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ACK! Just used my last lamination sheet


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I feel like an addict. :glare: I was SO bummed when I realized I had used my last lamination pouch. I briefly flirted with the idea of running to Walmart at 11:30 at night to restock my supply. Then I forced myself to calm down and chill. I didn't have anything else to laminate just then.


But there is this foreboding fear that any minute now something will jump out at me demanding to be laminated and I won't.be.able.to.--


Oh the horror!



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:iagree: I never thought I would use a laminator as much as I do. Then I discovered, among other things, the wonder of educational playdough mats. Suffice to say, I buy new laminating sheets pretty often.


Oh! Playdough mats!! That sounds awesome. Have any picture you care to share?

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Sorry, just saw your question now. A google search will bring up more, but my favourites are from http://www.Sparklebox.co.uk and http://www.Prekinders.com . In point of fact, Sparklebox is my absolute favourite go-to site for almost all my printables. Prepare to spend at least an hour on there.


Awesome!! Thank you!! I'm off to print!!!

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