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Could you say that in English, please?

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My sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeon had never seen these types of cells before and sent the slides out to Columbia for a second opinion. They just got the results back.


The results are:


"metaplastic spindle cell carcinoma associated w/ BCIS"


The surgeon said basically "really rare, bizarre breast cancer". Oh, and it is the triple negative variety.



So, what exactly does that mean? I tried googling, but I can't make heads or tails of it...

Edited by curlylocks
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I googled it as well and it seems as though treatment is basically the same as any other breast cancer depending on size and whether it has metastasized or not. One article said that the rate of metatisis was lower but if it did it could be aggressive. Please ask the Dr. for further clarification and speak up if you don't understand what they are saying. Sometimes we medical professionals forget that not everyone's is familiar with the terms we use.


Praying for your sister!:grouphug:

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Breast carcinoma in situ (BCIS) is a cancer that’s confined to the milk glands or the ducts that carry milk from the glands to the nipple. BCIS is highly curable when diagnosed early. But when not discovered in the formative stages, this condition commonly develops into invasive breast cancer. There are currently more than 54,000 new cases of BCIS diagnosed every year in the U.S.

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I have no idea what that means, but :grouphug: to you and your sister.


I am currently learning lots about lung cancer since I am the designated secretary at all my grandfather's appointments. I keep the rest of the family that don't live nearby up to date by email, and have everything written down for my grandmother so she doesn't forget anything. All I can say is cancer sucks. At least we can be there for them. I know it is terribly hard for my mom, aunt, and uncle who can't.

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Breast carcinoma in situ (BCIS) is a cancer that’s confined to the milk glands or the ducts that carry milk from the glands to the nipple. BCIS is highly curable when diagnosed early. But when not discovered in the formative stages, this condition commonly develops into invasive breast cancer. There are currently more than 54,000 new cases of BCIS diagnosed every year in the U.S.


I was diagnosed with DCIS which is Ductal carcinoma in situ, I've never heard of BCIS but has she had surgery to remove it yet? You can not get a definitive diagnosis of if it is only in the ducts until after surgery. If it is just DCIS then she will be more than fine....my doctor used the CURED word when I saw her 6 months after my surgery. I chose a mastectomy (due to family history) I needed nothing more than that surgery, no radiation or chemo. If the cancer has spread outside the duct, even if only a tiny bit, it upgrades the cancer to a stage 1 or higher depending on how far it has traveled outside the duct.


Triple negative has to do with which hormones the cancer is receptive to. A great place to get all your questions answered is over at community.breastcancer.org/

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I'm very sorry about your sister! I remember the shock when my mother was dxd with brain cancer and the dr was telling us all the medical-ese words. I had to write it down so I could look it up later. Crazy!


Praying for you guys!


Thank you for the prayers!! Medical-ese has been very frustrating for my sister...but the research has been sort of therapeutic for me.


I have no idea what that means, but :grouphug: to you and your sister.


I am currently learning lots about lung cancer since I am the designated secretary at all my grandfather's appointments. I keep the rest of the family that don't live nearby up to date by email, and have everything written down for my grandmother so she doesn't forget anything. All I can say is cancer sucks. At least we can be there for them. I know it is terribly hard for my mom, aunt, and uncle who can't.


Thanks for the :grouphug:


I am the designated secretary as well -- I keep a little red notebook in my pocketbook.

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I was diagnosed with DCIS which is Ductal carcinoma in situ, I've never heard of BCIS but has she had surgery to remove it yet? You can not get a definitive diagnosis of if it is only in the ducts until after surgery. If it is just DCIS then she will be more than fine....my doctor used the CURED word when I saw her 6 months after my surgery. I chose a mastectomy (due to family history) I needed nothing more than that surgery, no radiation or chemo. If the cancer has spread outside the duct, even if only a tiny bit, it upgrades the cancer to a stage 1 or higher depending on how far it has traveled outside the duct.


Triple negative has to do with which hormones the cancer is receptive to. A great place to get all your questions answered is over at community.breastcancer.org/


Her mastectomy is scheduled for Tuesday. The surgeon said chemo is a definite, but radiation is still a question mark.


Thanks for the website...I'll check that out.

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