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I'm bad..interested in house solely because of awesome school room....

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Nice!!! I really like that second one. So, when do you move in? And, when can we come visit!? That pool looks really nice too! :001_smile:;)


Ha! You mean you like the yellow interior one? I do too-i think it's big enough to carve out a special area for HS-ing. Right now, we have no one area for our books and stuff, so things are placed in various areas..dh hates that! he understands that we'll "school" everywhere, but he'd like all the stuff to be in one area, kwim?

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In that last house - the one your DH likes - couldn't you turn that shed thing into a school room?? Looks like it has two floors (albeit small), one for studying and the top for storage. That house certainly has a lot more character!


Doesn't it have character? And 2 acres! Unf, it's above our price point, but who knows.


I think DH would take over the shed for his artwork :D...I think that's why he likes it. Well, the nature trails don't hurt either.

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Holy crap, that POOL! Wowza! And I think a school room is a perfectly legitimate reason to like a house. But maybe I'm biased. ;)


Hehe. Thanks for the validation. After all, DH is the one who doesn't like microscopes, globes, books, notebooking sheets and the laminating machine in the kitchen :lol:

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Wow, the first house looks really nice and SO cheap too (it has a pool!!!!).


When we bought our current house last year, I told hubby that we needed an extra room so I could have a sewing room. Now the room is split down the middle and one half is school and other half is sewing.


So in answer to your question, yes, you are perfectly reasonable to base a house on its schoolroom potential!!! :)

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I like the first and second ones. The last one I would be too worried about the wild life, waking up to find gators or snakes sunning themselves by the lake or the pool! Plus I would worry about brushfires being out west. (I also don't like the wood - termites, dust...)


The others look to be in great locations - but why so many for sale in area 2? Are they foreclosures at that price point? Any close access to parks for house #1? It's so close to ocean access!


Can you live with the datedness of house #1? I could if the location is good!

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I hate to say it, but other than the bonus room, there is NOTHING I like about that first house, especially compared to the others. It's just so... Dark? I don't know, doesnt appeal to me, at all. But it's not me who has to live there!:D


The a-frame had fantastic property, and I was much more impressed than I thought I would be, but would the rooms be too small for you? Would you continue having biology with breakfast?


It would be a difficult decision between the last two. I think it would come down to the size of my family and whether or not I wanted the kids to grow up exploring the woods or the lake. And where books would look best ;)

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Other than location our top need in a house is the ability to use a room as a school room only. We rent due to being military and moving so often and have landlords/property managers do a double take when we list that as our top requirement.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is important! We saw a house today--amazing, but no dedicated hs room. I love it, as does DH, but that's a big problem.

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I hate to say it, but other than the bonus room, there is NOTHING I like about that first house, especially compared to the others. It's just so... Dark? I don't know, doesnt appeal to me, at all. But it's not me who has to live there!:D


The a-frame had fantastic property, and I was much more impressed than I thought I would be, but would the rooms be too small for you? Would you continue having biology with breakfast?


It would be a difficult decision between the last two. I think it would come down to the size of my family and whether or not I wanted the kids to grow up exploring the woods or the lake. And where books would look best ;)


You know, I feel the pretty much same way. I don't love the first one..I DO love the schoolroom, the price (!!) and I think the pool looks pretty fantastic. And they don't show it, but there's 1/3 of an acre of pretty landscaping behind the house. But the white floor. Blech. I have a feeling DH will hate it. And it's on a moderately busy road, which I won't like. But the price! (did I mention that already?)


Re the A-frame--yes, small rooms. And no HS room. But 2 acres! In the country! And the neighbourhood is fantastic with trails and wildlife....and a pool to boot. It's got a lot of charm. I think we could get it down, but not as much as I would like, I don't think.


Now, the yellow house....it looks spacious, that's for sure. I don't love the tile, but I could find room for a school area for sure. And i love the pool overlooking the lake. Well, we'll be seeing them all tomorrow, and a couple more that I didn't post here. So I'll let you know :)

Edited by Halcyon
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All 3 are beautiful homes. I like the yellow-interior too.



Your dh's favorite has an outdoor pool and the skeeters will eat everyone alive. (There...that's a good argument for a HS room.:tongue_smilie:)


Ha! I'll tell him that. He gets eaten alive. I don't. :P

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Now, the yellow house....it looks spacious, that's for sure. I don't love the tile, but I could find room for a school area for sure. And i love the pool overlooking the lake. Well, we'll be seeing them all tomorrow, and a couple more that I didn't post here. So I'll let you know :)


I think of tile (or any kind of flooring for that matter) as being changeable. You might not be able to remodel the flooring right away but I wouldn't have it stand in the way of buying a house that I liked otherwise.

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Thanks a lot. This is the first winter EVER that I haven't looked for homes for sale in Florida (because we've actually had a pretty mild winter) and now that I've looked at these homes I want to move. :glare:


But in all seriousness, I don't see anything wrong with wanting a home because it has a great room for homeschooling. To me, that would be an important factor. I don't like my current home now because we don't have a "good room" to homeschool in. And just to make you feel better, when we were looking for houses, I insisted that we have 4 bedrooms - one for my DH and I, two for future kids, and one for the guinea pigs and rabbits I had at the time. :lol:

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Oh my goodness! I don't like hot weather, but I'm almost ready to move to Florida now. :) I think they're all nice houses, but I do think I like the one your dh likes best too. There is one room that has stone walls and a table. A dining room, maybe? Could that be a school room? Or I was thinking the top floor of the shed too. I don't think a school room is unreasonable for a hsing family, particularly is there are houses in your price range which have them.


Wow, any of those three would be nice. And the pools.......sigh.:001_smile:

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I think of tile (or any kind of flooring for that matter) as being changeable. You might not be able to remodel the flooring right away but I wouldn't have it stand in the way of buying a house that I liked otherwise.


You're right. It's not something we could afford now, but eventually I'd like hardwood laminate floors. And it looks like there's a "family room" off the kitchen which could serve as a HS room. Strangely, it says it needs "TLC" and is a short sale, so I am withholding judgement until I see it.

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Oh my goodness! I don't like hot weather, but I'm almost ready to move to Florida now. :) I think they're all nice houses, but I do think I like the one your dh likes best too. There is one room that has stone walls and a table. A dining room, maybe? Could that be a school room? Or I was thinking the top floor of the shed too. I don't think a school room is unreasonable for a hsing family, particularly is there are houses in your price range which have them.


Wow, any of those three would be nice. And the pools.......sigh.:001_smile:


Thanks Woolybear. We definitely connect with the last house listed (the one my DH likes). But the dining room is too small to be a HS room-it would really have to be a dining room. We could school there, but couldn't store stuff there, KWIM? The pools are nice, aren't they? :)

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I need to move to south Florida. That house is really nice! And that price!? Even better!!!


That's funny, because I thought it was a little on the expensive side. I think that I am very glad that I live in Houston as far a real estate goes. I watch shows like House Hunters and think, "How in the world do they afford those houses?" I think I would be in shock if I had to find a house to fit our family many other places.


Oh, but that room would DEFINITELY draw me in! I love it!

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That's funny, because I thought it was a little on the expensive side. I think that I am very glad that I live in Houston as far a real estate goes. I watch shows like House Hunters and think, "How in the world do they afford those houses?" I think I would be in shock if I had to find a house to fit our family many other places.


Oh, but that room would DEFINITELY draw me in! I love it!


Really? Wow. We're originally from Manhattan, though, so I guess anything seems cheaper than that. :tongue_smilie:

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Really? Wow. We're originally from Manhattan, though, so I guess anything seems cheaper than that. :tongue_smilie:


We bought a 4 year old house with 3700 sq ft and lots of upgrades for $220,00 and that's actually a little bit expensive, but we paid more because of the upgrades and the neighborhood.


I would imagine anything would seem cheap after Manhattan! :001_smile:


ETA: I went back and looked at your other two choices.....wow, it would be hard to decide! I love the land in the third one as well as some of the unique characteristics of the house, but I love the styling of the 2nd one you listed as well as the water view from the pool.

Edited by mandymom
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You edited.... walks away sad.


I often think my ds should marry another homeschooler, one who has used their dining room as a classroom. That way when they house hunt they can walk into a formal dining and say, look, hon, it already has a built-in classroom.


A pool and Florida sounds good about now though.

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You edited.... walks away sad.


I often think my ds should marry another homeschooler, one who has used their dining room as a classroom. That way when they house hunt they can walk into a formal dining and say, look, hon, it already has a built-in classroom.


A pool and Florida sounds good about now though.


Sorry!!! LOL. Just didn't want all my bizness out there forever. We're seeing them all tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll post again :D

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