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I'm just curious what you more experienced mamas would use for a wiggly, can't sit still very long little boy:D I haven't used PR, but am wondering if it would be better for him than FLL/WWE/AAS that I'm now using for his sister. Or, maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to buy it :lol: If you have a preference of one over the other, I would love to know!!

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I am using PR 1 with a pretty wiggly dd age 6. It starts out pretty gently...learning phonograms and then spelling five words a day. At week 13 and 14, you add more phonograms, start reading and illustrating a page a day, and begin writing a few sentences a week. I break up each of those activities throughout our school time. I have been looking at AAS for my younger DD...wanna trade PR 1 for AAS level one for a year? ;)

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I had / have a wiggly boy as well, and we used AAS, WWE, and FLL. I did drop FLL pretty quick because the "repeat after me" was killing him and his attention span wasn't there. GWG of all things works well for him, because even though it is seat work, he gets the short intro, and is able to grasp the concepts and get er done.


I don't know anything about PR, but I can't imagine trading AAS for anything else. It is by far our favorite learning tool. I credit AAS with getting my son off his reading plateau, teaching him to really spell, we combine sentences to create longer dictation work, and I require his best handwriting so I use it for handwriting practice. Many birds with one stone.

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WWE, FLL, AAS worked for my wiggly boy. The "repeat after me" part was his favorite part (unlike a pp) because while he repeated I let him jump on the trampoline in our basement. He drilled a lot of grammar that way.


I have used PR with my DD6. I will say that it is a very good program. Very type-A. More than I have patience for. I could not bear having to watch a video every time to know exactly what to teach. I had to take a vacation from Barbara, in spite of the fact that she is very thorough. She reminds me of Mary Poppins. :lol:


We have gone back to FLL, WWE and OPGTR with my dd6 and still use the PR readers, which she loves because she gets to illustrate them. That would have never flown with my DS. Never. He hated having to draw and illustrate things. She adores it, and works very hard on the pictures after she has read the story. I suppose it depends on your child.

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WWE, FLL, AAS worked for my wiggly boy. The "repeat after me" part was his favorite part (unlike a pp) because while he repeated I let him jump on the trampoline in our basement. He drilled a lot of grammar that way.


A trampoline!! I LOVE this idea... .Now I'm off to find a small one that we can utilize in the same way. :D

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I made the switch to PR about a hear and a half ago. The biggest difference isn't so much the wiggle factor, it's the auditory learning factor. Ds was not getting ANYTHING out of FLL. After a year and a half, it was still just in one ear and out the other. The thing that PR does (starting at level 2) is parsing sentences and continually reviewing what was already learned. That made a huge difference for ds. Also, we had been doing Spelling Workout, which was pretty much useless for him. His spelling is MUCH improved with PR.

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