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Morning sickness help

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Pear juice, pretzels, never going more than three hours between meals, and taking my pre-natal vitamins during my least nausus part of the day were my tricks during my last two pregnancies. (I was sick into the seventh month with Dd.)


Hope someone here has a hint that works for you.


ETA- they were my tricks for not being nausous to the point of vomiting, I never did find a way to beat the constant low level nausa.

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My sister was so bad she had to be on a zofran pump with her second pregnancy. A nurse came to the house and hooked her up with an IV. She had to wheel an IV pole around with her. Not fun.


With my second pregnancy, I literally only ate about 5 saltines a day and drank about half a can of Coke a day. I still was in the bathroom at least 3 times a day, even with only eating that.


I have no suggestions, just lots and lots of sympathy! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Zofran again. IT was the only way I ever did not puke every. single. minute. of the day. :grouphug:


This! Sometimes no matter what you do nothing helps. Even on zofran I threw up the day Igave birth. I hope you get some relief soon. Being sick is no fun.

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Dissolvable (sp?) Zofran tabs is the only thing that kept me off an IV. Other than that I drank gallons of Ovaltine (not sure why that helped but it did) and crushed ice with Juicy Juice and Sprite. Nothing else helped.


Yet I kept doing it:001_huh:
Me, too! And I'm so ready to do it all over again...psychotic, yes?
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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I was an IV preggo type. Yet I kept doing it:001_huh: I found unisom (doxylamine) was the only thing that helped. Sort of. Kinda. Again. :grouphug::grouphug:


Yes...I think I've heard something about unisom and vitamin b-12 maybe?

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I ended up on zofran last pregnancy too (and a reglan pump and an IV). One thing that helped somewhat was salt/vinegar potatoe chips and limeade. Staying ahead of things helps too. If you get dehydrated, you feel yucky. If you build up ketones from not eating you feel yucky. You've got to stay ahead of the game somehow.....

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Coke helped me. So did salty foods -- I liked nuts.


Try to get a can of ensure or boost down at some point during they day. Lots of nutrition for relatively little suffering.


Another tip I learned thanks to being hospitalized was I could eat without pressure. My husband would beg me to eat, question me for what felt like hours about what I could eat, by the time I survived that I threw up. Anyway when relatively bland food simply arrived at exactly the same time each day I could usually eat it. Maybe someone, a relative, neighbor, even dh could help you try this for at least a meal a day. I can't guarantee it will work but it might be worth trying.


Just so you know I wasn't in the hospital for nausea, but for an incompetent cervex with funneling. But after the meals became regular with no worries about having to eat nausea wise things were much better.


I will be praying that you will feel better soon.

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Unisom helped me some. They told me to take half at night and half in the morning. They said I would get used to the morning dose. Ummm... well, I can't sleep all day for a week to get used to the morning dose with three other kids running around. I felt like taking a whole dose at night sometimes still helped into the next day. I wound up on zofran too, though, so I may not be the best person to ask. I was able to take the zofran really sparingly (once every couple of days). So, that was good, I guess.


Morning sickness sucks. :grouphug:

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Some things that helped me (but not as much as Zofran and Unisom together!):







What worked for one pregnancy didn't necessarily work for another. I did Unisom for the first four, but wasn't allowed to to take it until 12 weeks. For number 5 I had a doctor who let me start Unisom right away and added Zofran when I needed something more.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: Gentle hugs.... I have only had sickness severely in some preg... thankfully only for 3-4 months... this time I did use unisom with Multi b supplement but only half a unisom or it would knock me out. I have tried ginger pills, tea, sea bands, crackers, even B shots one time that seemed to help alot then. My preacher brought vials of liquid B back from Africa and I begged for 1, he was a diabetic so he gave me some needles.... I hope and pray you don't have it long, and find what does help.. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: Stinks to not be able to function or have anyone understand or help. I hope you have help and someone with compassion.

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I never got to the point of actually vomiting, but I have had constant nausea without any kind of let-up, no matter how often I eat. I found that on the days I got some exercise, the nausea was much less severe than on the days when I didn't. It was HARD to get myself to fight feeling crappy and get up and get moving, but once I did it really helped a lot.


I hope this passes quickly for you and you can get through the rest of your pregnancy just fine. :)

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Things I tried that didn't work (but may work for you):

Candied ginger (I threw it up!)

Sea bands

Ginger tea


Eating [1/2 c of yogurt] before leaving bed (worked for #1, but not #2)

Eating every couple of hours (worked for #1, but not #2)

Eating small meals (worked for #1, but not #2)

Avoiding junkfood/fast food of ANY kind* (worked for #1, but not #2)


Things that did work:


Lots and lots of gum

Gum in the car, gum in the living room, gum in the kitchen, gum in the bedroom



I would chew a couple pieces of gum to help my nausea. If I felt more nausea come on, I would add extra pieces to my mouth as fast as I could until the nausea subsided. My record is over 9 pieces.


I nearly threw up the anti-nausea pills on the delivery table before my C-section. (Gum is not allowed in the delivery room).


***Additional note: if you are having trouble keeping your Prenatal vitamins down, call your doctor immediately! My doctor switched me to "2 Flintstones Chewables per day" for the remainder of my pregnancy.



I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Hopefully you have supportive family and access to healthcare professionals that will be wise and knowledgeable to help you through this time. *hugs to you*






*chocolate is excepted

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:grouphug: Just get the Zofran. After being hospitalized in one pregnancy and doing the whole reglan/ phenergan/ Zofran thing I still tried to tough it out with number 2. Why oh why? Zofran is a gift from God :).


Do you have a sonic in your area? The fresh lime slush was one of my usually safe foods in both pregnancies.


Hope you feel better soon:grouphug:

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oh dear. I had hyperemisis with all of mine. It's awful. I took Zophran with at least one or two of them. It only made me sleepy and nauseous. But, for me movement would set me off so sleeping was good....if only I weren't homeschooling the littles ;)


Anyway, I have no words of wisdom for keeping the barfing at bay. Just do what works for this pregnancy. My midwife told me that they'll put you in the hospital for dehydration (which happened to me once) but not because you're not eating. So, make sure you take little sips every 10-20 mins or so. Or suck on a popsicle.


Also, not to be gross... but eat what isn't nasty coming back up. That was my motto... so salads were out for the duration :tongue_smilie:


Don't get discouraged... I KNOW it's very hard.. its depressing too. Just remember that soon it will be over and you'll be holding that sweet little one and all this will be but a bad memory.:grouphug:

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oh dear. I had hyperemisis with all of mine. It's awful. I took Zophran with at least one or two of them. It only made me sleepy and nauseous. But, for me movement would set me off so sleeping was good....if only I weren't homeschooling the littles ;)


Anyway, I have no words of wisdom for keeping the barfing at bay. Just do what works for this pregnancy. My midwife told me that they'll put you in the hospital for dehydration (which happened to me once) but not because you're not eating. So, make sure you take little sips every 10-20 mins or so. Or suck on a popsicle.


Also, not to be gross... but eat what isn't nasty coming back up. That was my motto... so salads were out for the duration :tongue_smilie:


Don't get discouraged... I KNOW it's very hard.. its depressing too. Just remember that soon it will be over and you'll be holding that sweet little one and all this will be but a bad memory.:grouphug:


:grouphug: thanks. This helped a lot, actually.

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This! Sometimes no matter what you do nothing helps. Even on zofran I threw up the day Igave birth. I hope you get some relief soon. Being sick is no fun.


Zofran is a blessing. I too threw up multiple times every day until I delivered while on Zofran. Zofran was a life-transforming drug for me. I was able to leave the confines of the bathroom an function in a semi-normal way. My husband and I joked about naming our son "Zofran" (lucky for him, we didn't). If you are at the "Zofran" level of morning sickness, no home remedy is going to work, you are too far gone for them.


Good Luck! I empathize with you!!! Being that sick simply sucks!

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Just curious what pushed you over the edge to needing meds in your dr's eyes? I've often wondered if I shoulld have had them with #1. I was so sick I lost 10 lbs. But my dr never thought it was a big deal.


At thAt point I could no longer keep down water and literally couldn't get off the bathroom floor.

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At thAt point I could no longer keep down water and literally couldn't get off the bathroom floor.


Do you ever just want to take the water or whatever food you are attempting to eat and just toss it in the toilet... maybe save yourself a little time and a whole lot of effort??? :lol: It was also at that point when I discovered every flaw in my cleaning techniques of the toilet, baseboards and bathroom...


Having been there and puked that, I am so SO very sorry that you are feeling this bad!!!!!!

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If you're not paying out of pocket for the zofran (generic ondancetron now -- it was patented when I had my first, and that was an ouch), I don't see any reason to go to great lengths to avoid it.


Each of my pregnancies has gotten better so far. IYH it will be the same for you. I was being fed exclusively by IV fluids for the first.

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Do you ever just want to take the water or whatever food you are attempting to eat and just toss it in the toilet... maybe save yourself a little time and a whole lot of effort??? :lol: It was also at that point when I discovered every flaw in my cleaning techniques of the toilet, baseboards and bathroom...


Having been there and puked that, I am so SO very sorry that you are feeling this bad!!!!!!


I'm really lucky that my house has four bathrooms. When pregnant I dedicate one as, "Momma's puking place" and no one is allowed to go to the bathroom there. Nothing is worse then running to the bathroom to violently throw up then opening the toilet and seeing someone didn't flush or peed on something. Blah. Plus, when I puke that hard it can splash and I want to know what's splashing at me. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm really lucky that my house has four bathrooms. When pregnant I dedicate one as, "Momma's puking place" and no one is allowed to go to the bathroom there. Nothing is worse then running to the bathroom to violently throw up then opening the toilet and seeing someone didn't flush or peed on something. Blah. Plus, when I puke that hard it can splash and I want to know what's splashing at me. :tongue_smilie:


This made me laugh out loud! There were times when I thought I could sink no lower in the vomit drama of pregnancy... one of the worst was with my first and I was still working at the courthouse. I was leaving the D.A.'s Office (of course stopping first to puke in the clean restroom in our private offices on my way out... fruitlessly hoping it would hold me until I reached my car in the parking lot) at 5:00 on a Friday afternoon. I couldn't even make it down the hall and rushed into the courthouse's public bathroom. Ewww! If I had needed to pee, I would have held it or I would have preferred to wet my pants. It was that nasty! :tongue_smilie: At least I can say I have pretty good aim for projectile vomiting without even bending over.


This has been a humorous walk down memory lane for me tonight. Now that my daughter is almost 11, I can see the humor in the situation. Time really does heal all wounds. What I would have given for Zofran when I was pregnant with her!!!!

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This made me laugh out loud! There were times when I thought I could sink no lower in the vomit drama of pregnancy... one of the worst was with my first and I was still working at the courthouse. I was leaving the D.A.'s Office (of course stopping first to puke in the clean restroom in our private offices on my way out... fruitlessly hoping it would hold me until I reached my car in the parking lot) at 5:00 on a Friday afternoon. I couldn't even make it down the hall and rushed into the courthouse's public bathroom. Ewww! If I had needed to pee, I would have held it or I would have preferred to wet my pants. It was that nasty! :tongue_smilie: At least I can say I have pretty good aim for projectile vomiting without even bending over.


This has been a humorous walk down memory lane for me tonight. Now that my daughter is almost 11, I can see the humor in the situation. Time really does heal all wounds. What I would have given for Zofran when I was pregnant with her!!!!


Glad to provide amusement and a stroll down memory lane. :lol:

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I was told to take extra B6, but I couldn't keep the vitamins down. I ended up buying Odwalla Blueberry B Monster in the largest containers I could find. A glass of that, first thing in the morning (followed by gum for the aftertaste), would make it possible for me to keep my vitamins down (about a half hour later). This really did help somewhat.


I wish I had a fool-proof tip to offer you. I hope it passes for you soon.

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Injectable vitamin b 12

sublingual vitamin. B 12

Legumes/beans (google bean cure)

GREEN SMOOTHIE(by far the most effective) daily,lots of spinach and a bit of kale as well as orange juice and frozen fruit. Don't add fruit until you have blended the teens and juice/water to liquid

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My OB put me on Zofran last time, but I could only take it a couple of times a week because it caused horrible constipation. I agree it's a gift from God, if you can tolerate it.


If you want to take it in the morning, half of a Unisom with a B6 will help some and not make you so sleepy.


I also tried candied ginger, ginger mints (those were okay), saltines, hot ginger tea with lemon, and everything else I could find, but the only natural thing that I found helped was a mix of club soda with a little bit of white grape juice. That worked even better than the Unisom/B6 combo for me, and I took it to many an office meeting. I've never heard anyone else say it worked, but club soda's worth a try, mixed with any slightly sweet flavor you can tolerate.


Good luck!

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Just curious what pushed you over the edge to needing meds in your dr's eyes? I've often wondered if I shoulld have had them with #1. I was so sick I lost 10 lbs. But my dr never thought it was a big deal.


When you can't get up, when you are puking blood, when you are down 15 pounds and at the ER for dehydration and you haven't even had the first ob visit because you are still that early. I had it to some degree with all 4 pregnancies but the last one is the one they got real serious with and did something about it. the others I just suffered through with 9 months of daily vomiting just not continuous vomiting.

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I've been there with all 4 of my pregnancies. With each one my OB kept adding more drugs to try to keep me from throwing up all day everyday. I was hospitalized with one of them for a couple of days to get rehydrated. After that my OB just started giving me fluids in her office every other week for the rest of my PGs.


What finally worked the best for me was to take the zofran and then eat protein. Any protein that tasted good to me was on my list. I got to be on a first name basis with my local Sonic manager because I would come in at 6am and 9am 3-4 days a week for a grilled chicken sandwich. They got to the point that they saw my van pull in and would start cooking my chicken. It was the only thing that tasted good to me and eating the protein helped keep my morning sickness at bay for a couple of hours.


I know a lot of people think sugary things help with the morning sickness but I found that the rapid spike in blood sugar made me feel better for a short while and then it dropped again and I was hugging the toilet. So on the worst days I would take my zofran, eat something sweet and then quickly find some protein that sounded good to me.

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ok here a few things I tried and it had a masisve wffetc on how I felt! It meant I could go about and do thingd without having to run to the toilet evry 5mins


Avoid eating foods that can trigger morning sickness. This can vary from person to person, but some of the most common triggers are:

Fried and greasy foods (like fried chicken, French fries, fish, etc.)


Artificial sweeteners- these are a must avoidance.


Caffeine - especially partnered with an artificial sweetener - can really trigger that dreadful morning sickness feeling!


Sweets - while I am a strong proponent of chocolate in moderation, sugars - especially in large quantities - can cause a stomach to turn queasy in a matter of minutes. It's much better to have a bagel or plain scone than to indulge in a maple bar, glazed doughnut or iced scone. Cookies, cakes and pies are other foods to avoid. To satisfy my sweet tooth (which has never been easy!) I would buy a bag of Hershey kisses (or splurge and get a bag of miniature chocolate bars) and limit myself to one piece whenever a craving hit me.


I hope these help you in your quest not to be hugging the toilet every 5 mins.



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Just curious what pushed you over the edge to needing meds in your dr's eyes? I've often wondered if I shoulld have had them with #1. I was so sick I lost 10 lbs. But my dr never thought it was a big deal.


I lost 20lbs with one pregnancy and 23 with another. My ketones levels were very high. With my 2nd dd, I remember going to the ER shaking so badly, I could not hold my infusion pump (reglan), the nurse had to carry it. Being wheeled in a wheel chair was a nausea nightmare, so they half carried me/half let me walk. But, when we got in the elevator and it started going up, my knees buckled. It was awful!!! This type of nausea (and all that goes with it) is beyond the crackers and soda realm.

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I lost 20lbs with one pregnancy and 23 with another. My ketones levels were very high. With my 2nd dd, I remember going to the ER shaking so badly, I could not hold my infusion pump (reglan), the nurse had to carry it. Being wheeled in a wheel chair was a nausea nightmare, so they half carried me/half let me walk. But, when we got in the elevator and it started going up, my knees buckled. It was awful!!! This type of nausea (and all that goes with it) is beyond the crackers and soda realm.



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De-lurking to offer what helped me. One pg I ate lemons. Just peeled them and ate them along with some of the white part on the underside of the peel (the name escapes me sorry). And with another pg, I sniffed Pepsi. I carried around a can of Pepsi and just smelled it all day when I felt really bad. I know, weird!

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Replying to this thread belatedly because I wanted to test my tip.


What has worked for me this pregnancy is counterintuitive, but it has worked for me five days in a row. Basically, I eat immediately after throwing up. I'm still throwing up 2-3 times a day, but not throwing up what I eat and drink immediately after vomiting. Weird, huh?


Also if I sense that I'm going to vomit, I start chugging water. It makes the throwing up so much easier!

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