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What would be comparable to Oak Meadow that is Christian?


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No, I haven't looked at that. Really the only thing I was interested in OM for was the American history. I like the general broad sweep. It just dawned on me I want them to get the "feel" of the history, not just the dates, people, and place facts. That seems to be what OM does from what I can see. You get the "feel" of the period. But, I would like a Christian flavor.




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Let see if this exists:


Narrative overview of American History (1 or 2 years doesn't matter)Christian aspect if possible

Focuses more on the "feel" of the periods than memorizing dates, places, etc.

Incorporates writing projects, notebooking or lapbooking

Hands-on projects sprinkled thru-out

Tie-ins of books to read for literature with book study guides to use alongside


Reasons I haven't picked these:

TOG- too expensive right now (would love to get in the future) Also want to focus on just American right now


WP- again too much $$


I guess I'm looking for something like these that doesn't cost so much or one you can do less expesively. Possible?

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Well how old are your dc? Abeka has a couple textbooks that really aren't too bad, as textbooks go. The gr3 book would work as a survey for youngers and the gr 4 would work for olders. I'm coordinating it with the spine Story of the USA (Escher) used in SL3 and 4 for my dd for fall. I've been going through these books extensively the last few days, and the abeka4 really is not objectionable IF you flesh it out with more literature, hands-on, etc. It includes christian topics that I haven't seen included in any other spine (missionaries, the Great Awakening, George Washington using the Bible for his oath when inaugurated, etc.). You might find those things here or there, but to get them all in one place, all sequentially done, abeka4 is great, just makes it easy.


Your other option would be Child's Story of America from CLP. You can see samples on RR to see what you think. Or BF would give you a bit different spin, more applying their "principles" on character, government, etc. to the history and using the history to reinforce them. So it partly depends on what you're looking for. I wanted something with a patriotic, america-loving flare that would include christian heritage topics. Abeka4 does that. It's not thrilling, but you can flesh it out with books and make it quite enjoyable, honest. If you search around here, a lot of people have done that, either expanding abeka4 themselves or using it on top of SL3 as an additional spine.

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Thank you all for your great suggestions! Chris, I would just hug you if I could! I have had the losbonos site bookmarked on my computer for over a year and go to it to grab an idea or two. But, I have never sat down until tonight and actually looked through the whole thing. It is as close to what I want as I have found and its FREE!


I'm going to start with that as my base and just try to tie in a few more things, like the notebooking idea from WP, vocab like TOG, writing with Writing Trails, etc. My boys hate to write so I am thinking of reading short snippets from the Light and the Glory, Sounding Forth the Trumpet, etc. and have them try to outline and write from that as well.


I didn't realize whoever wrote that curriculum frequented this board! I hope whoever you are that you see this and know that you have saved our schoolyear! What a great find and how generous to put it out there for FREE!!!! Having to watch my spending on books now, I can just order what I have to buy as we need it, instead of plopping down a huge amount at once.


Thank you all again so much for all your great suggestions. I'm sure I'll take a little from each one! Y'all are awesome!




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