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Biblioplan or WP Middle Ages...

Magic Wand

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I'd like some input please. After using TOG this year, we realized that it's just not the program for us. My kids were begging for more easy crafts like WP, which we used the year prior.


I'm considering Biblioplan and/or WP for our Middle Ages study in the fall...they both look great. WP is so expensive with all the trimmings..we tend to love to read, do maps, notebook pages and like easy projects for history. I'm thinking I could do everything I need with Biblioplan and just add the WP notebook pages and activity stuff. Or, maybe I should just do WP?


Any input on either Biblioplan or WP Middle Ages?



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You know, it all boils down to *will you* add the WP activities to Biblioplan?


I thought of doing that sort of thing using Truthquest for the Christian commentary and viewpoint. I just know myself. It would not happen. We would just read and the kids would be "out" the activities. I tried doing something similar with Galloping The Globe, and we're pretty well stalled out after two topics (out of 20 or so).


Best of luck in deciding. Your experience with TOG has laid a little "wondering" of mine to rest, at least for several years. I have a feeling I'd have a similar experience to yours. I'm just a person who needs that laid out schedule to give me a handle on the materials.

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Well, I've not used either, but have been really studying each one, Bibilioplan & WP. I haven't looked at the middle ages one, but I really like the looks of WP. If your dc like the activities, then I would go with WP. Biblioplan looks like just a reading schedule. If you're going to purchase the WP IG anyway you would probably be better off just going with the WP Program. You could purchase the exclusives & pickup the rest used or from the library.


I'm using Biblioplan this year, but the reason is that my dc are younger & WP doesn't have a history only program for ancients. Their history for younger dc goes through all 4 stages in 1 yr.

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is that it is only scheduled for 3 days a week. So, that would allow for a day or two to actually DO projects. But, I agree with the other poster about actually getting to them. Sometimes it has to be RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE or it won't happen. My ds doesn't like notebooking-type things, so WP would not be a good fit for "us."

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I love Biblioplan, but like the others I think you will be happier with WP. I think Biblioplan is great for people who want to do their learning through reading. Wonderful books, but it is a lot of reading and after doing all of it, we don't really have time for crafts or projects. We're going to do the Time Travelers Colonial Life cd this summer, and I'm purposely scheduling it over the summer so that we'll have time to do it. If we fall in love with it, I suppose we'll have to try the American Revolution cd and the early 19th century one, but I have difficulty envisioning us adding all of these projects to our school year work load. If you have hands-on learners, I'd go with something that incorporates that into the workload.

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I *think* I'm set on WP - it does seem to be a better fit for us.


For those of who who are familiar with the WP products, do you think WP is right on for age/grade level? I'm asking b/c I've got rising 4th and 6th graders, who are older for their grade and very advanced readers. We seem to like the crafts and book selections better for the Jr. High plan, but I'm not sure it won't be too old for my 10 yo (youngest).


Any further thoughts or considerations regarding this?


I love being able to come here...it has been such a help to me over the years. You are all fantastic!



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