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What would be your core subjects for a busy time?

Laura Corin

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Things are going to be a bit busy for the next couple of weeks until we go back to China to pack up our flat there. Then after we arrive in Scotland I know that we will be busy again. And then when we manage to find a house of our own and move into it, we'll be busy again.


So what should I make sure to keep going? My current thoughts are: English, foreign languages, PE and maths for both, and biology for Calvin (because he has an exam in November). That would mean dropping for three or four months: history, recorder, art history, and art as a subject for both, RE (we are not religious, so this won't leave a spiritual void) for Calvin and science for Hobbes.


What do you think?



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Sounds about right to me. One thing I appreciated from the Latin Centred Curriculum was an understanding what are good "core" subjects. I see Maths, Language Arts and Latin as my core subjects. Language Arts can cover a lot of reading for most subjects, even Science, if you want it to.

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What an exciting time for you guys!

When life gets nuts I stick with math, Latin and read alouds, throw in as many related books on tape and videos I can get my hands on and call it a day.

Now that we have a BJU science course though, I imagine that would have to go on the list too as you only get the dvds for 13 months.

Blessings on your journey and packing

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I would drop what is not neccesary. If it were me (and no exams coming up of course) I would keep math, spelling, and let them read to their hearts content. If we had already completed this years spelling book, then I would not bother purchasing another one until after the move is complete. Then it would be math only.


I am sooo excited for you for your move!!!! Some friends of my inlaws live in Scotland and have been encouraging us to visit. If we ever go, we will need to meet up at some point (if we are in the same areas). I have some family in Denmark we will definitely see.

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... if all else fails during a busy/stressful time, I think the main things I would focus on for young children would be


1. Kindness -- treating each other with kindness during a stressful time.


2. Cooperation -- working together as a team/family during a busy time.


3. Adventure/Joy -- seeing life as a great adventure (that also has some tedious times), being open to and flexible enough to fully experience the wonder of it all.


Around this "curriculum-hub" of character, I'd put just a few spokes -- Latin, Math, and Read Alouds (in various subject areas). But the focus during the transition would be on how we all relate to each other and how we are each handling the transition.


Give yourselves and each other time to reorient yourselves (no pun intended) away from the East towards the West. You will need emotional energy for this, no matter how much you want to go to Scotland.

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I have also stripped down to only languages and math for a few months with no problems.


Plus, I would say that learning to live in a whole new part of the world should count as some form of social studies!


Have I said congratulations and how excited I am for you? :hurray:

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I think it depends on the individual strengths, weaknesses and interests of the kid. For my oldest I could safely drop math and science and feel secure that he wouldn't lose ground. He would definately need to continue with composition and spelling. My younger is the opposite. He would need to continue with math, but could drop spelling.

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I'm willing to strip our formal curriculum all the way down to Latin and math when things get crazy


Math and Latin are my basic requirements as well. And a solid stack of good books keeps them out from under my feet when my schedule is packed full of work commitments.

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Latin and Math would be the subjects that I would not want to forego. It would be frustrating for my dd if she forgot concepts, and frustrating for me because we'd have to spend extra time reviewing. Actually, I do Math and Latin through the summer, albeit at a more relaxed pace.

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In our case, I wouldn't drop foreign languages, and would cut math back to half time. I suppose PE would stay too, even though I don't think of it as a subject. Everything else could wait as long as there was lots for the kids to read.

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Math and Latin. We're currently away from our 'home base' for a few months. We all enjoy these 2 subjects, and don't need a large number of books to cover them. Also, my kids are always reading a lot anyways. It's a chance for them to read about their interests-mythology, trains, etc.

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... if all else fails during a busy/stressful time, I think the main things I would focus on for young children would be


1. Kindness -- treating each other with kindness during a stressful time.


2. Cooperation -- working together as a team/family during a busy time.


3. Adventure/Joy -- seeing life as a great adventure (that also has some tedious times), being open to and flexible enough to fully experience the wonder of it all.




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