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Mother angry after daughter vaccinated (by school) without her permission

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Sighle Kinney is fuming after her 14-year-old daughter was given four shots by the school nurse at Marcus Garvey Academy without her permission.


The daughter says she was called out of class by the school nurse back on January 30th and sent to the school’s clinic, which is operated by St. John’s medical.


While there she was given four vaccinations, including the one for HPV. It was the shot for HPV really touched a nerve.


Sighle was furious. . . .



Story here: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/region/detroit/mother-angry-after-daughter-vaccinated-without-her-permission#ixzz1n4aiogkU

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Frustrating but not surprising. It happened when I was in junior high the early 80's. I'm think this is Welcome to in loco parentis.


:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.

Edited by DianeW88
Forgot to add the quote I was agreeing with.
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The staff at the clinic must maintain confidentiality with the students and the parents of the students. Detroit Public Schools staff members are not informed of any services that are provided for any students, and this policy is regularly communicated by the clinic staff to the school staff. All paperwork or parent permission slips are provided to students who are instructed by the clinic to return it directly to the nurse.





Am I the only one who read this and wondered if the student forged the consent? If the girl is s*xually active (of thinking of becoming so), she may have it in her mind that it is better to go ahead and get the HPV vaccine and was afraid to ask her mother about it.


Since she was called out of class, presumably by name, and it is made to sound as if she was singled out, then I wonder if there was a reason her name was on the clinic list, if YKWIM?


I could be totally off base, but it just made me wonder.

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.

When they checked us for scoliosis at school, our parents knew ahead of time, and it was done in the girls restroom for privacy (we were all in there, not one at a time).

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Am I the only one who read this and wondered if the student forged the consent? If the girl is s*xually active (of thinking of becoming so), she may have it in her mind that it is better to go ahead and get the HPV vaccine and was afraid to ask her mother about it.


Since she was called out of class, presumably by name, and it is made to sound as if she was singled out, then I wonder if there was a reason her name was on the clinic list, if YKWIM?


I could be totally off base, but it just made me wonder.


I agree. At 14, it's not like she's a young child just going along with what the adult told her to do. She would be old enough to say something if she isn't vaccinated.

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.

We got a vax at school too. This was 2nd or 3rd grade in NJ in oh, 1973-4ish.


I don't remember a mostly naked check.

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I agree. At 14, it's not like she's a young child just going along with what the adult told her to do. She would be old enough to say something if she isn't vaccinated.


I got an MMR at that age at school and thought nothing of it. If the parents haven't discussed it with the child, they may not tune in.

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Oh (bleep) no. I'd be livid and seeking action.


I have in each of my child's med records that NO one is allowed to permit any type of medical care (excepting life or death emergencies) to my boys. I make this a point because my mother said she was going to take my kids in and have them vaccinated. She's something. She understands nothing about my kids' vaccine schedule or the reaction my oldest had.

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.


I was in one of those lines in the early 1970's, but I had my mother's signed permission slip in my hand while I waited and I handed it to the nurse when I got to the front of the line! I would be livid if someone vaccinated my kids without my permission.

Edited by LizzyBee
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No way would I let them get away with this violation of parental rights and possible child endangerment (because of the reaction the girl had that may be the result of an injection). There is no excuse for giving a child unnecessary medical treatment, especially without parental permission. In this case, the parent already denied the school permission to provide any medical treatment that was not life saving.


I am not one to support lawsuits in most cases, however this is one time that I hope the parents sue the school and medical center for this blatant violation. Saying it was an innocent mistake is not good enough. I wonder if injecting a child with a foreign substance could be considered assault or battery. This school system and medical community need to stop believing they can do whatever they want to children without parental permission. There is no acceptable excuse.

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No way would I let them get away with this violation of parental rights and possible child endangerment (because of the reaction the girl had that may be the result of an injection). There is no excuse for giving a child unnecessary medical treatment, especially without parental permission. In this case, the parent already denied the school permission to provide any medical treatment that was not life saving.


I am not one to support lawsuits in most cases, however this is one time that I hope the parents sue the school and medical center for this blatant violation. Saying it was an innocent mistake is not good enough. I wonder if injecting a child with a foreign substance could be considered assault or battery. This school system and medical community need to stop believing they can do whatever they want to children without parental permission. There is no acceptable excuse.


Very well stated.

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LMHO....Well it was 1972 and I was in first grade. But yes, I guess that makes me old. :D


I started school in 1972 (Kindergarten) and went to a Catholic school. I remember the same things. I had a smallpox shot (ouch!! I still bear the scar of that), and a scoliosis check in elementary school. I have no idea if they had prior parental permission.


I seriously cannot wrap my mind around the idea that vaccines would be done by a school without parental permission. With all the public knowledge of vaccine controversy, parental permission on everything, and allergies, I'm really shocked they made such a decision. I mean goodness, they cannot take a child on a field trip without a written permission slip but they feel they can inject chemicals into a child's body? Wow.

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No way would I let them get away with this violation of parental rights and possible child endangerment (because of the reaction the girl had that may be the result of an injection). There is no excuse for giving a child unnecessary medical treatment, especially without parental permission. In this case, the parent already denied the school permission to provide any medical treatment that was not life saving.


I am not one to support lawsuits in most cases, however this is one time that I hope the parents sue the school and medical center for this blatant violation. Saying it was an innocent mistake is not good enough. I wonder if injecting a child with a foreign substance could be considered assault or battery. This school system and medical community need to stop believing they can do whatever they want to children without parental permission. There is no acceptable excuse.



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I was in one of those lines in the 1970's, but I had my mother's signed permission slip in my hand while I waited and I handed it to the nurse when I got to the front of the line! I would be livid if someone vaccinated my kids without my permission.


I remember getting a TB test and scoliosis screening in the school library. I also remember we each had a permission slip in our hand.


I would think that the clinic will claim HIPAA protection. Parental notification wasn't required. They convinced the child she needed these vaccines and she consented.

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I remember getting a TB test and scoliosis screening in the school library. I also remember we each had a permission slip in our hand.


I would think that the clinic will claim HIPAA protection. Parental notification wasn't required. They convinced the child she needed these vaccines and she consented.



Thought boggles my brain, honestly.

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Thought boggles my brain, honestly.


Just think of all the posts we've seen here about doctor's expecting to see kids without their parents in the room. Parents who haven't been able to get medical records or discuss claims without their child's permission. Each time, HIPAA was claimed as the reason. This seems to fall right in line with that trend.

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I would think that the clinic will claim HIPAA protection. Parental notification wasn't required. They convinced the child she needed these vaccines and she consented.


I thought that only worked for reproductive issues - birth control and abortions. HPV could fall under that, but the other three vaccines wouldn't.

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I remember when the " Rubella Umbrella" truck came to our school in the 70's. We were lined up....boys on one side, girls on the other....in our undershirts and drawers......and we were all given a shot and a cool sticker!!


The boys cried....the girls didn't. I was in 1st grade......


When I got home with my cool sticker my mother was p*ssed!! She had NO IDEA we were going to be immunized in school. She talked about it until I was grown...and she was old! She understood when I pulled my kids out of public school because they were overstepping some pretty serious boundaries. It really is nothing new.



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I thought that only worked for reproductive issues - birth control and abortions. HPV could fall under that, but the other three vaccines wouldn't.


I believe you are correct, but I've seen people talking about doctor's and insurance companies taking HIPAA way beyond that point. And HPV would definitely fall under that, and since the others were done at the same appointment, I wouldn't be surprised if they claimed they can't talk about any of it without the child's permission.


Heck, my daughter had her 11 year old well-child check with a doctor in the practice that I hadn't met. The nurse explained that she would be kicking me out for the appointment so the doctor and my daughter could talk. Um, no. I would be staying for most of the appointment, but I would leave for the exam because my daughter is modest and she requested I take her siblings out.

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.


Yup....see my post.


Do you happen to have any auto-immune issues?? I often wonder if it was something in the vax. By the way, when I was tested for immunity to Measles....etc, when in was pg. With my 1st dd, I had none and need to be vaxed again.....:tongue_smilie:.....


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My guess is that the mother HAD given permission without realizing it-like by signing a piece of paper in a stack of papers without really reading it. school based health services are generally in schools where kids are also eligible for a lot of other extra services, and having taught in a title I school with such programs, I can attest that few to no parents sat there and read page after page of government gobbledygook to see what they were signing. And even if they read it for child 1, it would have been easy to sign for child 2-n without realizing that there was an extra paper for the 14 yr old that the 12 yr old didn't have, or that a consent for "all required vaccinations" contained the HPV for a teenager.


it was NOT at all uncommon for one of the papers signed at registration for my former title I school to include a consent for the health department to do vaccinations for kids who needed them. Without that, a large percentage of our kindergarten students would have been unable to begin school on schedule-because our families often didn't have the opportunity to get to a free clinic during the hours it was open to get the required vaccinations. Parents who were truly anti-vax or who had kids with medical reasons to not be vaccinated came in with their exemptions in hand-and, like the parents who had their chold's vaccinations in order, were never given the"permission to vaccinate" form to sign.

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I remember getting a TB test and scoliosis screening in the school library. I also remember we each had a permission slip in our hand.


I would think that the clinic will claim HIPAA protection. Parental notification wasn't required. They convinced the child she needed these vaccines and she consented.


Parental permission should be required. You cannot treat a minor without parental consent except to stabilize life threatening injuries or if the minor is emancipated or pregnant.

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I started school in 1972 (Kindergarten) and went to a Catholic school. I remember the same things. I had a smallpox shot (ouch!! I still bear the scar of that), and a scoliosis check in elementary school. I have no idea if they had prior parental permission.


I seriously cannot wrap my mind around the idea that vaccines would be done by a school without parental permission. With all the public knowledge of vaccine controversy, parental permission on everything, and allergies, I'm really shocked they made such a decision. I mean goodness, they cannot take a child on a field trip without a written permission slip but they feel they can inject chemicals into a child's body? Wow.


I have a smallpox vax scar, too. Funny story about that. My dad was injured in WWII and had a scar on his arm that was about 2-2.5" wide and 1/4-3/8" deep. Basically, a hunk of his arm was just gone. For years and years, I wondered why his vax scar was so big. I think I was a teen before I realized it was a war injury, not his vax scar. :lol:

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Yup....see my post.


Do you happen to have any auto-immune issues?? I often wonder if it was something in the vax. By the way, when I was tested for immunity to Measles....etc, when in was pg. With my 1st dd, I had none and need to be vaxed again.....:tongue_smilie:.....



No, I don't have any auto-immune issues at all. As for the content of the vaccines then...who knows. They could have injected us with turpentine and I would have been none the wiser. :lol: My school did not ask for parental consent. They sent a notice home informing the parents what they would be doing, but permission slips were not required. Mine were just happy they wouldn't have to take me to the ped to get it done.


And the MMR immunity does wane. I was re-vaxed as an adult as well.

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Where I live, children aged 14 and up are allowed to seek medical attention on their own, without their parents.


There are health clinics in most high schools, and they perform vaccines. These children can receive any medical care offered by the school clinic (or any other) without their parents knowing anything about it.


So, yeah, I'm sure this type of thing happens all the time here. Another reason to homeschool...

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No, I don't have any auto-immune issues at all. As for the content of the vaccines then...who knows. They could have injected us with turpentine and I would have been none the wiser. :lol: My school did not ask for parental consent. They sent a notice home informing the parents what they would be doing, but permission slips were not required. Mine were just happy they wouldn't have to take me to the ped to get it done.


And the MMR immunity does wane. I was re-vaxed as an adult as well.


Adults need boosters for many vaxes. Whooping cough is a good one that most people forget to get caught up on as adults.

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The first thing that came to mind for me when I read it is that there may be a situation where the bio parents do not live together and perhaps Dad signed permission for the injections if there is a joint legal/physical custody in place.


I know I had to deal with this same issue when my daughter had medical treatment given without my consent (and I was sole physical/legal) parent.

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LMHO....Well it was 1972 and I was in first grade. But yes, I guess that makes me old. :D


Well, I'm older than that and we got no vac or exam in our school. I think they did hearing and vision screening in about 5th grade. In Australia a dentist came to the school. I think it was a "check", no drilling.


That said, I walked all the way down to the County Health Department and asked for the tetnus series. My mother didn't believe in vacs, and I was around horse/manure and wanted it. I appreciate my mother, but I had HORRIBLE measles when I was 27. Anyway, the CHD didn't ask any questions. Just took my name and gave me the shots. I was 13.

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Firstly, I wonder what part of the story we aren't getting.


Second, I wonder if this has to to with "Child Rights". I mention this because with one of our health insurances or maybe is was with our clinic tied to our insurance, they had to get permission from my son (who was 12) at the time to discuss his medical stuff with me. What? I didn't have the right to know everything. That was in Denver.


Could this be part of that new trend in child rights?

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Well, I'm older than that and we got no vac or exam in our school. I think they did hearing and vision screening in about 5th grade. In Australia a dentist came to the school. I think it was a "check", no drilling.


That said, I walked all the way down to the County Health Department and asked for the tetnus series. My mother didn't believe in vacs, and I was around horse/manure and wanted it. I appreciate my mother, but I had HORRIBLE measles when I was 27. Anyway, the CHD didn't ask any questions. Just took my name and gave me the shots. I was 13.


Wow! Then again, I got a tattoo at 17....lol....

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Technically what this nurse did was assault and she should lose her license.

In every practice that I have ever worked in the nurse (myself) had to witness the signature of the parent and they had to be present for ANY medical procedure.

If I were this child's parents the first thing I would do would be to call the state board of nursing and report this woman, right after I retained a lawyer and filed criminal charges against the nurse and the school.

What were these people even thinking?!:eek:

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Livid would not even begin to describe my feelings if some one did this to my child! I vaccinate but I did not and will not get the hpv vaccine for my girls. That is MY decision, no one else's. I agree with another poster, I'm not a fan of litigation, but in this case - hoo boy, nail their nanny state, usurping fannies to the nearest wall!!! :(

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:iagree: In the early 1970s the entire school was lined up, marched through the cafeteria and given the MMR vaccine. At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there. And we had to stand in our underpanties for 15-20 minutes while the nurse (and maybe a doctor, I remember a man in the room) checked everybody one at a time.



I remember the exact same thing in elementary (early 70's also), but I was in school with just other military kids, so honestly... I don't think any one of us little trained drones or our parents would have questioned a thing. However, I'm fairly sure consent was given by our parents either explicitly through a permission slip, or that they were informed and given the option to decline. I do remember that there was one girl who did not get shots because her parents said "no, she's allergic." I remember that well because I'd never heard the word 'allergic' before then.


As to the OP... I would be outraged at anyone injecting anything into my child without my consent.

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At another point, we were all taken to the school nurse, class by class, and had to strip down to our panties to be checked for scoliosis. I don't think any of us cared...but it was FREEZING in there.


I was checked for scoliosis in my skivvies at school too- in the mid to late 1980s. We also had eye and hearing exams. Many kids did not see a pediatrician regularly and such checks were done to everyone regardless.

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I agree that there's probably more to the story. I mean, kids that age don't just randomly get pulled out of class and vaccinated for no reason. I would guess the girl requested it. Like somebody else said, she's old enough to know if her mom is anti-vaccine and to speak up if it was a mistake.

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