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Talent searches and children with high verbal but not mathematical ability


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From what I understand, my oldest would be eligible to participate in the Duke talent search program next year (4th grade). I'm not sure if we will try or not--I'm rather inclined to wait another year--but I have a question. Dd is a very verbal child--her reading comprehension, speech, writing, and reasoning abilities are very high. In mathematics, however, she is working right at grade level. She has good comprehension, but no exceptional talent that I have seen.


Are talent searches looking for kids who score highly in all areas or are they also interested in those who are gifted in only verbal or only mathematical abilities? I'm pretty sure if she too the EXPLORE test, for example, she would ace the verbal section but be mostly lost on the math.


Can someone who knows how these things work clue me in please?




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My dd is very advanced verbally and is not strong at math. She is advanced at math, but it is not her strong suit at all. When she took the tests, I told her to skip any problem that she didn't know. It took the pressure off of her and she was comfortable with that. A child who scores extremely high in the verbal sections can still do well in the talent search because there are more verbal sections.


Also, you should consider why you want to take the test. For me (and probably most homeschoolers) it is an opportunity to really hone in on strengths and weaknesses. My dd took the ACT and SAT this year and the results were very informative.

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It is possible to qualify for humanities courses but not math/science ones. That is what happened to DD when she took the SCAT for CTY in 2nd grade. I may have her retake the SCAT at some point or just wait until she is old enough for the SAT/ACT. We haven't had the budget for any CTY classes in a few years so it's a bit of a moot point now.

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I would describe my oldest as a very verbal child but not mathy, like yours. She took the SCAT and to my surprise not only did she score very high on the verbal section but also high enough on the math to qualify. I wouldn't worry about one area being stronger than another.

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