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Pet question.....

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We have a 13 year old Himalayan cat. This morning the girls found him laying downstairs, unable to stand, and uninterested in eating or drinking. He tries to stand once in awhile but his back legs don't move. He meows a strange meow and just lays on his side.


So this is my problem.....obviously we should take him to the vet. But honestly, our budget can not take it. Gas, food, and heating oil is hardly being paid for as it is. But I don't want the cat to suffer. Should I just buck up and put it on a credit card, wait a day (so we don't have to pay for emergency vet prices) and if he's still this way tomorrow take him in then, or just let nature take it's course. How do I know if he's suffering? I'm at a loss of what to do. He has been an exceptional cat and I want to do what's right...I'm not a millionaire though and vet bills have put us through the roof in the past.


What should I do?

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Take him to the vet right away. Cats can go down very quickly if they are not eating and drinking and with the inability to stand it sounds like it isn't going to get better on its own. A suffering animal doesn't understand debt or money issues. I understand your reluctance but this is part of owning a pet...the good and the bad (vet bills).


I know all about this. Our dog just cost us about $600 for an earache...long story but involved changing vets too.

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Dh would vote for putting the cat down himself. If money were really tight, I would consider it strongly. I couldn't do it myself, so I would take it in first thing tomorrow expecting it to be put down. Of course, it is possible that it won't need to be. In that case, you will have to be ready by knowing how much you are able to spend on animal health. I am of the cold, callous opinion that animals do not take food out of my children's mouths or keep us from being able to drive to work. I wouldn't go into debt to pay a vet bill. (I did warn you, a bit cold and callous.)

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:grouphug: Cats can go downhill very quickly. If he is in continual suffering I would try to take him in today. If you can get him comfortable I'd take him in first thing in the morning. Try some smelly cat food or tuna today to get him to eat.


Be VERY upfront with your vet about how much money you can spend. Depending on your relationship with your vet they may want to do many tests to determine what is wrong. If you are up front they may be able to do some things to make him comfortable, or recommend other actions :grouphug:.


Please don't wait to take in a pet that is suffering. I know about the money crunch and pets, believe me. The last time I could truly afford vet care, I worked for an animal hospital.


(When we were kids my dad waited too long to take in a pet that needed care, it was because of money. It took me a long time to forgive him.)

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I truly understand that there are financial issues that might be holding you back, but you are responsible for that cat.

And you are the only one able to help her in this terrible situation!!! Go, and get help, that's the least a pet that has been with you for 13 years deserves...

Just my opinion...

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....... I am of the cold, callous opinion that animals do not take food out of my children's mouths or keep us from being able to drive to work. I wouldn't go into debt to pay a vet bill. (I did warn you, a bit cold and callous.)


It would break my heart too have to do this, but I agree.

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We have a 13 year old Himalayan cat. This morning the girls found him laying downstairs, unable to stand, and uninterested in eating or drinking. He tries to stand once in awhile but his back legs don't move. He meows a strange meow and just lays on his side.


So this is my problem.....obviously we should take him to the vet. But honestly, our budget can not take it. Gas, food, and heating oil is hardly being paid for as it is. But I don't want the cat to suffer. Should I just buck up and put it on a credit card, wait a day (so we don't have to pay for emergency vet prices) and if he's still this way tomorrow take him in then, or just let nature take it's course. How do I know if he's suffering? I'm at a loss of what to do. He has been an exceptional cat and I want to do what's right...I'm not a millionaire though and vet bills have put us through the roof in the past.


What should I do?



It is unclear from your post, but I am assuming, since you did not mention it, that the cat has shown no previous signs of illness until today. Thirteen is old, but not a death sentence for a cat. If, prior to this morning, the cat had been completely well except for the "creakiness" of old age, then I would be compelled to take him in to a vet no matter what it cost, trusting that the bills would work themselves out somehow. Perhaps a parent or friend would cover this expense for you given how desperate the situation must be for you to have to weigh this choice.


However, if the cat has been going downhill for some time, if you have been witness to a slow decline or the cat has a condition about which a vet has already made commentary (ie: the cat has kidney problems or a tumor), and you knew there was little chance for the cat to recover completely, *then* I would consider allowing nature to take its course. I did this very thing with one of our two previous cats, and I did not feel any guilt in so doing. Death is not an illness, nor is it something we have to assist with. If you know this is his time, then it's okay to let that time come.


I'm so sorry. I feel your pain.

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It is stressful to know that an animal, especially a family pet, may be in pain.


On the one hand, I agree that caring for the animals under your "protection" is your responsibility, one that you are not trying to ignore. It's not as though you are uncaring towards this cat, you simply have a tough set of circumstances.


On the other hand, I agree with the poster who stated that an animal's needs come after the needs of your own children and household. The cat is a part of your household, and has a need for attention from a vet, but you can not afford it right now.


If I were you, I would make that cat as comfortable as possible -- can you put a thick quilt under it? Perhaps it was in a fight with another cat, or was side-swiped by a car, or could it have become dehydrated?


Anyway, I would call around to a few local vets, and explain the situation. Most vets would hate to have any animal suffer, simply because you can not pay the bill. I would CLEARLY EXPLAIN that you do NOT have money to pay for this and this and that, but that you do not want this animal to suffer any longer. I really would call around and ask for help.


Many years ago, a little gray tabby cat came up to me, with its back leg nearly ripped off -- it was infected and swarming with flies, the flesh was even filled with maggots. (I know, gross). I took that cat up to the bathroom, put it in the tub with a quilt under it, and called a local vet to ask for help -- I would NOT bring the cat in, it was a stray and I had no money. The vet told me over the phone what to do -- clean out the wound, squeeze in 2 tubes of Neosporin, what to feed it, etc.


That cat lived and became my pet, so then I took her into that kind and wonderful vet to have her get her shots and get spayed. You never know, someone might be willing to help you out.

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