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Today was not fun :(

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We had an appointment with the infertility clinic...so I also added my female yearly to that since they want that current. Well basically the only way to get me pregnant, assuming I can get pregnant, is to use donor materials :(...then they wanted to make me a pincushion and take blood to check for thyroid and other stuff...Took 3 different stabs on 2 arms in 3 different spots to get any blood out...then they had to fill 3 vials.


Then off the wonderful womanly exam where she told me my uterus was enlarged and sent me off to get an ultrasound...but not the tummy kind. Of course now I am finally home 4 hours later and get to wait to see if there is something wrong or if everything is "normal". I hate going to the doctor :(


ETA: Posted and thanks to Murphy's law of forum posting...the doctor called me back and the ultrasound came back normal so now I just need to pray that the thyroid comes back normal too.

Edited by Murmer
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Actually low thyroid could be a blessing if you are experiencing infertility because getting the thyroid back into range can bring fertility back up. You just have to make sure the dr reading your TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 levels actually knows what he/she is looking for and doesn't say "normal" when it really isn't.

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