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Hake grammar vs Analytical Grammar?? Can anyone compare? nt


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Hake Grammar moves very slowly. There's lots of review built in to each lesson. The book is huge. It's good for some.


Analytical Grammar moves faster. The book is a more manageable size. (Though of course you could tear out the pages of the Hake book and give them a few at a time.) If you don't understand something, it's hard to continue. It's good for some.


I bought Hake and it would have been way too tedious for dd unless I crossed out whole sections. And the huge book would have intimidated her. We did start Junior Analytical Grammar. We got stuck memorizing prepositions. I suppose I should have just moved her on.


Most here seem to prefer AG. We went with GWG 5 for a year. Next year I think I'll do Jensen's or maybe GWG6. Or maybe we'll pick up JAG again.



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We currently use Hake and used AG a couple years ago. AG is good but we found it tedious and dull. Each lesson has a lot of review sentence part labeling and for a student that gets it quickly it is overkill. I've heard good things about it from others but for us it killed our enthusiasm. Hake has spiral review but it isn't monotonous sentence labeling like AG. There is diagramming but not to the extent that it becomes a chore. It was a better fit for us. If you can, I would recommend trying to see samples of both before you commit to any purchase.

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