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A while ago my daughter purchased her first used car from a dealer. They told us that a few things had to be fixed on it and that they would do the work before we picked it up.


When we went to pick it up the car had a rejection sticker on it. We were told it did not pass inspection because they had just replaced a certain sensor and it needed to be driven a bit more before the sensor cleared. They said to have it inspected at home (we live about 45 minutes away from them) and they would reimburse us for the cost. The check engine light was not on at that time.


While driving it home, the check engine light came on. We called them and they told us to bring it up and they would fix it. They had the car for about 3 weeks and were not able to get the &%*$#& check engine light to go off. They were being decent about trying all sorts of different things, but every time they replaced a different sensor the light would come back on. After 3 weeks we said we needed the car back because my daughter needed her car (that is why we bought it in the first place!!) They said they would order a part that they thought might fix the check engine light and drive it down to us and do the repairs.


And of course they haven't.


So, stupidity aside on our part, does anyone know of any recourse to this situation? Someone said a dealer gets 3 tries to fix it and if he can't we can take it wherever we want to get it fixed and charge them?

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Do you have a "Lemon Law" in your state? Some states have laws that specifically protect consumers from being sold a car that is a "lemon" (i.e. has serious issues right off the lot). Sounds like your DD's car would fit the bill.


These laws usually allow consumers to return the car to the dealer for a full refund within a certain period (if you want to keep the car and have them pay for the repairs, I'm not sure what the provisions would be for that).


Good luck!

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I don't know. I've always thought that buying used means buying 'As Is'. We always buy from Carmax and they have only a 3-day return with no questions asked, and I think they have a 30-day warranty where they'll fix problems. What is the policy of your dealer? At least it sounds like they are still trying to work with you.


I've had 2 Honda Odyssey vans with check engine light problems. Not even the Honda dealership service dept. could figure out why it kept coming on.


My check engine light on my Hyundai comes on if I don't put the gas cap back on securely. I have to turn it a few times. When I don't, the light comes on and I have to tighten the cap and the light goes off quickly.

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Here's a link to a website that allows you to look up lemon laws (and other laws concerning your rights as a consumer who has purchased a "lemon", whether new or used): http://www.lemonjustice.com/index.php Scroll down to the map to select your state.


I'm not positive, but I think lemon laws apply to new cars, but that might be in my state.


You're right - I guess that does vary from state to state. I moved from a state where lemon laws did cover used vehicles, but just saw that the state I l live in now does not. But it looks like there are several other laws that do provide recourse for used vehicles.


I learn something new as a result of this board every day. :)

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What state are you in? State laws may apply to the inspection issue. Call your state DMV or the consumer protection agency.


In MA, the car must pass inspection within 7 days of the sale or it can be returned for a full refund. Honestly, I would just demand my money back.

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We are in massachusetts.


I am just afraid that too much time has gone by?? We just kept going back and forth with them when we should have pulled the plug immediately.


My daughter just really loved the car and two other deals had already fallen through so we tried to make this one work. The dealership seemed like they were really trying but now I think they have just given up on us.



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We are in massachusetts.


I am just afraid that too much time has gone by?? We just kept going back and forth with them when we should have pulled the plug immediately.


My daughter just really loved the car and two other deals had already fallen through so we tried to make this one work. The dealership seemed like they were really trying but now I think they have just given up on us.




If you are in MA, return it. Any car that can't be fixed to meet inspection, which is the bare minimum to run, will not be reliable for her to use. She will be putting so much money trying to fix it.


If the car has not passed inspection at this point, you can return it or return the car to the dealer and tell them they have 3 days to fix it and if it isn't fixed, get your money back. If they have been trying to work with you, they will know the laws and they should refund your money when they can't fix the car.


ETA: http://www.mass.gov/ocabr/consumer/autos/lemon-laws/lemon-aid-law.html

Edited by LMA
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