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How young have you used RS A with your kids?


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I guess you could start that young if you wanted and you worked by the timer (maybe 10-15 mins) instead of the lesson, but...


I don't think it is an efficient use of time.


Just teach the RightStart way of looking at numbers (ie 8 is 5 and 3). You could spend two years teaching what could be taught in a few months if you waited.


I went to a super-competitive college (ranked #1 in USA the year I got in) and very few young students did well. Just saying. I finished calculus in 10th grade and got a 5 on the AP exam. My first grade teacher, when asked by my parents on how to help me in math, told them to have me do drama during the summer because it would stretch me more. I'm so glad she did.



Former rocket scientist, current SAHM

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From my experience, 3 would have been too young for my daughter. Early 4s she did ok with it, but by 4.5 it really clicked. In fact, we went back to the beginning (we'd pushed through the first half or so when it was just going "ok"), and she's gotten a lot more out of it. At this age, she's able to really see and understand the patterns that RS emphasizes.


As the previous poster said, you can definitely start showing them the methods of "seeing" numbers instead of counting and teach the "Yellow is the Sun" song.

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I think it definitely depends on the child. My ds started RSA at 4 and I wish we had either started earlier (but I couldn't justify that price for a 3yo) or went with RSB. Level A moved way too slowly for him. He was already familiar with the "Rightstart way" of seeing numbers and such.


If you decide to try it, I'd go with the timer (as a pp suggested) and don't be afraid to shelve it if it becomes anything other than fun.


Best of luck with whatever you choose. :)

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Would you be going straight into level B after using A? If so, then I would wait until Kind. unless you have a very mathy child. About halfway through level B, it ramps up in difficulty. I know mine could not have done the second half of level B at 4 or 5.


Totally agree.


For a "typical" bright child - no specific learning issues, but not a math genius either - I think wrapping up Right Start A at the end of kindergarten is just about right.


If that means starting at age 4 and going slowly, great.


We're about 2/3rds through RS B right now, in first grade. It's a fantastic program, it truly is! :)

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I actually used Level B for Pk-1st for my youngest because we were very tight financially then and she was very motivated. I mostly played games with her and just took my time. If we hit something she didn't get, I backed up and we reviewed previous material for awhile. So I spent almost 3 years on Level B.

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Would you be going straight into level B after using A? If so, then I would wait until Kind. unless you have a very mathy child. About halfway through level B, it ramps up in difficulty. I know mine could not have done the second half of level B at 4 or 5.


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: It is very common to hit a wall in RSB even with an "older" kid and for all but a very few you will have to take it very, very slow or stop altogether with starting at that age.

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