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If you ignore threads...


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Usually I'm oblivious about who's who, so I don't pay attention to who started the thread.


I browse in "New Posts" mode, which gathers all the new posts in all the various boards and displays them in time order, so I look through all the boards at once. And I generally have nothing profound to say. So I don't.


Yes, (and nothing against them) but only in the case of a few posters I recognize who use bold or coloured text.


This is funny -- the big colored text drives me bonkers, too, like talking to someone who TALKS REALLY LOUDLY or wears too much perfume. But I never can remember who does it until I open the thread. If I could figure out how to set my browser to automatically make everyone's font look the same on here, I'd do it.

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Yes, (and nothing against them) but only in the case of a few posters I recognize who use bold or coloured text. I will rarely read threads about programs I've never used and probably will never use. Otherwise, I usually only respond if I have a question or feel I have something to add.


bold and colorful in the literal sense or bold and colourful in word usage, as in your face type language?

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bold and colorful in the literal sense or bold and colourful in word usage, as in your face type language?


Oh, I assumed she meant it literally -- the people who decide all their text should be really different and maybe multicolored for no apparent reason other than to draw attention to themselves by style rather than content.

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Oh, I assumed she meant it literally -- the people who decide all their text should be really different and maybe multicolored for no apparent reason other than to draw attention to themselves by style rather than content.


*phew* if that is the case it means I am safe from being ignored lol

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I don't think people automatically ignore based on who posted. BUT I do think they will automatically read and respond if it's a "popular kid" who posted.


I've seen threads with barely any responses and thought, "No doubt if 'so and so' had posted that exact same thing, it would have 100 responses."


I just shrug and keep trying. :)

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If I ignore a thread, it is because I do not think I have anything meaningful to contribute to the topic.

ETA: Or it is because I have answered the same question so many times that I am tired of writing it yet again.


this especially on mundane curriculum threads.


heated threads/personal threads/ or other fluffy type threads I might ignore a poster. Probably not here because I don't know everyone well enough here.

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bold and colorful in the literal sense or bold and colourful in word usage, as in your face type language?
Literal. It's not a tone or personality issue. I just find it difficult to read.
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If I can tell by the topic title that I have nothing to say, I won't even open the thread.


If it is a question I've answered (or seen answered) a hundred times before, I don't open the thread.


If it is a noted "drama queen" asking a highly personal / hot button question, I ignore the thread.


I also am annoyed by the colored / bolded / unusual fonts, and by folks who have a HUGE, long siggy. Or maybe it is just February and I'm grouchy ;)


Darn I am back on the list ofposters to be ignored ;)

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I know and it's a shame. One poster in particular we asked not to do this for various reasons and yet EVERY one of their posts is like this. I guess they don't care. :confused:
To each their own. :001_smile: I don't get irritated... I just generally skip their posts.
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This has happened to me on several different discussion boards I have been on over the years. I'll admit I'm not an exciting poster, but there are times I would appreciate ideas or advice. It was really bad on one mom's site I was on. There were the "popular moms" who people responded to just because they were they well-known of the board, while others rarely got comments on their posts.

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That's me, too. Ds is in grade 7 and we're comfortable with what we're using. I rarely ever check K-8 anymore.


I'm too scared to wade into the high school board. Frankly, I'm just not ready to be there yet. I long for the early elementary days. Kids grow up too fast. *sigh*






Makes me sad.

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There were the "popular moms" who people responded to just because they were they well-known of the board, while others rarely got comments on their posts.


This is where the shameless self-bump comes in handy. Or just write something incendiary in the title like "Should I eat this [hyena cadaver]?"

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If I can tell by the topic title that I have nothing to say, I won't even open the thread.


If it is a question I've answered (or seen answered) a hundred times before, I don't open the thread.


If it is a noted "drama queen" asking a highly personal / hot button question, I ignore the thread.


I also am annoyed by the colored / bolded / unusual fonts, and by folks who have a HUGE, long siggy. Or maybe it is just February and I'm grouchy ;)


:iagree: What Shari said. I would also add to the drama queen category any post that starts with a title like "I hate life", "My MIL is horrible", etc etc etc. Especially by someone who reguarly starts threads along these lines.


I don't do much K-8 stuff right now because I'm super happy with what we're using at the moment. That may change when I'm trying to pull stuff together in August for next year!:001_smile:

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And thus the bashing of various board members starts and I stop reading this thread. . .


If that was directed at me, I'm not bashing at all. I just have a limited amount of board time and I have a tendency myself to get negative if I get sucked into negative posts continuously. Even if they're well intentioned and needed venting. It's all about me and not all about anything else. People are obviously free to use this board as a sounding post if they need and I encourage it! I just thought this was a free discussion of what kind of threads people actively avoid. I wasn't referencing any person or any thread in particular honestly.


I enjoy most regular posters on this board very much or I wouldn't come here! Even those I don't see eye to eye with on every issue. Sorry to offend.

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I tend to stay away from the curriculum board, since I'm happy with what we are using. I have one person on ignore, but other than that I'll respond if (1) I have something to say that hasn't been said, and (2) if someone needs support, prayer, or a hug. Oh, and (3), if I have time. Sometimes I want to respond, but I just don't have time.

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Or just write something incendiary in the title like "Should I eat this [hyena cadaver]?"


I remember that thread. If I recall correctly, it was the "Would you eat this" thread #54,611, and it was something about having left the dead hyena out in the car overnight and you weren't sure it was cold enough out there, so you needed to know if you should go ahead and cook the hyena or throw it out.


As I recall, I voted to toss him, as I usually do in the "would you eat this" threads. I knew it was hard to find a really good dead hyena, but I felt that your family's health should come first, and that you shouldn't take a chance. And then someone else chimed in about how if you cooked him, it would kill the bacteria but not necessarily the toxins that could make you ill. And then someone else said they leave their dead hyenas out at room temperature all the time and then they eat them and no one has ever gotten sick. And the last person talked about their poor crazy Uncle Ted who ate tainted hyena and died a violent death. (Or maybe their Uncle Ted wasn't crazy, but he was attacked by a crazy hyena and I'm thinking of a different thread...)


;) ;) ;)

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I remember that thread. If I recall correctly, it was the "Would you eat this" thread #54,611, and it was something about having left the dead hyena out in the car overnight and you weren't sure it was cold enough out there, so you needed to know if you should go ahead and cook the hyena or throw it out.


As I recall, I voted to toss him, as I usually do in the "would you eat this" threads. I knew it was hard to find a really good dead hyena, but I felt that your family's health should come first, and that you shouldn't take a chance. And then someone else chimed in about how if you cooked him, it would kill the bacteria but not necessarily the toxins that could make you ill. And then someone else said they leave their dead hyenas out at room temperature all the time and then they eat them and no one has ever gotten sick. And the last person talked about their poor crazy Uncle Ted who ate tainted hyena and died a violent death. (Or maybe their Uncle Ted wasn't crazy, but he was attacked by a crazy hyena and I'm thinking of a different thread...)


;) ;) ;)


I can't believe I missed that thread. :):):)

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I can't believe I missed that thread. :):):)


Me neither. You've gotta pay attention. :tongue_smilie:


I know you'd never intentionally miss out on a hyena thread (dead or otherwise,) so maybe you were sick that day or something.


If I can find the link, I'll post it for you. ;):D

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The best threads have the weirdest tags. I hope the OP realizes that.



:iagree: I did notice! I think it's funny that I open with and "ignoring threads" question, and now this thread is 9 pages long!


Apparently, I am doing okay!


For everyone who gave their reasons why, thanks! I agree... sometimes there is just not enough time, and these boards DO move so quickly. I feel like I am always behind. Miss a day, and men in kilts have appeared, dead animals are eaten, and a new curriculum has been invented that allows you to check off boxes, cover all 12 years in 2, and fold in each of your children exactly at their level without mom having to do anything extra. (Wouldn't that be nice?) :tongue_smilie:

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