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We finished our first read-aloud!


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Just finished The Children's Homer and dd LOVED it - she gave it a score of 20,000 on a 1-10 scale. :)


Thanks for letting me share; it's just so nice to be able to say we FINISHED something! And now we get to watch the movie - BIG excitement!


I think we're going to move on to something totally different next: Oliver Twist. One of our local theaters will be producing the musical in May, and that will make a perfect endcap to the book. (Plus it will probably take me that long to read the whole thing aloud! ;))


Anyone want to share what you're reading aloud??

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Congrats on your first read aloud!


We are just starting Ginger Pye and loving it. Really cute story. I'm hooked and considering sneaking upstairs and reading a little ahead to see what happens. :001_smile:

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We are just starting Ginger Pye and loving it.


We love ALL the Pye books!


Thank goodness, I don't have to read this aloud, because all the genera names would completely stump me.


HA! That would be me with all the Greek names in Homer!


I guess I should have been more specific with my "horn-tooting"; this is obviously not the first book I have EVER read aloud to my dd. But it's our first official WTM classic. Just to clarify, lest y'all think I'm some kind of bizarro-mom who never read aloud to her child! YIKES!!

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:lol: This made me laugh. I certainly didn't think that you had never read to your dd before this book, and I hope that my response didn't sound like I did! I totally get what you mean. All the regular "parenting" stuff somehow feels a little more intentional when it's done under the auspices of "homeschooling." I still say, Yay for you and your dd! It's wonderful to have that feeling of accomplishment! :D
Where does homeschooling end and parenting start? 3 pm. If Funnygirl read a book on Greek myths before 3, she was doing classical homeschooling, BUT if she read it after 3, she was just parenting. :D
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