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I feel like I'm always the one to initiate playdates and get togethers...

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I feel like I'm always the one to call the other family to meet at the park or come over for lunch or do whatever. I always seem to have one or two kids at my house but they rarely get invited to other's homes. I wonder about this:


Do people not like my kids? I doubt that's the case, after all they allow their kids to play with them, as long as it's at my house. And I know my kids are polite and well behaved, more so than at home. LOL.


Am I just more accomodating to my kids in their requests to meet up with friends or have them over.


Today, my kids are begging me again to have some friends over. They even made up a very original skit to try and pursuade me. I hate to be a grump and say no, but really I just want some peace and quiet. We've had a friend(s) over 3 of the last 5 days and I'm tired.


Why won't anyone call and ask to have my kids over for the afternoon?

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I've never invited anyone over. That's just me. Kids have come over, but it's the mom saying something like "Shall we meet at your house or mine next week." I have a friend that drops by unannounced once a month or so. I'm fine with it as I know she knows not to expect my house to be "company clean" if it is an unannounced visit.


I just don't pick up the phone and invite kids over, but I truly appreciate others taking the initiative. If you have hosted the kids recently, don't feel bad about calling and say, "The kids had a great time playing with yours over here last week. Would you mind if they came to your place on xxxx afternoon?" You could throw in a "while I run some errands" if you want to specify that you won't be staying/available.

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I feel like I'm always the one to call the other family to meet at the park or come over for lunch or do whatever. I always seem to have one or two kids at my house but they rarely get invited to other's homes. I wonder about this:


Do people not like my kids? I doubt that's the case, after all they allow their kids to play with them, as long as it's at my house. And I know my kids are polite and well behaved, more so than at home. LOL.


Am I just more accomodating to my kids in their requests to meet up with friends or have them over.


Today, my kids are begging me again to have some friends over. They even made up a very original skit to try and pursuade me. I hate to be a grump and say no, but really I just want some peace and quiet. We've had a friend(s) over 3 of the last 5 days and I'm tired.


Why won't anyone call and ask to have my kids over for the afternoon?


Congratulations, you are a "gatherer" -- a wonderful quality, I dare say.


I'm a gatherer - I love having people in. I betcha I have a 5 :1 ratio -- I invite people in or to do something 5 times for every 1 time I get invited to do something. I kinda like it this way . . . I invite into my schedule and when it works for me.


I edit to say that many of the mom's I know don't want their quiet afternoons interrupted by littles -- I'm generally happy to have the buzz and action at our house. I would consider calling and asking if your kiddies could have a play-date at their house. Some folks need a little gentle prodding . . .


Be encouraged.


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I have a hard time inviting people over (even the kids) because it takes effort on my part to take mine wherever or it stresses me out to have a mom and kids over. Most of the kids that my boys play with (with the exception of one or two) have houses that don't look lived in like ours does...and ours REALLY does.


The other thing is that *I* have very many characteristics of being an introvert. I'm happy in my little house. If I invite someone over, I stress over it for DAYS. Just having another body around (with the exception of our neighbor kids) makes me feel on edge. Then I have to "decompress" after they've gone. My most favorite part of the day is when the front door is locked, kids have their bath and dh and kids are watching baseball (and me with them sometimes) or I'm in the other room knitting. Safe within our little shell.

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I was a total extrovert as a younger person, but after reading Pensguy's post - that's me! I invite family and a couple of close friends over, but that's it. I would like to develop a better sense of hospitality, though, and be a bit more like you and your house. I agree that it's a wonderful quality and I'm sorry that it's taking a toll on you.

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Well, I often felt that way, as well, and there's nothing wrong with that, but, girl...visitors for 3 days out of 5!!! OY!! That's just too much!


Maybe people don't invite you over because they don't need to; they know they'll be hearing from you so they just wait for it.

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I totally get where you're coming from. I feel this way so often, like there must be something *wrong* with me or my kids that so few people invite us over. However, I am going to turn that around and take Sweetpeach's point of view... I'm a gatherer! I will embrace it and do it well. I am SO laid back about my house, I truly don't care whether people see it in a mess. And I don't mind cleaning up after other people's messes either. I think that's where I'm SO different than the people who "aren't having us over".

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