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Boys and toilets

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Just curious...


Do all little boys have bad aim or is it just mine?


I have 6 kids - 3 girls (older so they've been potty trained for a long time so no worries with them) and 3 boys ages 6, 3.5, and 2.5 (recently potty trained). Their aim is terrible! I have to clean the bathroom floor at the very least, once a day. It's not just one of the boys, but all 3 of them missing!

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Mine are awful... is it bashing to suggest they might get their "anti-talent" from daddy? :blushing:


About a month ago, I got fed up. I showed my 6-year-old DS how to use the vinegar spray bottle and a washcloth. His job every night before bed is to spray and wipe the floor around the toilet. He has been more careful about his aim, the bathroom doesn't smell, and it's made my job of cleaning the bathroom much less disgusting and sticky! :ack2:


Now, to convince DH to do the same in the master bathroom... :glare:

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Well, it must be a boy thing. My 4 year old has an amazing ability to change the wall color on an almost-daily basis. I think it's time he scrubbed it for me. Thanks for the tips. My 6 year old is fine but he refuses to stand, only sit, when using the toilet.


And then there was the day my 4 year old discovered he could make patterns on the neighbor's brick fence when he tee-tee'd......that is in the front yard next to the street.....:eek::ohmy:

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I've decided that they must suffer from some form of peeing ADD. Every little thing is a distracting when peeing. I didn't understand when we started seeing our ped when DS was little why the bathroom had plexi-glass walls around the toilet. Now I get it and see the genius in it.


Oh, I so need those! :lol:

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In one of our bathrooms the toilet is right next to the shower curtain. After washing the shower curtain over and over again, I finally banned my youngest son from this bathroom. That is all I am going to say about his aim. :glare:

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I want someone to invent a bathroom that is much like a dishwasher. You close up the windows and doors, push a button, and *SWISH* all the water sprays around the bathroom and drains into a hole in the middle of the floor. When you open up the door, VOILA! A shiny, clean bathroom.


Why, oh why, won't someone invent that for me???


I think that was an episode on the Tim Allen Home Improvement show. If I remember correctly, it had cycles like on a dishwasher from quick clean to deep clean. It self dried too.

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I make mine sit. ;) Everything is so much cleaner. :D


:iagree: Mine sits. A toilet is not a urinal. I finally got DH trained as well, but it took an ankle injury that kept him from standing for almost a year. Now he's in the habit of sitting and my toilets stay cleaner.

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You know, there's been mention of boys and bad aim on here before, but honestly, I don't have this problem in my house. I cleaned one bathroom yesterday, the other one today. Both had no 'missed the toilet' messes.


I shall count myself lucky in this regard. :D

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I want someone to invent a bathroom that is much like a dishwasher. You close up the windows and doors, push a button, and *SWISH* all the water sprays around the bathroom and drains into a hole in the middle of the floor. When you open up the door, VOILA! A shiny, clean bathroom.


Why, oh why, won't someone invent that for me???




Of course, I had a girl who, while sitting, always had urine go between the seat and the bowl. Every. time. I finally convinced her to lean way forward. Ds and dh? impossible.

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I have a 6 year old boy. I know he can aim well, if he is not in a hurry, that's. I am tired of cleaning the seat and floor so I threatened him with an outdoor bathroom....haha. I told him he couldn't use the bathroom anymore if he cannot lift up the seat and clean his mess. I know he is old enough to do those two things...gerrr. Lately, he seems to remember to lift the toilet seat and also wipe his mess on the seat. I am keeping my finger-crossed that this will last :0)



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All I did was see the title of this thread and I started chuckling.....yeah...I want to ban my boys and dh to just 1 toilet in the house.

Is it too much to ask to be able to go to the bathroom by MYSELF....AND to not have to WIPE the toilet before I sit!!??:lol:

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You know, there's been mention of boys and bad aim on here before, but honestly, I don't have this problem in my house. I cleaned one bathroom yesterday, the other one today. Both had no 'missed the toilet' messes.


I shall count myself lucky in this regard. :D


Yes, consider yourself lucky!

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My boys had such bad aim that I banned them from standing at any toilet that a female might have to sit on. They can stand in men's bathrooms, that's it. DH thinks I am traumatizing them, but I don't care. DD deserves to be able to go to the bathroom without having to worry about pee on the seat.

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My ds usually has good aim. :) He tends to sit most of the time, I think because he has two older sisters that do that. Once in a while, I will find some spots on the seat, but that's about it. I guess I'm blessed.


I did have a friend once, that her boys had such bad aim, that she ended up cutting the carpet, yes carpet, around the toilet off. :001_huh: It was pretty bad!

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