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Changing a baby's name?

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I ADORE the name Oliver! It was on my short list but dh vetoed it. :glare: It reminded him of the little blond cousin or whatever he was on Brady Bunch. He thought that kid was obnoxious. *sigh* Dumb reason not to like a name, but I couldn't get him past it! I think your precious guy looks like an Oliver too!! Does it fit with the other kids names?? Like if you have all place names, or all biblical names, or all Greek names, then Oliver might not fit. :001_smile:

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From the way you were talking I thought the name would be weird :tongue_smilie:


Oliver is a perfectly fine name for a boy - it's very popular here in Australia.


I'm not a fan of Corey at all - I say rename him Oliver -it's a much better name and is much more suitable for an adult then Corey.


IMO Corey is a little dated (think 80's/90's) whilst Oliver is a classic name that will never date.


I vote to change it -you will be very happy you did :001_smile:


And your boy is beautiful by the way - he does look like an Oliver


I know all about naming angst - my last baby had no official name till he was 3 months old - and I did change it once in that time. It was no hassle at all and I'm glad I did because his name and meaning suit him perfectly and now I don't like the first name we tried on him at all. And in case you are wondering - we changed his name from Ethan to Isaac.


It's not even a name I would have considered except my little guy just "looks" like this name


This is how we got my little guys name as well - a stranger asked me what his name was and I told her we hadn't chosen one yet - She told me "He looks like an Isaac" It wasn't even a name we had been considering but it just suited him perfectly. The meaning is "He laughs" and my little guy is our family clown who gave his first laugh at only a few weeks old (in his sleep) -it was perfect.

Edited by sewingmama
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I had to show my family the responses because they are the biggest naysayers! My 14yos even told me that I've had my chances to name dc and now it is "their" turn. Um, no! I think I'll drop "Cory" for a week or so and use only "Oliver" to see how it fits, but my gut says it will be changed in the end. Thanks, ladies, for your input! Thanks also for saying he is cute because when he was born he most definitely was not! He looked like a cross between a monkey and an alien, although the fact that he only weighed 3.5lb may have had something to do with that. ;)

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My little guy is almost turning two, and your photo may have just given me the teeny tiniest first bit of baby fever I've had since he was born. He's absolutely precious. I want to tickle his cheeks.


Oh, and I love the name Oliver. I think it probably ages better than Cory

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I agree with trying it out for a bit. See if it grows on the family. But since he's already here, I wouldn't change it if his siblings still hate it. I don't think they have any say before birth, but since he's here and they have a relationship with him, I'd give thier disdain a little more weight.

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I think Oliver is a wonderful name for that cutie!


When my now 7 yo was born, at the last minute we changed our minds on the name we had been planning. Within a couple of weeks, I really regretted it. I wanted to change it, but dh wasn't too keen on the idea, so I let it go. Now, I wish I'd been a little more insistent, because I still don't like her name and now it's way too late to change it.


So I say, go for it now, while he's so young that most people will forget he ever had a different name. :)

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My little guy is almost turning two, and your photo may have just given me the teeny tiniest first bit of baby fever I've had since he was born. He's absolutely precious. I want to tickle his cheeks.


His cheeks have grown along with the rest of him and are incredibly kissable! He's like a squishy toy - such fun to squeeze and full of smiles.
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OK, so, um, here's the deal...everyone I have shared it with hates it. I mean really hates it. It's not even a name I would have considered except my little guy just "looks" like this name (I'm afraid to post it here because of reactions...although maybe if 100% of you agree that it is dreadful I should not change it...hmmmm). What to do...what to do??


Change it. Oh my - love the name Oliver!! Or change his middle name to Oliver and have him go by his middle name?


I have a friend who has changed the names of 2 of her kids. No harm done. Lovely girls with lovely names.

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I love the name Oliver and it totally looks like him! I know one 10 year old Oliver. Go for it!


ETA - SO adorable those two! I'm having baby envy seriously. Which I rarely have any more.

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Guest submarines

Even DH said, after looking at his photo, that he was certainly born an Oliver! :D


Btw, we both love this name, and we wanted to name DS Oliver, but when he was born, he so not an Oliver. So the above opinion comes from experts in the area. :tongue_smilie:

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His cheeks have grown along with the rest of him and are incredibly kissable! He's like a squishy toy - such fun to squeeze and full of smiles.



Oh, for the love of all.....this photo could be used as an international bargaining tool. Will you please kiss their heads for me, about 100 times? You are so blessed; they're amazing!

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Dd5 has a birth name I hate. She is adopted but we haven't changed her name legally yet. (It is complicated but in essence....She is my great niece so 1/2 of her bio family still call her by her bio-name.) We call her a completely different name that has absolutely nothing to do with her birth first or middle name. LOL




When I tell people her birth name, I get a variety of comments. Since people know we don't like it and call her something else, we get pretty honest reactions. Some people tell me "thank God you changed it, I hate that name!" and some ohh and ahh about how beautiful it is. LOL There really isn't much middle ground, it is love or hate.



I wish I could have changed her name when she first came to us at 5mth old. If I knew now, where we would be with the family situation, I wouldn't have worried about the family and just gone with me gut instead.




We do not use Ds's name. There is a different name that he had always wanted, and we call him by that. His birth name is awful! I have never met anyone with this name or heard of it even being used as a name. We do still have to use it for legal stuff.

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His sister's name is Juliette Elise. She was going to be Autumn until a well-meaning friend pointed out that with our last name it sounded like autobahn (sp?). I had to agree and so reluctantly gave up that name. I've not worried about names that "fit" well together as they won't be together as twins for most of their life, if that makes sense; I wanted to give them names I would have given them had I carried them in two separate pregnancies.


What does your dh say?
Well, um, he doesn't say...at least he's not allowed to have a say. Seriously, naming babies became such a battle that for the sake of our relationship we agree that I name the babies and he just rolls his eyes and keeps his mouth shut. :D This marriage-preserving agreement came after his contributions for baby names consisted of Bob and Ed (no joke) and old girlfriend's names for girls. He doesn't pray about names and puts no thought into the decision at all. I pray like crazy and feel that a name is a child's first gift from the parents - I take it very seriously.


Dh doesn't like the name Oliver but then he doesn't like any of the names I've chosen for our dc until I've actually named them, then he comes around. ;)


Will you please kiss their heads for me, about 100 times? You are so blessed; they're amazing!
At least 100 times, for sure! :) I feel I am living a dream still. I look at them together and wonder when their mom is going to come pick them up because surely these little ones can't be mine, right? I can't be this blessed. :001_wub:
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