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Deciding on History is frustrating me greatly


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As you can see by my siggy, I have 4 children. Next year they will be PreK, 2nd, 3rd and 5th. DS attends our church preschool, so he won't participate in our school day activities very much until the following year.


I thought I was all set for TOG, but I'm afraid that I'm chickening out for several reasons (cost...though it's not really a factor, planning, and I fear navigating DE on a Mac)


I have thought about just going with SOTW b/c it would be so simple, but then I need to plan literature and put stuff together for that.


THEN I thought about doing MFW, b/c it looks like it would be more open and go than TOG, but is it enough? I'm not sure?


It doesn't help that I'm just terribly indecisive. I almost clicked the buy button on TOG last week. I know once I make the commitment to a program I'll feel better, but getting there is frustrating me!


Any advice!!!

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I'm feeling the same way. I am doing ancients next year for 3rd and 4th and cannot decide! I have a first version of MOH, a SOTW set (audio, AG, book), the three week TOG sample of ancients, the three week sample of Winterpromise QAW, and the three week sample of biblioplan ancients. I am pretty sure I won't do winterpromise since they seem to have bad customer service and it looks like way too much. Oh and I have TWTM which I love too....

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We're going to be in the Modern Time period next year. If MOH would just hurry up and release their final volume, I would be set. We used it for the Renaissance time period and LOVED it.


MFW sounds so appealing since it uses SOTW as a spine and I can get the audio CD. I have Lupus and some other autoimmune issues and my TMJ flares something horrible when I read aloud (or talk) too much. TOG just seems so thorough, almost to a fault.

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Why is it so hard to choose a history program? I have been going back and forth myself. Both the history programs I picked out this year bombed for my kids. I want them to be excited about history. I want it to be engaging and captivating. I want a National Treasure type movie in a history curriculum. I am trying to decide between MOH and Biblioplan for my 5th grader for this year:001_huh: I ended up ditching my 4th graders California History book and enrolled her in a History class because I couldn't find anything that I liked.

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