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NASA Crushes 2012 Mayan Apocalypse Claims

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I am SO printing this article out and giving to my uncle who is totally convinced that the world is ending 12/21 :lol:. In fact we had an argument about it last week because I told how ridiculous he was. I am not one to hold my tongue and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen :). He's still mad at me because I told him that no one knows when the end of time will be except for God and when it's your time to go its your time to go end of the world or not.

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I didn't read the whole article, but just wanted to say that the Mayans didn't have leap years. So according to the Mayan calendar, the world would have ended seven months ago. I think we're safe!


And you don't think they would have taken that into account when calculating the Dec. 21 date?

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There have been about 514 Leap Years since Caesar created it in 45BC. Without the extra day every 4 years, today would be July 28, 2013. Also, the Mayan calendar did not account for leap year…so technically the world should have ended 7 months ago


"The above quote, while true in a strict technical sense (indeed Mayans did not have leap years as we understand them), demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Mayans kept track of time."


Read more here.

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But the earth doesn't have its own axes.


It does.



Addressing the claim that Earth's axes are going to shift on Dec. 21, 2012, he said: "The rotation axis can't shift because the orbit of the moon around the Earth stabilizes it and doesn't allow it to shift." He noted that the magnetic field does shift every half-million years or so, but "there's no evidence it's going to happen in December, and even if it were to be shifting, it takes thousands of years to do so. And even if it did shift, it's not going to cause a problem on the Earth apart from the fact that we're going to have to recalibrate our compasses."


It has a rotational axis but it cannot shift because of the moon (yay moon!)

Edited by Sis
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Oh...I misunderstood what you meant.


It also has a magnetic axis but it does shift.

Yes, that is what I was talking about. The article refers specifically to the shift of the magnetic axis. (Which yes, I know it does shift on occasion.) As far as I know there is only one magnetic axis.

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I know the world will not end on 12/21, but I do believe that we are "scheduled" to have a magnetic reversal at some point in the not too distant future. That may mean within the next few hundred years though. :) As far as the axis shifting, major earthquakes can cause it to shift a bit - I believe it did with the one in Japan a year ago.

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I don't think very many people *actually* believe this. NASA might as well spend its time disproving fairies or unicorns.


The ones who do believe this stuff aren't likely to be swayed by this debunking anyway, as they already suspect there's a great NASA conspiracy to keep it all from the public.

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Yes, that is what I was talking about. The article refers specifically to the shift of the magnetic axis. (Which yes, I know it does shift on occasion.) As far as I know there is only one magnetic axis.


If you look at the quote from Sis, they are talking about both the rotational and the magnetic axes. They are separate from each other.


The ones who do believe this stuff aren't likely to be swayed by this debunking anyway, as they already suspect there's a great NASA conspiracy to keep it all from the public.


True facts.

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If you look at the quote from Sis, they are talking about both the rotational and the magnetic axes. They are separate from each other.




True facts.

:smash: (for myself.) I'm such an idiot sometimes. I focused on magnetic and totally spaced on rotational. Can I blame DST?

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For the next two weeks, I'm blaming everything on DST. :D So, yes. Yes, you may.


Only 2 weeks? I'm blaming everything on DST for the next 7 1/2 months!



Now, let this thread die and ever be resurrected so I can hide my shame and embarrassment. :D

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