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Happy Pi day!

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My dd13 loves this day! She's wearing her Pi shirt and reciting what she knows of the Pi number. She's got it memorized to like 50 places or something. I have NO idea why she finds Pi so enticing but she says she's just geeky like that. Personally, I think I have a weird child. :tongue_smilie:

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We're also having pizza pi for dinner, and some kind of pi for dessert, although the jury is still out as to what flavor. :)


DS got out his Basher books to celebrate and read all the entries that had to do with circles and pi.


I'm *so* happy to be among fellow geeks!! :D

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We're making homemade pizza pi for dinner and having chocolate pi for dessert.


We're also having pizza pi for dinner, and some kind of pi for dessert, although the jury is still out as to what flavor.


We're making pizza for dinner, too, but I couldn't get anyone here excited about pie for dessert. (I have the weirdest family.)

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We are having pumpkin pi for supper. And we've been celebrating for the last three days.


And I have a Pi party going on at my blog today!


My all time favorite pi fact---The height of an elephant from foot to shoulder is equal to 2 times pi time the diameter of its foot! I wish I had a bunch of elephants that would let me measure them so I could test this fact out!

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