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National Youth Leadership Conference in DC

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I went to this conference in 1990. I loved it and I learned so much about our government that I hadn't learned in my mediocre high school. There were planned activities everyday, all day. Lots of mock congress, we "wrote and lobbied" for a bill, we met with our representatives, etc. We also did some sight seeing. From a kids perspective, it was fantastic!


As a parent, my only concern would be supervision. I was a very innocent, naive 16 year old so I am not sure if any boy-girl things went on. But I do remember walking into a boy's room in the boy's dorm with no problem. Looking back, we had plenty of time to do something had we wanted. KWIM?



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I went in the early '90's to the National Youth Leadership Conference (Forum) on Medicine in Boston. It was one of my best memories of HS but :iagree: that supervision is nothing like my children experience as homeschoolers in my care. As a HS student in PS, I was all ready accustomed to a very unsupervised atmosphere in and around home. My parents were always working, I was always alone or with friends. To me, the time away was perhaps more supervised. :glare: I would say that the experience was very similar to my college experience (new friends, dorm life, big city, flying alone, etc.) but I might wait for my kids to experience that...in college. ;)


The 2 weeks consisted of mock trials, talk of up-in-coming HMO's (gasp) and how that would change medical care, a visit to the Harvard campus, a visit to Salem, the Cape, the ocean, an aquarium, a dance on a large boat, a visit to Joslen's Diabetes Clinic (some went to hospitals), a speech from an AIDS patient (revolutionary at that time). It was an absolutely fantastic experience and I remember every bit of it. If I have a verymature child who can stand the pressures of the world at 16, it would be something I would strongly consider.

Edited by Dassah
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