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Throat issues

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I don't know how to describe it. Every now and then I become aware, for lack of a better word, of the inside of my throat. Maybe it is slight swelling but not like the ball stuck in your throat that's super obvious kind of thing. It makes me swallow constantly and feel anxious.


I'm not allergic to any foods but soy, that I'm aware of. And the soy testing showed it was mild. If I eat something like soy crumbles, tofu, a soy burger, stuff like that, I get bad stomach cramps for a day and a half. If I eat something where soy is a minor ingredient I have no problems.


I am very allergic to a type of antibiotic but I haven't been expose to it in 5 years.


I do get post nasal drip and have figured out that most of that is caused from dairy. We've cut most dairy out of our diet but aren't strict about it. I still use butter, still eat whatever I want when dining with other people, and occasionally make things with dairy as a treat.


I've been told here that my occasional weird morning nausea/extreme hunger might be a sign of GERD, but I haven't confirmed that. I do occasionally get heartburn if I eat a ton of sugar.


Tonight's weird yep-I-have-a-throat sensation followed the consumption of homemade cookie dough and cookies. We had fish sticks, fried potatoes, and homemade tartar sauce for dinner. (Yeah, I know my diet was horrid today.) But there are no other symptoms.


Any ideas?

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I do have a minor enlarged thyroid. Saw an endocrinologist for it but he found nothing wrong.


This feels more towards the top of the throat and isn't all the time. The last time I had an issue was after swallowing an antibiotic that didn't feel like it went down. I was driving (took the pill on my way out the door) so I couldn't do anything about it until I got to my destination 15 minutes later and asked for a bite of something to push it down. That was a week and a half ago.

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If it's not your thyroid, could it be this: http://www.anxietyguru.net/whats-causes-the-lump-in-your-throat/


This is exactly the way I felt when I was having these issues. I did learn how to control the breathing on my own. I do agree that when it would happen, I would almost start to make myself hyperventilate. Once I learned to control it, I haven't had any more episodes.

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I guess it could be any of those. I am under a lot of stress but I don't think I feel anxious. How would I know?


I just recently discovered that I can get rid of the congestion and post nasal drip. I've been congested/drippy all my life.


I've been having a lot of overnight nausea, but I thought it was being caused by a new bcp.


I've been very stressed for a couple of months right now. I don't think I feel particularly anxious, at least not how I think of anxious.

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