challenging (pick a number from 1-12 for example). My 14 year old and I spent several minutes making up variations. Try it. Still not sure if this is similar to the original game but it is plenty fun.

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Each player places a gamepiece (like a coin) on the square marked "start." Players take turns rolling a standard 6-sided die. The number rolled gives the number the player may use to skip-count up the 100 chart on his or her turn. A player may skip ahead up to ten times each turn. For example, if you roll a 5 you may move ahead up to 50 squares by adding 5 ten times. The goal is to be the first person to land on the 100th square.


More rules:

- You may not go over 100. If you are at 97 and roll a 4, you cannot move.

- You may choose not to move after you roll.

- Skip-counting by 1 is just counting by 1's. If you roll a 1 you may move ahead up to 10 squares.


Strategy hints:

On which square would you rather begin your turn?

- Square 98 or square 99?

- Square 94 or square 95?

- Square 70 or square 71?


Think about how many ways there are to win from each of the squares listed above.

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