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Thanks MFW!!

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My ds got into a biblical debate with his grandmother yesterday...she believes in some very unbiblical things...and listening to his reasoning and biblical knowledge made me SO THANKFUL that I decided to go with MFW AHL this past year. All that bible reading along with the discussion questions in the OT Challenge book have served him very well indeed! I was thoroughly impressed. :thumbup:


And to think I debated on whether or not to go with MFW WHL next year. Ha! Silly me. ;)

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I totally get this!


Over the weekend, we were visiting in laws....they have other religious views than Christianity.


One of the aunts will nit pick you to death - sky is blue, it's black.... you know the type of personalities in people. The other in laws encourage discussion and respect and intellectual talk while playing card, but this one aunt... oh well....


anyway... From my 16 y.o daughter's study in AHL, she was able to talk politely with Aunt C on why she (my dd) believes what she does. It was an interesting discussion comparing Greek myths to Bible. all of those critical thinking questions in SMARR... got to love it! whether you write an essay on each one or not!


she didn't change anyone's mind on it.. but she was able to say what and why she believes what she does. yeah!



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How exciting!


How does the program study the Greek myths vs. the Bible? Is that in the TM, or is there a book that the student goes through?


In AHL, the entire Old Testament is read. Students get to have some comprehension questions on the reading. some of those questions are cross reference questions with finding that passage again the New Testament and seeing those connections. Others are study the passage. various.


Then, books/stories like Gilgamesh, Homer, Bulfinch... are studied from a Christian perspective with various critical thinking questions in the literature and composition guide (based on SMARR guides for those books). some are essays, some are just thinking and discussion time with parent.


various topics in the myths are compared/contrast with Biblical perspective on those subjects.


Some lit study is in the daily lesson plan. Some lit study is from the Lit/Comp guide.



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This is so good to hear as I'm planning to use it with ds next year. I hope it works as well for him as it did for your ds. :001_smile:


It was probably unfair of me to imply that MFW is the sole reason my ds could counter each of his grandmother's biblical fallacies with such thoroughness and logic. ;) We have used some great Christ-centered curriculum over the years (TOG, BJU as well as SL in the younger years) and I'm sure they have all played a hand in his overall knowledge. Plus he is and always has been very involved in church.


But, even with that great foundation, I feel MFW AHL has been so wonderful and beneficial for him. At the beginning of the year I was second guessing the curriculum a tad. It seemed overly bible-oriented, much more so than any other curricula we had used. I mean, we are Christian so I am all for bible-oriented, but sheesh...it was maybe too bible focused I thought. So much so that oftentimes I was not sure if a grade should be applied to his Bible credit, or his History. :confused: Now that we are in the last semester though, I am so thankful. High school is a tough transition. Not just the academics, but the whole hormonal growing from boy to man stuff. One day life is good and all is wonderful, and the next the sky is falling and the voice is squeaky. :blink: Staying in his bible has been great for his emotional well being. Reading the entire OT and doing activities such as the Proverbs project, has given him some great tools in his tool belt of life. ;)


I can't wait till MFW WHL arrives! Of course, we still have to finish up this year. Ha! He told me yesterday that he loves the Iliad. Says the way it is written is so colorful and interesting. He, from his memory, quoted something about a knife and blood...:lol:...and how the words gave such a great visual. I can't for the life of me remember the quote, but I admit it was pretty neat. He actually finished the book yesterday, about 3 weeks early (read along with an audio version). I'm now glad I didn't decide to skip it. I know some do because there are no Lit lessons to go with it, just a writing assignment, so it is easily skipped, plus a couple years ago he had read Black Ships Before Troy, so I wasn't sure the Iliad was truly necessary, but he totally loved it. He's now looking forward to the Odyssey. Yay!

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In AHL, the entire Old Testament is read. Students get to have some comprehension questions on the reading. some of those questions are cross reference questions with finding that passage again the New Testament and seeing those connections. Others are study the passage. various.


Then, books/stories like Gilgamesh, Homer, Bulfinch... are studied from a Christian perspective with various critical thinking questions in the literature and composition guide (based on SMARR guides for those books). some are essays, some are just thinking and discussion time with parent.


various topics in the myths are compared/contrast with Biblical perspective on those subjects.


Some lit study is in the daily lesson plan. Some lit study is from the Lit/Comp guide.




I don't see the Smarr guides listed on MFW. Are they in the package?



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I am not at all familiar with SMARR so all I can tell you is what I believe to be true....that the SMARR guides are written into the MFW Lit and Comp book and not a separate component.


I also can't help with the Daniel study as we have not started it yet. It is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks...so it's completed in about the last quarter of the school year. It's a Kay Arthur Teen bible study, and from what I have seen, it looks really good...but again, until be get started on it...??;)


Hopefully someone else will pipe in and provide better, more knowledgeable, info.

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I am not at all familiar with SMARR so all I can tell you is what I believe to be true....that the SMARR guides are written into the MFW Lit and Comp book and not a separate component.


I also can't help with the Daniel study as we have not started it yet. It is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks...so it's completed in about the last quarter of the school year. It's a Kay Arthur Teen bible study, and from what I have seen, it looks really good...but again, until be get started on it...??;)


Hopefully someone else will pipe in and provide better, more knowledgeable, info.


These are both good answers :)

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