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Grammar and Writing help! Abeka vs Bob Jones vs Hake for 6th grade! ...


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I can't look at Hake of Bob Jones except for the excerpts online. I'm also not sure of the difference between Abeka and Bob Jones. I have always thought they were similar. Can anyone shed light on this? We haven't had much in the way for formal grammar and I think we need a year of it. Thanks!:bigear:

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I can't look at Hake of Bob Jones except for the excerpts online. I'm also not sure of the difference between Abeka and Bob Jones. I have always thought they were similar. Can anyone shed light on this? We haven't had much in the way for formal grammar and I think we need a year of it. Thanks!:bigear:


I don't think Hake Writing and Grammar is as comprehensive as BJUP or ABeka. However, it does look quite good; I would be seriously tempted to choose it over either BJUP or ABeka, especially if y'all haven't done much formal grammar.


Between ABeka and BJUP, I'd choose BJUP. BJUP has more writing, and although it is as comprehensive as ABeka, it doesn't have the overkill factor that ABeka does. I don't care for the way BJUP labels parts of speech, but I could live with it.

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Are those 2 my best choices? Or am I missing something else I should consider? Thanks!


There is no "best." :-) If one of those looks good to you, that's what you should use. Most of the products that are commonly used will do the job as well as anything else, really. It all boils down to personal preferences.


I tend to go prefer things like Easy Grammar and Writing Strands rather than textbooks. If Hake Grammar and Writing had been published when I was hsing, I think it would have been a strong contender.


However, I know that many people prefer textbooks, and I've used enough of them to be able to talk about them; my first choice for textbooks would most likely be Rod and Staff, with BJUP the runner up.


So, there isn't a "best." It's just different stuff:D

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Have you looked at GWG? Grade 6 is out now.


BJU is an excellent program. We used it for several years. I stopped using it for a couple reasons. One was price, but more on that in a minute. The other was the writing style.


The writing lessons were not a good fit for my dd. She really began to hate writing and she wasnt developing a good foundation. I do not think it is the fault of the program. BJU is a good program, just the writing lessons were not a good fit for us. The grammar was really, really excellent and dd was doing very well with it however.


But, back to price. Considering that I was not using any of the writing portions of the program, BJU was more expensive than what I wanted.


Now, dd responds very, very well to CW. So, that will give you an idea of bju writing style. IT is almost polar opposite from CW.


When I was looking for a grammar program for dd, I really wanted GWG but it was not out for her grade level. My youngest has done extremely well with GWG by the way.


We used Winston Grammar 1 for 6th grade followed by Harvey's. Harvey's is a part of her writing program by the way.


My neighbor really likes CLP and it looks like a solid program too.


HTH some!

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