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If I wanted to get my ds tested...


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for learning disabilities or SOMETHING where would I start? I just have this gut feeling that my 2nd ds has something inhibiting his learning but I have no idea what...where do you start? Who does that sort of testing? How expensive is it?


To be more specific - he struggles to read (hates it and reads below grade level), hates to write, has atrocious spelling, struggles to explain things verbally, gets lost in auditory learning situtations, hates school, is great at math & science, has an inferiority complex when it comes to his older brother (who struggles with nothing school related), can memorize every pokemon out there and knows all the ins and out of Batman so his brain works when HE wants it to...


DEEP SIGH...I need direction...:bigear:

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Ip'd start with the pediatrician DC sees regularly. Explain your concern, and then ask where you go for testing.

Check if you need a referral. I needed one to get the appointment, even though it wasn't required by my insurance. It was the policy of the place we went for testing. Here, the testing is done by a neuropsychologist, a developmentalist, and a masters in something who administered the interactive tests.

It took us a year to get an appointment, and the testing was conducted in three sessions over 6 weeks. Thats abnormal, to my understanding - most places are faster to get in & the testing is completed faster.

It cost us about $2000, but we have crap insurance.

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