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Anyone deal with thickened uterine lining/D&C/Hysterectomy?

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Anyone deal with thickened uterine lining/D&C/Hysterectomy?

I am in Germany and I don't know if they treat thick uterine lining differently than in the US?

Dr. said mine was 3cm and wants to do D&C.

I am also scared of getting put under, I worry about not waking up.

If they are going to put me out, I am wondering if I should ask for a hysterectomy before something turns cancerous.

I have been dealing with different female issues for nearly 20 years.

also, this dr. has never seen my past medical records AND I really have no idea who he is or how good he is ... A little bit of a language barrier too.

Any advice or experience you can share please?

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Thank you HoopytheToad and PrairieMom.

@PrairieMom, my mom had issues and they did a hysterectomy on her when she was in her 20s. My moms sister is battling breast cancer again and I believe my mom had lumps taken out of her breasts in her 20s. I don't know if that constitutes a family history.

This is truly s stressful.

Thank you again for replying.

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I just went to the doctor about his today!

He said because of my 4 c-sections, my uterus was thicker and I am having some "issues" that lead me to make the appointment in the first place.

He called it adinomyosis. Not sure if it is spelled right. I was a little surprised to be having these problems, seeing I am only 33.

He wants to put me on birth control and see if that helps with the "issues" and then if that doesn't work, do the hysterectomy.

Maybe you should get a second opinion. Good luck!

PM me if you have any specific questions, and I'll try to help any way I can. :grouphug:

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I just went to the doctor about his today!

He said because of my 4 c-sections, my uterus was thicker and I am having some "issues" that lead me to make the appointment in the first place.

He called it adinomyosis. Not sure if it is spelled right. I was a little surprised to be having these problems, seeing I am only 33.

He wants to put me on birth control and see if that helps with the "issues" and then if that doesn't work, do the hysterectomy.

Maybe you should get a second opinion. Good luck!

PM me if you have any specific questions, and I'll try to help any way I can. :grouphug:


My dr. Put me on some sort of pill for 3 cycles too. The lining is still thick :glare:

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I had a biopsy done this summer for the same problem. Since it came back non-cancerous, I have done nothing to "fix" the problem. I have a fibroid as well. I am hoping that menopause is on the way and all this will be a mute point, but it doesn't look good for that at the moment.

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Hmmm, well, that's no fun. 5kidsRUs, Are you hurting and having a lot of bad symptoms?

Is the Dr. concerned it could turn into cancer or something? I would definitely get a biopsy of it if so. Better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it is a little scary, but once it is done, you will know more what is up. Is it possible to get a 2nd opinion?

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Hmmm, well, that's no fun. 5kidsRUs, Are you hurting and having a lot of bad symptoms?

Is the Dr. concerned it could turn into cancer or something? I would definitely get a biopsy of it if so. Better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it is a little scary, but once it is done, you will know more what is up. Is it possible to get a 2nd opinion?


The first ultrasound the dr. said thick lining - second ultrasound his partner said think lining AND she saw a polyp.

I have read online that biopsy only tells them if that one particular area has cancer. I am guessing that with a D&C they check a lot more areas for cancer?

About 18 years ago I dealt with cryosurgery and then a year or so later biopsies because they couldn't tell where some abnormal cells were coming from and they never did and then a few years of normal paps after that.

This round of visits was because I had over 30 days straight bleeding.

It seems inhumane to keep dealing with these torturous tests and procedures.

As scared as I am of general anesthesia, I wonder if a hysterectomy would solve all this torture once and for all.

BTW, the perky AF dr. Who did the uterine biopsy 18 years ago said it was more dangerous for (morbidly obese) me to go under for a hysterectomy than risk getting cancer.

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