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s/o library holds - how many books do you have checked out?

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?


How many books can you check out at one time?


How many holds does you library allow per card?


eta: how long can you check out books for?






We have three cards. We currently have 40 books/audio books/dvds checked out over the three cards. As far as I know there is no limit to what we can check out. We are currently allowed 20 pending holds per card. I have around 30 pending holds between the three cards. I easily fill my card with holds so it spills over to my husband's card. My 7 y.o. has a card and I try to only use his for books he's reading on his own time. We can check out books for four weeks. I'm usually in twice a week though and try to return books as soon as we're done with them. Its nice to plan ahead though.

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We have one card. I checked out 70 books once. I'm not aware of a limit. I usually have 50+ holds and 30 or so out at a time.



I would totally just do it all on one card, but the active hold limit messes me up. They did let me check out my husband's holds on my card after I showed them his card. They often mix the holds on his card and DS's card because they have the same name.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?


How many books can you check out at one time?


How many holds does you library allow per card?



I had just checked my records when I saw this thread. I have cards at two libraries, with a total of 42 check-outs right now.


I don't know of a limit for check-outs and I use holds sparingly, so I don't know of a limit there either.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?


How many books can you check out at one time?


How many holds does you library allow per card?



I have 82 checked out at present and 42 holds. I can check out and request an unlimited number of books, but I don't like to have >70 checked out at a time. I've only briefly had >100. I check out books for my kids on my card. I have quite a few easy readers for one child because they're so quick to go through.


I love my library.

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I think for us the reason we have so many holds pending all the time is that we we don't have set curriculum for reading, science and history/social studies. My MIL does social studies with the kids and I like to do history so its getting go so we have a ton of books checked out at once. We have rules about library books here at home though. I don't let the littles forage through the bin without me, and DS1 has a small basket on his desk of his own books... the free reading books only about to about 10 of the books we have checked out. The rest are for lesson times.

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I have 24 items out right now. We only take what we will use in a week or 10 days or so to avoid missing due dates. I have 25 holds, which is the max you can have at one time in our system. About to take 10 back and pick up more. Just renewed some kids books. There is a 50 item limit per cardholder.

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We have 3 cards in one library system and 2 cards in another.


The first system allows for 40 books/card (and we sometimes fill all 3 :)) but we only have 70 books checked out from that system. (40 on my card, and each of the kids gets 10/week) I also have 5 for which I am on a waiting list.


The second system allows 20 books/card (and we have one card missing :glare:) so we only have 16 books checked out and 3 on hold.


Grand totals- 86 books checked out, 8 books on hold

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards? 45 between 2 cards (38 on my teacher card and 7 on my personal card)


How many books can you check out at one time? I don't think there's a limit.


How many holds does you library allow per card? I don't know of a limit.

We can check out books for 3 weeks and renew up to 5 times. There are no overdue fines on my teacher card, and I'm also allowed up to $50 in damages per year on that card. (I love my library)

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We only have one card, mine (though dd5.5 wants one, and if she gets one, dd3 will want one, too). We have 105 books out atm, of which 15 or so are the kids', 6 are dh's, and the rest are mine. We usually have more like 30 out at a time - I made several library trips in quick succession to fuel three separate interests, and I am incapable of leaving without a full library bag :tongue_smilie:. No idea the limit - was wondering if 100 would be it, but apparently not :lol:. I only just tried the hold system, which worked so well I will do it more ;) - put four on - and no idea of the limit.


Eta: checkout period is 3 weeks at our "home" library, and two weeks at two of the neighboring libraries we go to a lot (bigger, better selection), and we can renew items once.

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We are allowed 20 holds at a time, 50 items checked out at a time, 3 week limit with the possiblity of 2 renewals for a total of 9 weeks. We have 3 cards in our family. We only have 23 items checked out right now. We have no school next week. During a typical 2 week period we have around 40 checked out. We're no longer getting as many picture books so our numbers have gone down. We also don't borrow movies often.

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In my library we can only hold 10 items--I don't know how many books we were allowed to check out.Honestly, we don't really have a good selection in our library.Our inter loan library had better books but we could only hold 10 at a time. We can only renew once, that all.

I see all you guys' libraries have better facilities or better policies than ours.




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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?


We have 3 cards but only have books on one right now. 1 DVD and 3 books are checked out.


How many books can you check out at one time?


21 per card


How many holds does you library allow per card?


15 requests/holds per card


eta: how long can you check out books for?


21 days for non-new release books, 14 days for new release and best sellers



For e-books we can check out 10 at a time for 14 days.

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NOrmally I have checked out between 150-200 items at a time. They are not all checked out the same day. We have a 3 week time frame for books(with 2 possible renewals if no one else has it on hold), 1 week for cds and dvds. I have a constantly circulation of items. As of today I am down to 50 or so items. I have been dropping off things as we finish with them and my pick up of holds this week was tiny. I suspect that for the next couple week we will stay around 50 and then pick back up as we head into new topics that I need to get books for (I own all the ones we need right now)


The neighboring town limits cards to 25 items each. BUt my neigborhood library removed my limits there, which is another reason why I use holds brought to my local library so much more.


We can have 25 holds per card at a time. BEcuase I have items brought in each week I just add new titels as I pick up the ones that have arrived. I usually have 3-4 cards filled with holds at a time.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards? 48 between 3 cards

How many books can you check out at one time? 50 per card, not sure what the limits are for DVDs/audio, though


How many holds does you library allow per card? 10, so I can do 30 at a time. ;)

How long can you check out books for? 3 weeks, with 5 renewals unless someone is requesting, then you only get to finish out the current 3 week period. My Kindle lending is only for 2 weeks, though, and there is no renewing unless you actually re-check it out. (Assuming there's no wait.)

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In regards to my pp about 1 card, 70 checkout and 40 or so holds. We have a very small library in town but it's linked up to the rest of the libraries in this part of the province. I put books on hold online up to 3 weeks in advance of needing them because it can take awhile for them to come in through the various libraries.

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At one library we have 1 card with 39 items checked out.

We can check out up to 100 but only 10 can be DVDs. They have a 5 item hold limit so I just started the process of getting the kids cards solely for hold purposes. I have 5 holds and have several more I would like to place!!!

I think all items are 3 weeks with 2 renewals as long as there are no holds.


Entertainment DVDs can not be placed on hold or renewed :(


At the other library we use we have 1 card with 48 items checked out.

I believe they have a 99 item limit and only 5 holds as well. ETA: They must have changed it recently, it's now 10 holds!!

New books have a 7 day checkout all the rest 28 days. DVDs are also 7 days. I believe you can renew 3 times but the renewals are for 2 weeks. Kids books are always 28 days.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?



Right now, around 50.


How many books can you check out at one time?


The limit is 100, though I think I've gone over that. There is also a limit of 20 (?) dvds.

How many holds does you library allow per card?



Don't think there's an limit. I've had over 100.

eta: how long can you check out books for?


Three weeks, but can be renewed twice.

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We can check out books for 3 weeks and renew up to 5 times. There are no overdue fines on my teacher card, and I'm also allowed up to $50 in damages per year on that card. (I love my library)


:iagree: The Cincinnati Library rocks!


I have 3 library cards, my personal, my educator, and one from the big library system across the river in KY.


I have nothing out right now from KY.


On my personal, maybe 20 (this is including CDs & DVDs) on my educator cards right now only around 50. I just returned about 30. I have a whole new bag to return and then a bunch of holds to pick up. My librarians are awesome. I love that I can call up, know who I am talking to by their voice and only use my first name..."Hi Nancy! It's Korin...can you....?" It's great. Plus free internet, wifi, ebooks, free room rental, etc etc. No wonder our library system is always in the top 5 in the country. PLus they love homeschoolers as we keep their circulation numbers up. :)


And my son won a color nook this summer for their reading contest.

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We have 8 cards (we belong to 2 libraries). Limit on each card is 30 books for the adults and 20 for the kids. So we could get up to 180 books :001_huh:


However there is no way I could manage that many with three small children who like to leave them all over the house and I couldn't carry that many out of the library while shepharding 3 kids.


So we go to the library weekly and borrow about 30-40 books at a time.


I don't do holds because both libraries have an awful catalogue system and nothing ever comes up in my searches - so I have to actually go look at the shelves to see what they have on any given subject :glare:


Our local library recently closed down and they reopened a brand new one that even includes a cafe and a toy library -so my kids are very happy to go there once a week now.:lol:


Books and toys can be borrowed for 4 weeks with 2 renewals - DVD's are either 1 or 2 weeks though.

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We each have a library card but we only use my husband's card to check out. I have a hard time keeping track of multiple cards and we've had way less fines since switching to using just 1 card as a family. We're allowed a limit of 200 books per card, and I've had on hold around 50 books- I've never hit a limit on holds that I know of. Right now I probably have 30 books on hold, but some of them have very long wait times or they haven't even been released yet and I'm just on the waiting list for it.


On an average week I probably have around 100 books checked out- usually 1 or 2 for DH, 2-3 fiction books for me and a stack of non-fiction, then the rest is school-related for the kids or whatever they pick for free reading.


Books are checked out for 30 days and allowed to be renewed up to twice for 30 days each as long as no one else has requested that book.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards? Currently, we have 34 books checked out.


How many books can you check out at one time? We have five cards in our family: one for our school (no fines), one is mine, one for my three oldest children. Each card is allowed 50 books.


How many holds does you library allow per card? Each card is allowed 20 holds.


eta: how long can you check out books for? The school card has a 5 week check out period. The other cards have a 3 week check out period. We can renew twice.

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We have only one card as we pay to use the next county's library system--it's way better than ours. We have a limit of 50 items, 5 of which can be dvd's. Most items are on a 3-week loan but dvd's are only 1 week. Items may be renewed up to 2 times unless there is a hold on them. We can place up to 10 holds. We usually have between 45-50 items checked out at once. I have to return my items at the desk so they can be checked in before I can check out more items. This week we only have about 25 items out--we're on break this week. :D

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Our library allows 100 items per card. I currently have 89 items but at least half are in a bucket to go back. Books and cds can be checked out for 21 days and renewed three times. Dvds can be checked out for 1 week and renewed if there is no hold. Fines are $1 per day for dvds up to $5, a quarter for adult books and a nickel for childrens' books.



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I have 4 cards. My kids each wanted one (2 kids). I have an educator card which lets me check out up to 100 items. I currently have 47 items and two holds. My other card I am just down to one items. The kids cards have nothing on them. I am just using the educator card for all my items now. It was getting too complicated. I would return items and they would not be removed off my card. The librarians would argue with me. I now keep lists. If something isn't removed, I can look at the list and make sure I did return it. This way I can argue better. One lady never believes me. I even have gone to the shelf and pulled the items off. I tell you, having a library is a blessing and a curse!

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Our library is awesome.


- Currently I have 142 items checked out. I've had over 300 items at one time.

- We can take as many dvds and cds as we want.

- I can check out as many as I want on one card.

- I can renew up to 50 times (3 weeks for each renewal), unless it's been requested of course.

- They even have fine-free Friday once per month, where you take everything that's overdue and can be forgiven.

- if our library system doesn't have what I want, I can use LINK to request almost everything else.


We are members at a second library system, which isn't nearly as good. I rarely use that one unless I cannot get a dvd from the other.

- Only 5 dvds at a time.

- Only one renewal allowed.

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I have 4 cards. My kids each wanted one (2 kids). I have an educator card which lets me check out up to 100 items. I currently have 47 items and two holds. My other card I am just down to one items. The kids cards have nothing on them. I am just using the educator card for all my items now. It was getting too complicated. I would return items and they would not be removed off my card. The librarians would argue with me. I now keep lists. If something isn't removed, I can look at the list and make sure I did return it. This way I can argue better. One lady never believes me. I even have gone to the shelf and pulled the items off. I tell you, having a library is a blessing and a curse!



This is why I try and drop off books as soon as I'm done with them. I feel safer dropping off say 4-5 books at a time then returning 20 all at once. Of course I've never experienced the nightmare of having to prove I returned a book.

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We are allowed fifteen on each card and have four cards. Currently we have eighteen checked out and about ten books ordered, four of which are waiting for me to pick up next time the mobile library comes to our village.


I tend just to use Calvin's card, rather than using all of them. We don't tend to max it out now that the boys are busy with school.



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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?


About 200


How many books can you check out at one time?


150 per card. I have two, one Educator Card and one regular. The kids and DH have cards as well.


How many holds does you library allow per card?


15 for a regular card, and I thing 30 for the Educator Card


how long can you check out books for?


Three weeks for a regular card, six weeks for the Educator Card. Renewals can be done on-line.

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How many books do you have checked out between all of your cards?

15 books checked out right now, all on one of our 4 cards


How many books can you check out at one time?

We can check out 30 per card (and we have 4 cards so a total of 120)


How many holds does you library allow per card?

Don't know, but I have had 13 at one time and they never had a problem with it.


eta: how long can you check out books for?

We get 2 weeks and can renew 3 times, unless someone else put it on hold.


Our library counts books, audio books and DVDs all the same. Over due fines are $0.20 per day with a max of $10 per item. They will also shut down your card if you have over $5 of fines due and if you have fines under $5 but they've been unpaid for more than 90 days. The cards we have let us use any of the 7 libraries in the city system and can check out from one and return to any of those 7. We live 2 miles from the largest of the 7 in the system, the books used to be pretty pitiful in the children's section but I noticed in the last year when a new children's librarian took over the condition of the books as well as the amount of selection has gotten much better. The new librarian is also much friendlier and approachable for the kids. The old one was a real grouch.


Almost forgot to say, I don't like having more than 50 things out at once because it's just to hard to keep them separate from the 5 shelves of books we own.

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I don't know what the limit is for books on my teacher card. I know I can get up to 40 of the same book. Not that I'd need to. At present we have 46 on my teacher card and 10 on ds' card. We have 3 card from two libraries. I've had 100 books out before.


We can keep books out for a month on the teacher card and two weeks on the children's cards. I borrow once a month but return once or twice a week. When I return books some of my children will ask to get a free reading book, which I allow.


On the rare occasion that I allow DVDs they are 3 days and 7 days for VHS.


Each of my children have their own library box which holds all the books they are reading for the month. My 6th and 4th graders will have between 6 and 8 books in his box while my kindergartener and 1st grader usually have 30 or so in their boxes.

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