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7 year-old boys (interests/toys/play)

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Hi there! :)


My son just turned 7 and suddenly everything is boring...We are a pretty G-rated family, but we are active and adventurous and I'd like to think we are fun parents...I'm not sure where this is coming from, but I'm not ready for him to all of a sudden want to be a teenager!


Could you please share with me what your 7 year-old son is into and how he spends his free/play time?


Thanks so much! :)


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My son just turned 7 in June:001_smile: He loves the outdoors and riding his bike. He really is into creating his own stories. Superman, Spiderman are his favorites right now. He also is into space stuff. I just got the Littles from the library and he likes those shows. Oh- creating his own science experiments.... We just got a dog so he walks and feeds him and plays with him. Anything to do with water and he is in his glory..... Chalking on the cement.....Having stories read to him....Hmm, I am sure there is more since he is a really active, but hopefully that helps!

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My boys are 8 (almost 9), 6, and 2.


My oldest enjoys LEGOs, K'nex, outside jobs and bike riding on his ramp, skateboarding on the street, anything involving toy guns or swords or the hose or water guns and playing any type of sport that is skill related. He also loves playing video games, but those are a special treat.


Around seven he stopped wanting to play cars, trucks, dump trucks, sand box, etc... He became far more interested in games/sports that require skill and practice. He does like to pretend that he is a spy and he will play Jedi's or army with his younger brother. But I think the days of playing cars and Thomas the tank engine may be over for good this time; whereas before, he would take months off and then enjoy those games again.

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Could you please share with me what your 7 year-old son is into and how he spends his free/play time?


My 7yo DS spends a lot of his time building things out of Legos. Sometimes he and his brothers dress up to play pretend -- space explorers encountering aliens, knights vs dragons, archaeologists in dangerous pyramids, etc. At other times, he simply rides his scooter and climbs on stuff. He makes race tracks out of wooden blocks and runs his matchbox cars all around them.

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Outdoors, he rides bikes, big wheels, skateboard, runs around pretending things with brother and friends, plays on playset, etc.


Indoors, he plays with Lego, Imaginext, computer programs (lego star wars and harry potter mainly), lots of pretend play with older brother, reads a lot, plays the piano a bit here and there.

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...once told me that "the best catalyst for creativity is complete boredom and the best cure for boredom is to take away everything but the outdoors, some rocks, and some sticks." Not as punishment of course, but just to force them to create their own excitement. Or not. No one ever died of boredom. ;) Might be worth a try.


On the other hand, my 7yo loved marble runs - especially when we gave him a box of "stuff" like pvc pipe, paper towel rolls, and a roll of tape; he liked drawing huge "life sized" houses and mazes with chalk on the driveway; anything having to do with water or building forts with big blankets and chairs/sticks.

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Outdoors, he rides bikes, big wheels, skateboard, runs around pretending things with brother and friends, plays on playset, etc.


Indoors, he plays with Lego, Imaginext, computer programs (lego star wars and harry potter mainly), lots of pretend play with older brother, reads a lot, plays the piano a bit here and there.


So very similar here for my 7yo ds (except for the piano, since we don't have one, lol).


A few more things: scooters, monster disc (huge frisbee), stomp rockets, cooking (he loves to cook & esp. to create his own design desserts), tv (mostly evening things on Discovery or Food channels like Man vs. Wild, Iron Chef, Dirty Jobs, etc...). He also likes some types of craft kits (building a robot) & doing general arts/crafts stuff (painting, drawing, using all sorts of odds & ends to create his own art). Also, playing w/ & hanging out w/ our cats.

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When my son turned 7 he fell in love with soccer - he is nine now and wants to be a professional soccer player. He does go to PS so first grade was a big year for him, he did not want to admit he had parents to his friends and we respected his space. No more hugs in public :(. For toys he wanted more video games and we did get the game cube. The only afterschooling he wanted to do was math so we played alot of math type games. Blokus and rush hour etc.. Now he is 9 and he allows me to hug in public as long as his friends are not around an he is becoming more well rounded in what he likes to do.

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My 8 year old son plays Yugioh, Legos, Imaginext, and Barbies. He also loves being on the computer (Webkinz, Neopets, and games on Shockwave Unlimited), Wii, and DS. He rides his scooter and swims, but doesn't like sports. His very favorite board game (now a family favorite - we're all into it) is Heroscape.

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My mother cured us of boredom by making us clean the bath. We only fell for that once! After that we would go and hide up a tree until we found something better to do, knowing she wouldn't find us and make us do housework!

Maybe something like the SCA would perk him up. No small boy can be bored when faced with big guys in armour, and if you get him a foam sword, he can be tough just like them. Wouldn't you like to see your hubby in armour? It's a good look. Bad smell, but a good look ;) Or you can get into armour yourself...


Rosie- who's dd1 is already carrying around arrows

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Playmobil all the way! They play with it every day -- they have played with it for the last 4 years.


They also like dress up clothes like armor, pirates, swords. The like playing outside on the fort with climbing wall my husband built.


They draw every day. My 8 year old listens to audio books every day.


Sometimes they act out movies (Narnia) or video games (Logical Journey of the Zoombinis). Don't ask me how or why they act out the Zoombinis -- they are very creative -- they even put on Zoombini plays.


My near 7 also likes all crafts -- painting, wooden models, etc.


Together they also play Risk, Stratego, chess, checkers, Guess Who, Monopolu Jr, and cool games from Gamewright and other such companies.

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My 7 y.o. is really into Legos, pretend play, Playmobil figures, swordfighting (soft swords only) with his brothers, science experiments. Outdoors, he likes to ride his bike, play in his tent, and build things.


This evening he was working on making a river in the back yard. The other day he came in looking for string--he was using branches from the Japanese maple to make bows and arrows. He's also been using the shovel a lot to dig trenches, and wants to build a teepee and a tent. He seems to be transitioning to active physical play and projects that require a little more thought, creativity, problem-solving.


He's enjoying The Dangerous Book for Boys. Lots of ideas for engaging creative "boy play."



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My oldest son also started changing the way he played at about 7. He really moved away from the playmobil, army men, and cowboys and got more focused on sports. He watched a World Series video and became instantly engrossed in baseball. We bought him a mitt, baseball, and bat and that became his favorite activity. Now he collects baseball cards and checks the MLB website for updates on his favorite players!


My other son who is 6, loves legos, erector sets, and anything to build. A hammer, nails, and a bunch of scrapwood might be all he needs!

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My mother cured us of boredom by making us clean the bath. We only fell for that once! After that we would go and hide up a tree until we found something better to do, knowing she wouldn't find us and make us do housework!


My mother did the same thing to me and I must confess that I did it to my dc. Once is all it takes! :001_smile:


My ds liked legos, marble runs, creating domino mazes, playing with a small wooden catapult, making museums and giving us tours, creating obstacle courses, climbing trees, playing games like Robin Hood with his sister, sculpting with clay, helping me bake, reading, going on nature walks, and anything involving water.


Just a thought - My ds expressed an interest in leaving childish things behind at this age like playing with trains, something he had always loved. Unfortuantely, we found that this was not because he had outgrown these things, but that his cousin had ridiculed him for playing with babyish toys. We made sure that he knew there was nothing wrong with playing with match box cars or trains. He returned to playing with these items but took it to a new level by creating elaborate amusement park rides with them. His idea was considered so cool that even his cousin got involved. I would make sure he was not receiving any negative peer pressure and I would also encourage him to look for new ways to play with old toys.

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My mother did the same thing to me and I must confess that I did it to my dc. Once is all it takes!


My oldest learned that lesson as well. As soon as the word bored came out of his mouth, there'd be a chore for him to do. A little while back my youngest said "I'm bored." My oldest said, "You don't want to say that" and laughed.


I don't think I've ever in my life experienced boredom, and my middle son is just like me.

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My mother cured us of boredom by making us clean the bath. We only fell for that once! After that we would go and hide up a tree until we found something better to do, knowing she wouldn't find us and make us do housework!



Yep, this is the policy at our house. The word "bored" (or any similarly worded phrase or behavior) is synonomous with "please give me some chores to do".

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Inside: Legos, legos, and more legos! Seriously, they play with their legos every day. My boys also like to play with their Imaginext toys - pirates, castles, and dinosaurs, and with their Star Wars toys. We have an "art area" in our house, and they both love art related activities. My oldest really enjoys science kits. Games and puzzles are also a hit here.


Outside: bikes, scooters, shooting basketball, croquet, nature hikes, and pretending to be archaeologists :D. They also like to dress up and pretend to be knights, pirates, or Star Wars characters battling.



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My 7 yr old twins and my 9 yr old boys love to build various Nascar tracks with blocks and race around with their cars. Legos are also a favorite and video games on Saturday is a big hit. Sunday afternoon is spent watching Nascar on tv. Games such as Chess, Ludo, Blokus and Connect 4 are big hits on Sundays also with their dad and they hold tournaments. My guys can't play without competing.



Outdoors, they like to race each other with their bikes imitating various Nascar tracks. They also like to dig and dig and mess about with dirt and water and more dirt.



Elmeryl (with J12, C9, L7, R7)

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