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Lit based science but not Noeo


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Hey there- I know there have been great threads about science on here so I have to ask one :lol:


This year we have used Neo Physics 1 for my 3rd and 1st grader. We have actually really enjoyed it and overall it works well for us. I was thinking I would use their chemistry program next year when they are 2nd and 4th grade.


However, there have been times this year I wish there was more explanation or teacher notes and not just reading and experiments. My weakness is science so it would help me as we read the living books there was some background info for me to help explain- I feel like as times it's too much info. for all of us and I don't have the knowledge to simplify or explain it to them.


What we like about Noeo:

1. Living books

2. A good portion of experiments

3. Schedule


What I need/ looking for:

1. Something with teacher notes

2. Some living books and good amount of experiments

3. close as being open and go if possible



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