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Please help me!!! My 2 and 5yo's fight about everything!!!

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I don't know how to stop it! They are constantly fighting about everything! They hit, kick, bite and pinch each other! Someone is always crying or whining about something! I put them in time out all the time it doesn't seem very effective however. The 5yo knows better but just cannot seem to control himself! The 2yo is entering the terrible 2's and some of it I know is his age. They can play together sometimes very nicely so I know it can be done!

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Are they getting enough exercise? Have you looked at their diets? Sugar, additives, preservatives? Are they getting enough sleep? All those things make a massive difference in my little lot.


How tired are YOU, and do you need a break? Little kids bicker and they always will. That's just life. I find that if I'm happy and well rested I notice it a lot less, let them get on with it a bit more and things blow over pretty quickly. When I'm tired every little thing gets on my nerves!


Hope you find a solution soon



ETA: Just noticed you mentioned hitting, biting, pinching. In our house this is absolutely not tolerated. Physically hurting a sibling results in standing to face the wall until they are calm, apologising properly and then doing something nice for the person they hurt. If it happens again soon after then off they go for a nap!

Edited by EmmaNZ
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Are they getting enough exercise? Have you looked at their diets? Sugar, additives, preservatives? Are they getting enough sleep? All those things make a massive difference in my little lot.


How tired are YOU, and do you need a break? Little kids bicker and they always will. That's just life. I find that if I'm happy and well rested I notice it a lot less, let them get on with it a bit more and things blow over pretty quickly. When I'm tired every little thing gets on my nerves!


Hope you find a solution soon



I have eliminated red#40 and most caffeine. Sugar and other additives I haven't tackled yet. The elimination of red #40 improved my 5yo's behavior by leaps and bounds, I can tell in a minute if he's had something he's not supposed to have! Sleeping is not an issue they are early to bed, early to rise kids. I do try to get them outside daily for at least an hour or two. My 5yo is about to start tball so I'm sure that will help some.


Me? I'm 32 weeks pregnant so I'm always tired! My mom lives next door and takes them for a couple of hours a few times a week,so that is nice. However, sometimes they get a little too much sugar or caffeine at grandmas so I have to keep an eye on that! I'm hoping that as we move into warm weather I can wear them out really good outside!

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I don't know how to stop it! They are constantly fighting about everything! They hit, kick, bite and pinch each other! Someone is always crying or whining about something! I put them in time out all the time it doesn't seem very effective however. The 5yo knows better but just cannot seem to control himself! The 2yo is entering the terrible 2's and some of it I know is his age. They can play together sometimes very nicely so I know it can be done!


The only things I think have helped us here are to encourage the older ones to be the younger one's helper, and to remind them constantly that the little one is LITTLE and we have to be extra patient and kind with them. Other than that, is there any way you can separate them and/or switch off keeping one of them right with you for long periods of time?



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What happens if you stay out of it?


In certain moods, my ds reacts better if he has to deal with issues independently. However, he can be very aggressive, so I have to be careful and not step in too late.


In our house, "It always takes two to fight. It always takes two to apologize and work things out."


I sit the scrappers down face-to-face. I coach them through talking to teach other about what it is that caused the brooohaha. Each person gets a turn to talk, each person usually has to apologize to the other. I think this works because the offended usually sees how they were offending and vice versa.


It works too because they hate taking the time to work this with me. In a little while instead of running to you to referee their arguments you'll hear them say, "Shhhhhh, I'm sorry. Don't tell Mom. I know that I hurt you. Sorry." They start working things out for themselves. That's my goal. :001_smile:

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