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Mother angry after daughter vaccinated (by school) without her permission

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I read somewhere that if a girl already has HPV (as most sexually active people do), then getting the HPV vax about doubles the chances of getting cervical cancer. So, did they test this girl for HPV before vaxing her?


And what's with 4 vaxes at one time? That's not very smart.


I agree that there may be another side to the story. However, it really upsets me that anyone thinks it's OK for a 14-year-old to have medical care (including vaxes) without her parents' approval.


To add to the old-time anecdotes, I recall a couple of vaxes that I received in school, and also the scoliosis checks. (I was in elementary school from 1971-1979.) I assume that my parents either approved or decided not to opt out. As for scoliosis, my mom had it and I used to have a lot of back pain, so she asked the nurse to look at my back. The school checks found nothing, but later I was told I have a spinal curvature. Whatever! (The pain went away when I stopped growing.)

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Oh my Lord. FOUR at once, including that (dangerous) Gardasil?


I'd be all over them. But the woman probably inadvertently gave permission by signing the release form for the school clinic. If it is anything like the one here, she could have consented to all kinds of things, not even realizing it. Here, your kid can be removed from the premises, checked IN for mental health issues, taken for a surgery....all with your prior "informed" consent.


This is why I have refused to sign the consent form for my child. Legally, they can only call an ambulance for emergency purposes, which is exactly as it should be.


Gone are the days when the school nurse would give you a pill or a bandage or call your parents.

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Do you have a source, please?


This is not true.


It was a comment from someone on another board. I do not have a source; that's why I said "I read somewhere." I don't know if it's true or not. But I sure plan on finding out before anyone tries to talk me into that vax for my kids.


I will go back and see if that person posted a link.





No idea how reliable this source is, but it does cite an FDA document (which I could not find quickly). See top of page 11 of the pdf. Also bottom of page 9 of the pdf.






This is on the FDA website and was a background document to a pro-vax report. See page 13.

Edited by SKL
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I find it interesting when people sling around words like "assault" without even knowing the basic definitions.


If the school and nurse screwed up, there may be consequences including some sort of disciplinary action. Depending on the facts that we don't know (including if any unconsented vaccination was intentional, which is unlikely but highly relevant) and the specific licensing and disciplinary rules at issue, it's not at all certain that an unconsented vaccination would result in termination of the nurse's license.


Seriously, if the vax was actually unconsented, it's almost certainly due to a paperwork mistake. Negligent, in other words. And if so, it's entirely possible that there weren't any damages that can be fixed in monetary terms.


I'm fairly sure that the school isn't in the business of willy-nilly simply disregarding parental wishes. There is more to the story, and if there was an actual lack of consent, it was probably a simple error.

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LMHO....Well it was 1972 and I was in first grade. But yes, I guess that makes me old. :D

I'm older: I started school in the mid-sixties. But we were never forced to strip down for anything!


We did get that shot on the arm, Rubella, I think it was, that leaves the round mark (how you can tell who is over 50!). But we were not stripped down.

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I agree. At 14, it's not like she's a young child just going along with what the adult told her to do. She would be old enough to say something if she isn't vaccinated.

Though my kid would probably drop someone who attempted to do this without consent, there are very definitely 14 year olds who will not speak up and will simply do what the adult in charge tells them to do.

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I started school in 1972 (Kindergarten) and went to a Catholic school. I remember the same things. I had a smallpox shot (ouch!! I still bear the scar of that), and a scoliosis check in elementary school. I have no idea if they had prior parental permission.


I seriously cannot wrap my mind around the idea that vaccines would be done by a school without parental permission. With all the public knowledge of vaccine controversy, parental permission on everything, and allergies, I'm really shocked they made such a decision. I mean goodness, they cannot take a child on a field trip without a written permission slip but they feel they can inject chemicals into a child's body? Wow.

Right. Your kid cannot have an ADVIL without parental consent, or a cold lozenge. But apparently four vaccines at once is fine...???

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I am 100% pro-vaccine. As in I am vehemently opposed to my kids being subjected to unvaccinated groups in any significant numbers...and even I think this is a massive fail and boundary stomp of unbelievable proportions. I'd be lawyering up!


If your kids are vaxed, then they should be fine around unvaccinated groups. If you don't want them around unvaccinated groups, then you aren't fully trusting the vaccine they were given. If you really think of it 50% of the population is probably unvaccinated since most adults never get vaccinated after high school years and the shots wear off, thus why they always recommend boosters. The only thing adults get are flu shots. I vaccinated myself in college because I had to to get an internship. It's been 15 years and I don't plan on getting anymore booster shots, and I am sure my boosters have worn off. Please don't read this with a snarky tone, because that is not my intention.


Nonetheless, I would be livid if I were the mom, but I would like the rest of the story...consent form, etc.


I was checked for scoliosis when I was 12...and I have it. I visited a chiro envy other week all through high school. And I remember lining up in the library in 81 maybe to get some vax. I hated shots, that vision sticks in my head. ;)

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vfnelson: If your kids are vaxed, then they should be fine around unvaccinated groups.

Exactly. This has always been the most bizarre statement, in my view. If you believe vaccines provide protection, and there is nothing more than a vaccine you can do anyway (other than good food, nutrition, etc), then you have nothing to fear. The whole point of getting the vaccines is to protect yourself from someone who has the disease, should you encounter such a person, right?


If you really think of it 50% of the population is probably unvaccinated since most adults never get vaccinated after high school years and the shots wear off, thus why they always recommend boosters.

Well, boosters were never ever recommended before for my age group (over 50), except for the tetanus. This is because older groups of people, teens, parents, grandparents would be "boosted" by living around new groups of kids who got the routine childhood diseases such as younger siblings, children and grandchildren, providing lifelong protection.


Now that this has been eliminated, because of the 69 shots they want to give to children from birth to age 18, the boosting of immunities for older people is not occurring, nor is natural, lifetime immunity, as unnatural immunity provided by vaccines injected directly into the body typically does wear off.


Not a good scenario, but that's a topic for another day.


The only thing adults get are flu shots. I vaccinated myself in college because I had to to get an internship. It's been 15 years and I don't plan on getting anymore booster shots, and I am sure my boosters have worn off. Please don't read this with a snarky tone, because that is not my intention.



Some of us don't get flu shots. The flu shots don't even work, which is why they encourage you to get one every single year. The only year we ever had the flu - and I've been married for 23 years - is the year they gave out flu shots right in a room in which my husband had to work all day. We found that interesting.


Nonetheless, I would be livid if I were the mom, but I would like the rest of the story...consent form, etc.



I'm convinced the Mom signed the standard, horrendous "release form" for the school clinic. We shall see. As an attorney, this document - at least in my state - is horrifying in its breadth.



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We did get that shot on the arm, Rubella, I think it was, that leaves the round mark (how you can tell who is over 50!).


The vaccine that leaves the scar on the upper arm, that many of us older folks have had, was for smallpox.


The flu shots don't even work, which is why they encourage you to get one every single year.


The flu shot is different every year, because the prevalent flu strain is different every year. The shot is designed to prevent the particular strain that scientists predict will be most prevalent in the upcoming flu season.

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askPaulineThe vaccine that leaves the scar on the upper arm, that many of us older folks have had, was for smallpox.

Yes, smallpox, you are correct. I don't know why I always forget that one!



The flu shot is different every year, because the prevalent flu strain is different every year. The shot is designed to prevent the particular strain that scientists predict will be most prevalent in the upcoming flu season


Actually, not so. From here in 2011: This year’s vaccine targets the same flu strains as last year’s. (That’s happened only eight times in the last 42 years.)


So actually, every few years, the shot is exactly the same as the previous year's vaccine including this winter season right now.

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wow, that is awful. I know if I get a vax for my son at the dr I have to sign a release form.



I started school in 1972 - we didn't get shots at school. Only thing I ever had to endure medically at school was lice check.



My sister and I got sent hone one year for lice....it was quite embarrassing because they checked us in yhe classroom and then sent 5 kids to the office. We felt better when we learned that lice prefer clean hair. We were made to feel dirty as we were sent home from school. :(

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We did get that shot on the arm, Rubella, I think it was, that leaves the round mark (how you can tell who is over 50!). But we were not stripped down.


I'm under 50 and had a smallpox vax. I'm pretty sure my younger sister had it, too. The CDC website says the US stopped giving it routinely in 1972.

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Some of us don't get flu shots. The flu shots don't even work, which is why they encourage you to get one every single year. The only year we ever had the flu - and I've been married for 23 years - is the year they gave out flu shots right in a room in which my husband had to work all day. We found that interesting.







I don't get flu shots - I meant to say that IF an adult gets a vaccine, it will most likely only be the flu shot unless their job requires vaccines - such as nurses and those working in the medical field.


The flu shot is made for the three most popular strains from the prior year. Since the virus mutates, your flu shot may or may not cover you. Since some flu shots contain thimerisol, getting them has never been an option for my family. We don't vax, so it isn't an option.


Also, if you homeschool, you are likely to be around unvaccinated kids frequently if you do a lot of things with a homeschool group or other homeschoolers. Many are vaccinated, but a good portion probably aren't. In the group I am in, I find just as many vax as don't. If you go against the grain in one portion of your life, it is more likely you will go against the grain in other areas because you educate yourself more on the subjects. Many still decide to go with the grain. I have no stats, it's just from reading the forums that I find more people get crunchier as time goes by (homeschool, don't vax, garden, eat healthier, home birth, etc.)

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.


I remember that too and not thinking it was a big deal. As a parent though, I'd be furious. I wonder how our parents felt back then? I'll have to ask my mom to see if she remembers.

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Adults need boosters for many vaxes. Whooping cough is a good one that most people forget to get caught up on as adults.


I'm probably one of the few adults who is caught up on vaccinations because my doctor is at the military hospital where they hand out vaxs like candy. Of course I could say no and it wouldn't be a problem but since it's so easy and quick to get done I've decided to stay up to date.

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I definitely think it is wrong, wrong, wrong to vaccinate a child without parental consent. I am curious about the whole story and I seriously doubt the nurse will get into any trouble at all.


I have few thoughts to add about adults needing boosters and being afraid for a child to be around unvaccinated individuals. I'm not anti-vaccine. I wonder though, if people realize how few vaccines older adults received. They *may* have had polio, mmr, and dtp (possibly smallpox). People in their 30's likely had polio, mmr, dtp, and hib. The majority of the population has not received the vaccines young children are supposed to get these days, Prevnar, Varicella, hep b, hep a, flu, rotavirus, hpv, meningococcus.


My oldest daughter is 12, my youngest 4. When my oldest was little Prevnar, flu, hep a, and meningococcus weren't being given. Rotavirus and varicella were never even discussed with me by doctors as options. Fast forward to my little one. Here is the list recommended for her- mmr, polio, dtap, hib, hep b, flu, rotavirus, prevnar, varicella, and hep a, meningococcus, and hpv as age appropriate. If most of the population, including your own doctor, haven't received even half of these vaccines people really should reconsider any concern over their child coming into contact with other children who haven't received all recommended vaccines.


My own son was given a vaccine without my permission. Not only that I had declined the vaccine. He was receiving some vaccines and I clearly declined the varicella vax to both the doctor and the nurse and had a discussion with both about it. I trusted them and they gave him the vax with the other vaccines. I was livid. How could they? My son then contracted chickenpox (quite likely from the shot, yes it is a live shot and the time frame was just right) and my daughter caught it as well. How could they know my children wouldn't be around someone who shouldn't be around children who received live shots? They didn't know. I took no precautions as I didn't know. They were extremely stupid and irresponsible in my opinion. You better believe my naivety was stripped from me fully that day. I will never again blindly trust a doctor or nurse. It is sad someone in a position such as this would abuse it, but they do it all the time along with their bullying tactics. Wrong, wrong, wrong. A parent has the right to choose. period. They do not have the right to take that away, but they do it anyway.

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