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fav features of your HSing space

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we just bought a new house and close at the end of the month! i think we are going to convert the formal dining room into our homeschooling classroom, so i am collecting ideas. what are some of your favorite features in whatever space you have set aside for homeschooling (even if it isn't a whole seperate room)? inspire me!

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My whiteboard wall. I have a huge whiteboard and on one side is a Van Gogh painting and on the other is a large pegboard. I also like that we have a picture window in our school room with a couple of comfy chairs. We have a computer set up and the kids like to take a break by pulling up the chairs to the computer and watching a Unitedstreaming video. It is all very cozy. Over the computer I have another pegboard where I post the weekly assignments and any other weekly planning info we'll need.

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We use our formal dining room as a classroom as well.




  • agree on the white board. I just hung a 2nd one that was much needed
  • as funny as it sounds the chandelier. We use our dining table for school and I love our chandelier. It's something unusual for a school, but fun.
  • we have one short wall lined with two computer desks
  • bookcases are a must.
  • an old dresser for office storage


Since we use our formal dining room on occasion I like it maintain a formal feel. I've tried to eliminate all plastic type containers and use baskets, boxes, trunks (ie: Hobby Lobby), and bookcases. It takes about five minutes for it be to a dining room again.

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My fav feature in our school room--definitely the four desks from IKEA that we have attached to eachother. It looks sort of like a boardroom conference table. I like this because it gives us a very large surface to do projects on (it's around 118"x60"). As part of the desk, each child has a large cupboard and 2 drawers. Here are our desk components:





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comfy couch to snuggle and read, all in one printer/copier, little plastic set of drawers on wheels (all crayons, colored pencils and markers and paper can be scooted between desks).


Our school room is a converted bedroom. We had yucky closet doors, and I covered them with white board, so now we have white closet doors we can write on - awesome!


Wall space for maps/etc. Covered storage space (we inherited a big white cabinet) It is awesome to hold stuff and it is covered up!


We also have yucky carpet. I am going to rip it up and install pergo-type floor and find a used electric/heater/fireplace to make it look nice and yet so we can still have warm feet!


Another must have for me - a door! You can close it in and forget about it!

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We have one wall lined with wooden cube type shelves, to hold books, bins with lego, arts and craft stuff, etc. Above that is a huge bulletin board for their favorite art projects. I think we bought the shelves from Target-a compromise between expensive and junky. Also, a 'real' bookcase next to a comfy loveseat. But we homeschool in other rooms too.

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Our homeschool room is what would traditionally be the dining room as well. The kids sit at our old dining room table, which is pushed against the wall. My favorite features are the two bookshelves and matching armoire. The shelves are of course filled with all manner of homeschool books, the armoire is filled with games, puzzles, learning toys, craft supplies, and all the other necessary stuff which creates a lot of clutter. The armoire makes it all invisible, which is why I like it!

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First of all, congratulations on your new purchase! I would LOVE to have a separate room for homeschooling, but we use our formal dining room too. Although it is the formal dining room of the house, it is the only place we eat. Our breakfast nook in the kitchen is actually our office space.


SO, since you have a formal dining room, do you have a closet in it?? This is my absolute favorite feature. We have this HUGE closet in our dining room. Even though I wouldn't call it a walk in closet, it is large enough for two people to be in there at the same time. I have wall to wall floor to ceiling shelves in there. There are two separate sections (visualize an L) of shelves. On one section I put all craft supplies, sketch books, crayons, markers, and file boxes of stuff not currently using. On the other section I have our home school books. Top shelf is current books being used such as encyclopedias, writing program, textbooks, etc., second shelf has things like dictionary, thesaurus, coloring books pertaining to history, and readers. The third shelf has some craft boxes, open space for projects, and things like a hole punch, stapler, and pencil sharpener. Bottom shelf had educational toys so little Buttercup can walk in and pick out what she wants. And then, to the right of that, I have other shelves that go from top to bottom and are perfect for paper of all sorts. Copy paper, card stock, poster board, notebooks, and craft supplies. On the very tippy top I store previous years work. Can you tell I LOVE my closet?? What I LOVE most about it is that I can just close the door and not have to see all our stuff! :)


Since this IS our only eating area I like the actual room to look nice. So, we have an oak buffet in there that holds pencils/pens/rulers/scissors/some paper/cutters in the drawers of it. We do have a markable map on the wall. My dh was so kind to make me an oak frame (made out of the old oak flooring from our entry way, we live in an 1890's house) to make it look a little more "formal."


I wish I could have a whiteboard on the wall, but can't bring myself to put it up, since our dining room is right off the kitchen on one side and off the living room on the other side. I do have a white board though, it just doesn't hang on the wall!


A ceiling fan is nice if there isn't one.


I think the key to any homeschooling space is organization, personally. I make sure my space is organized, and will daily organize it, b/c I really don't want to waste time trying to track things down!


Have fun!!! :)

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thanks everybody!


i think i am going to have DH build me some built-in. bookshelves for sure and maybe some built in desk space. there's no closet in that room so i'll need another way to keep us organized.


i was thinking of using that chalkboard paint and painting us a chalkboard space and having DH mount some trim around it. but everyone seems to prefer a white board. hmmm.


i like the idea of having a comfy space to curl up and read. maybe we can get some inexpensive bean bag chairs to plop in front of the bay window or something.


esp. thanks to those of you who posted pics!

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i was thinking of using that chalkboard paint and painting us a chalkboard space and having DH mount some trim around it. but everyone seems to prefer a white board. hmmm.




I had a chalkboard painted on the wall when my kids were younger. Chalk is very messy and gets all over the floor. My whiteboard is just a cheap shower board from Home Depot with a trim around it. I love it!


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I love my Desk Apprentice! We only had one this year, but I want to get two more - one for me and one for each of the kids. It's a great way to keep all their school books contained and easy to find.


I usually run screaming in disgust from "fads" but I love this baby. Everything is *right there* in plain view but neat. People come over to my house and walk right past antiques and objects of beauty and say "wow, what is THAT?".

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I usually run screaming in disgust from "fads" but I love this baby. Everything is *right there* in plain view but neat. People come over to my house and walk right past antiques and objects of beauty and say "wow, what is THAT?".


When I first looked at the link for the desk apprentice, I thought "Oh, that won't match our dining room!" The DR (where we homeschool) is where our antique walnut buffet plus China cabinet is. But, maybe I shouldn't worry too much! Ha! I got a laugh out of your post! I like to be neat and organized and don't like clutter, but my DR needs to be pretty! (To me, that is, no one else in my family could care less!):glare:

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My pull down map.


The ones meant for schools are hundreds of dollars but mine was about 35$. One nice world map, One roller shade from Lowels, one jar of rubber cement. I rolled the shade out all the way and affixed the map with rubber cement. Once dry, I hung the roller shade behind my window valence. You can't even see it but I can pull down a map whenever I need it! I have mostly windows and almost no wall space in my school area. Necessity is the mother of invention!


What a great idea! I love it!!

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I love my Desk Apprentice! We only had one this year, but I want to get two more - one for me and one for each of the kids. It's a great way to keep all their school books contained and easy to find.


I keep seeing these recommended...I think it's a sign that I'm going to need one for my organization-challenged household. Should I get one for each individual child or just one for them all to share?

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My pull down map.


The ones meant for schools are hundreds of dollars but mine was about 35$. One nice world map, One roller shade from Lowels, one jar of rubber cement. I rolled the shade out all the way and affixed the map with rubber cement. Once dry, I hung the roller shade behind my window valence. You can't even see it but I can pull down a map whenever I need it! I have mostly windows and almost no wall space in my school area. Necessity is the mother of invention!


I love this idea! But, we have shades, not curtains in the room we homeschool! But, it is a really GREAT idea!

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I'm pondering one for my oldest. She is shifting her schooling spot - and right now there is no place for her to put her stuff. I think that the DA would work though (i was just looking at pictures again).


RIght now - she just "lost" her Lit papers because she didn't put them in the binder when i gave them to her.... she obviously needs a better system.

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We have a pulley system from PBKids for displaying posters etc. Basically you could make your own. One pulley at each end mounted on the wall. Climbing rope running through the system. Then get hooks to put over the ropes with clips for holding papers.


We hang history related posters, artwork, latin grammar charts, anything necessary or inspirational that might be rotated with other pieces.


A place for everything-books, binders, catalogs, a cd player, supplies, manipulatives. You can use baskets, photo boxes, plastic rolling carts, laundry baskets. First look at all you have to store, then decide what you will do with all that stuff next year when you have new stuff, then decide what type of storage you need and how much, then plan for expasion and new purchases. First-shop your own house, then, I recommend a browsing trip through Sams, WalMart, Target, Lowes, Staples, Container Store etc. Look at all your options, measure as needed, take digital photos, drop by a second hand store (and revisit the paint aisle if necessary). Figure out what is needed, adjust to budget and go. Good seating and lighting are very important-dining room lighting isn't always enough to read by. Also-get any cable/phone jacks installed that you might need if you plan on having internet access there.


Oh-and don't forget-you have to live in this room. Decorate in a way that makes you comfortable.

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Does anyone know if they have these DA's in the stores? Or is it just online? I thought about stopping by and taking a peek at one today.


Last time I researched, they were only at Staples and our local store did have them on display. They go on sale every now and then so it might be worth waiting and getting a discount.

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My personal copier. I don't know how I ever survived without one! I also like my large white board on one wall. I know this isn't as creative as the pull down map, but I took my large maps, laminated them, and my dh put grommets in the top corners. He then put two small hooks in the wall so I could hang the maps up. If company comes over, I can easily unhook them and put them away.

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  • 1 month later...

Do you just put up an office type dry erase board? If so do you put it your kids height so they can use it also? Any problems with the markers getting on their hands then on the walls?


Someone mentioned shower boards? How would you "hang" it to the wall. We had the dry erase poster things and it was a mess, the entire boarder was smudged with marker ink and many times ds went out of the lines onto the wall. But I love that he has that space to write on, whether its for extras, reminders, etc.


Need ideas besides the basic large dry erase board.

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Well, I just posted my new one on my blog, which is linked in my sig line. I am going to purchase whiteboard paint and paint a big square on one of the end walls. I am also going to purchase magnet paint and paint it on the opposite wall in place of a corkboard. I will be adding beanbag chairs for reading time as well.

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Love the roll up map idea!

We are about to move too, I have our new space all planned. I will put up pictures in a few weeks.

My current favourite thing is our credenzas, we got them from Ikea, they are on wheels so we can take them whereever we are working. We each have one and it holds all our folders, books etc. They don't sell them anymore, but this is what they are like


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