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Come dx my pain plz?

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I have the stupidest terrible pain. I can't think what I did to cause it!


Okay not my bum area that I sit on, but the sides of my bum? Between the back pocket and the side hem of my pants? Both sides and it HURTS to walk and aches considerably even sitting. I can only think I did some kind of excessive exercise there that bruised or pulled something, but I haven't done anything strenuous or different or whatever. The pain seems to have come from no where. If it was slightly higher in the hips, I would say it feels like the awful growing pains I used to wake up crying with the summer before 7th grade. I'm sorta laughing because I feel stupid, but really it's not funny how much it hurts.


Anyone have any idea what might be the cause?

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Have you looked at IT band syndrome? I have hip/thigh pain from it. There is a layer of tissue that essentially adheres itself to the muscle in the area. If you have ITBS, you have to get the tissue to release (imagine it being stuck like saran wrap). My PT recommends using a mini sink plunger to do the work. I put enough oil on my leg to moisturize but not make the skin slimy. I use the plunger to suction cup to my leg, then I move it from my hip to my knee. I have to reposition it and use it for a few minutes. It hurts a bit, but the next day, my pain is gone! LOL This pain, for me, is a deep/sharp muscle pain. I can tell if it is my ITB by running my hand on the outside of my leg. It will hurt from the outside of my hip, running in a wide band to the top of my knee. Many people have a lot of knee pain from it, but for me it is focused in the outer hip/ outer-upper thigh area. I have had this pain since I was in my mid-twenties. One dr told me it was my hip and that I needed surgery. NOPE, I just needed a $2 sink plunger. LOL


My sciatic pain runs from my lower back and down the back of my leg. It is an 'electric jolt' type of pain. Much like having a cavity in the tooth. Once it gets to my knee/upper calf it switches to the side, then front of my calf and down to my toes.



I also get bursitis in my hip. That is a very, very localized pain for me and is very focused on the outside of my hip if I am sitting down. If I push on the skin, it feels like a deep bruise in the area. This pain is only the size of a half dollar but hurts!

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Been wearing high heels that you are not used to?


Lol. No. I did buy some higher end walking shoes tho? New balance brand that supposed to be geared for high arches and weak ankles. Hmm. My feet feel so much better...figures?:glare:


My sciatic pain runs from my lower back and down the back of my leg. It is an 'electric jolt' type of pain. Much like having a cavity in the tooth. Once it gets to my knee/upper calf it switches to the side, then front of my calf and down to my toes.


That is how I've experienced sciatica when pregnant. I don't think this is the same. It is very local and deep muscle pain. Going up and down the stairs at bedtime tonight was brutal.

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Lol. No. I did buy some higher end walking shoes tho? New balance brand that supposed to be geared for high arches and weak ankles. Hmm. My feet feel so much better...figures?:glare:




That is how I've experienced sciatica when pregnant. I don't think this is the same. It is very local and deep muscle pain. Going up and down the stairs at bedtime tonight was brutal.


Definitely look at the IT band info then.



Quote from the link.....Pain is often worse after running, especially after climbing hills and often aggravated by climbing stairs

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Have you been doing deep cleaning around your house larely? It sounds like the kind of pain i have riht now because we have some projects going on and I have been cleaning a lot. For me it is because I am bending over and cleaning, and most likely not beinding over properly. Does that make sense? I am pregnant too which makes it all the more worse.

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Have you been doing deep cleaning around your house larely? It sounds like the kind of pain i have riht now because we have some projects going on and I have been cleaning a lot. For me it is because I am bending over and cleaning, and most likely not beinding over properly. Does that make sense? I am pregnant too which makes it all the more worse.


Nope. That was my plan for this week until this cropped up.

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Have you been doing deep cleaning around your house larely? It sounds like the kind of pain i have riht now because we have some projects going on and I have been cleaning a lot. For me it is because I am bending over and cleaning, and most likely not beinding over properly. Does that make sense? I am pregnant too which makes it all the more worse.



Wow. Typos anyone? :001_huh:

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I'm going to vote for the new shoes being the culprit. When did you start wearing them, and have you been wearing them a lot over the last few days? I know that anything that changes my gait affects my body quite a bit. Just the other day I developed a teeny but painful crack in my right heel, and I couldn't walk the way I normally do. I didn't even realize I was walking funny until two days later when every muscle in my legs and lower back ached horribly! I fixed up my heel, stretched out my legs, and was better a day or so later.


Can you go back to your old shoes (or no shoes) for a few days to give your muscles a break and see if that helps?

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Yes, I'm going back to my old shoes to see if it helps. Dern. My feet and bad ankle have felt so much better the last couple days. :(


Well, if it does turn out to be the shoes, odds are that you just need to get accustomed to them. Give your muscles some time to rest and then start wearing them a bit at a time. Though...it does seem excessive that we need to acclimate ourselves to new footwear, doesn't it? *sigh* I need all new shoes myself, and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate shoe shopping, and then the blisters and the arch pain until I get used to them, etc. Blah. Can't we all just wear Robeez all the time like babies do? :tongue_smilie:

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Sounds like the pain I have from SI Joint problems: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_joint. I have pretty much constant pain on the right side and an occassional flare up on the left. It is always in the spot you described but sometimes (like now) it gets so bad that it actually wraps around my hip to the front. I also have sciatic pain but it is different. I get regular chiropractic care and message therapy. I also have specific exercises and stretches to do but the pain never really goes away. Putting an ice pack on the area helps. I usually sleep with one under a towel under my hip. I also take pain meds.

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