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Really need Dr. Hive (eye situation, kinda oogy)

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8:30pm - Everything completely normal. Family just hanging out in the living room before bed.


8:45ish - I rub my eye. All of a sudden, it feels very scratchy, and *something* is definitely in there. I go to find some eye wash.


Can't find eye wash. Take a look in the mirror. See a loose eyelash, get it out. Still scratchy. See a black speck. Try to get it out with water. Seems like it's attached to a string/hair/fiber. It's not coming out and eye is hurting more. Suddenly, it's in my head that maybe I ripped some sort of membrane. We have not studied the details of the eye yet!


9:00- My eye looks hideous. Swollen like crazy. I tell dh to help me gather up the kids and go to the ER, even though I hate my ER. I'd drive myself, but only have one eye.


Get to the ER at 10. Triage nurse says it looks like I probably tore something, and that the DR will do a litmus paper test to check. I tell her that sounds like an awesome, sciency thing to turn into a lesson.


Dr. sees me somewhere around 10:45. Picks another eyelash out from under my lid. Doesn't do the litmus test. Says it looks like an allergy reaction with irritation. I ask him what he means by allergy; I'm allergic to Spring, and we don't have Spring right now. He says it could be anything.


11:00- someone else comes in with prescription papers and tells me the dr. has diagnosed me with pink eye. I ask a million questions because that SO does not sound right to me. I do have a lot of experience with pink eye! This does not line up with my experience at all. The whites of my eye aren't pink or red. No oozing. And I was fine barely more than 2 hours ago.

Also, the scripts say to put drops in my left eye. It's my right eye that hurts. The guy in the bed across from me gives me a thumbs up and says "Pink eye!" and points to, get this, HIS left eye. Coincidence???


Now I have two scripts for pink eye, and I'm terrified to use them.


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Use the drops, I'm assuming they are an antibiotic drop? If so I would go ahead and use them because if you hurt your eye somehow they would basically give you the same thing. If its not feeling better tomorrow maybe go see an opthamologist and take the drops with you.

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Wow, first of all, :grouphug:. I would have freaked out.


I would not use the pink eye prescriptions because I wouldn't believe that I had pink eye. The ER doc didn't do the testing that lined up with your initial thought and the nurse's during intake. It really sounds like he was in a hurry and later someone said, "Hey, what about that eye in there?" and he said, "Oh, right, pink eye. Drops for the affected side. I thought you already took care of that. Go get the script now." Miscommunication.


I would go to my usual doc or my ophthalmologist, where there's only one diagnosis to be made in the room.

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