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"I'm five-and-three-quarters."

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Thursdays are out days for us. I usually treat my kids to a McDs playplace after lunch. Today, Abby was playing with a little girl who told her she's six. She asked Abby's age. Abby said, "I'm five-and-three-quarters."


The little girl replied, "So is that like five-and-a-half?"


Abby said, "Well, kind of because I'm older than five and younger than six. But three-quarters of 100 is 75, where half of 100 is 50. There are 12 months in a year, and 9 months have passed since my birthday."


And the little girl was all, ":001_huh: Uhhh... Do you want to play more My Little Ponies?"



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I remember being incredibly frustrated with a 1st grade classmate who couldn't understand how I could be older than him with a November birthday--"But January comes before November!" he kept insisting. We ended up with 6 more kids in the discussion, and I couldn't convince any of them! I finally gave up.

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