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Medical records for minors 13-17


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Because of complex state confidentiality laws regarding some types of health care that minors ages 13 to 17 may obtain, we do not currently have the capability to offer full electronic access to information for minors in this age range. At this time, parents and their teens can access allergy and immunization records only.


We have Kaiser. I'm trying to set things up online. I really hate this. :cursing: IMO, there is no good reason to deny a parent or guardian access to any medical records of a child that is still under their care, unless they also do not have custody or parental rights. However, if a parent or guardian is responsible for the care and protection of the child, then that parent should have full access to ALL medical records. All I see is a subversion of parental rights and authority. I see no good to this at. all. :banghead: :cursing: :rant:

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We have Kaiser. I'm trying to set things up online. I really hate this. :cursing: IMO, there is no good reason to deny a parent or guardian access to any medical records of a child that is still under their care, unless they also do not have custody or parental rights. However, if a parent or guardian is responsible for the care and protection of the child, then that parent should have full access to ALL medical records. All I see is a subversion of parental rights and authority. I see no good to this at. all. :banghead: :cursing: :rant:

I don't understand. Are you saying that Kaiser will not let you view your child's records online but your child can? Or no one can? If your child can, you can just set up the password?


I'm not sure how all this works. But if you are responsible for a minor and must pay the bills of a minor, there is no legitimate reason to decline your medical authority over the minor.


We live in a whacked world.

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Betty, I don't know if I can get it from the office, but after reading all the paperwork, I'm seriously not holding my breath. Your story has given me a little hope, though.


TranquilMind, I'm just trying to set up all our stuff online to be able to have access and all. I was trying to link everyone's to my account so I don't have to sign in individually for myself, dh, and 6 kids. There is no problem linking my dh and I, it's just those between 13-17. :glare: But you have a good thought. Maybe I can just set it up for the older ones.


I agree. We live in a whacked world.

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