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Medical Mystery: Diagnose this child

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And here is the recent list of things they've ruled out :


Tyson's DX that has been ruled out....Kawasaki Disease; Flu; RSV; Mono;Merca; Fifths; Strep; UTI; No brain swelling. Rectal Swab was negative; Chest X Ray Clear ; Measles, Mumps and Stevens Johnson Syndrome all ruled out. Roseola ruled out...All blood work shows " a perfect picture of health" No bacteria in the urine. Scarlet fever ruled out. ...he still has the high fever, rash that is worsening, increased heart rate; CT scan showed Sinus infection; swollen lymp nodes; lethargic, but so restless he cannot sleep. poor appetite, diarrhea.


He's been having seizures.


I think they need to demand to be transferred to a children's hospital or one with a big infectious disease clinic.

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Is he still at the original hospital? Your previous posts had made me a bit leary of trusting what they rule out. If they are at a bigger hospital with more experienced doctors, then my opinion would be different.


Yes, if the hospital he is in can't figure it out, he needs to be moved, IMO. My niece spent a week in a hospital that didn't know what was wrong with her. Thankfully, there was a nurse that continued to urge my sister to have her moved. Once she was in the new hospital, she was diagnosed within a day with a life-threatening condition and had surgery right away.



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As of this morning, the rash is clearing and the baby is feeling better. No dfinitive diagnosis yet. I have passed on all of your theories to the family. They are grateful for the research help and the prayers. The grandma is making a list of all the states that began prayer chains for Tyson :-). Knowing her, she'll probably plot it on a map and frame it for his room. Spirits are up because this is the first improvement they've seen.


If you want to list your state/country, I'll pass it on. I'm not sure what displays on the screen /siggy is necessarily accurate.

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As of this morning, the rash is clearing and the baby is feeling better. No dfinitive diagnosis yet. I have passed on all of your theories to the family. They are grateful for the research help and the prayers. The grandma is making a list of all the states that began prayer chains for Tyson :-). Knowing her, she'll probably plot it on a map and frame it for his room. Spirits are up because this is the first improvement they've seen.


If you want to list your state/country, I'll pass it on. I'm not sure what displays on the screen /siggy is necessarily accurate.


Thank God! That poor baby. Praying he continues to get better and I'm sure they'd still like a diagnosis.


Praying for him in the Thumb of Michigan.

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As of this morning, the rash is clearing and the baby is feeling better. No dfinitive diagnosis yet. I have passed on all of your theories to the family. They are grateful for the research help and the prayers. The grandma is making a list of all the states that began prayer chains for Tyson :-). Knowing her, she'll probably plot it on a map and frame it for his room. Spirits are up because this is the first improvement they've seen.


If you want to list your state/country, I'll pass it on. I'm not sure what displays on the screen /siggy is necessarily accurate.


So glad he's beginning to feel better, whatever it is!


My location is correct -- tropical part of Brazil -- if his grandma wants to add that to his map. Will keep praying; so hard to see a kid go through stuff like this.

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Could it be a reaction to a vaccine? or maybe an allergy to something. Just because a child has been vaccinated does not mean he has NO chance of getting what he was vaccinated for. There not 100%.


Just a thought. Maybe check out NAET.com This is new to me as well. It is just something else to look into If traditional medicine is not working for him. My son has allergies and a friend told me about this and how it got rid of her kids allergies. I took my boy to that doctor today. I have to wait 24 hours. Just sayin it could be something that allergy doc's don't think about. I have spent the last 3 hours watching video's on youtube about NAET.


I just feel really bad for this little guy. If I was his mommy I would be trying anything. Keep us posted about him.


Pray! Pray God shows you the truth of what is going on.

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Here is the progression of updates on Tyson so far. I haven't spoken to his grandmother for a few days, because they are all finally able to rest and I don't want to disturb them. It looks like they never figured out the source of his original fever, but this kid ended up being allergic to several antibiotics. Anyway, he's home and resting now and the family appreciates all of those special prayers. Thank you all :)


First there was this:


Just got home from seeing Tyson...He was doing sooo much better and they were considering discharging him...we all felt uncomfortable with this since we still dont have a DX..so when the MD came in, I asked if they would keep him one more night, without the IV fluids and change his IV antibiotic to the one he will be d/c with orally...The MD had no problem with this ...They gave him his first dose of Augmentin and within an hour the rash started back....by the time I left, 3 hours later...he was covered in the red welps again...soooooooooo frustrating.....please continue to pray.....the prayers are working as he looks sooo much better and is playing and very perky :)


Then there was this:


They have tried Tyson on 3 different antibiotics and he is allergic to all of them....other than that and no sleep he is doing better. Fever is staying down...thank you Lord !


And finally they are back home.

It is just a little after 3 am and I peeped in on Tyson all snuggled in his cozy bed....he is cool as a cucumber, rash seems better

( from what I could tell).....thank you Jesus for allowing him (and us) a peaceful, restful sleep.

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