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33 weeks pregnant--baby is breech

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DD3 was still breech when the midwives checked at 36 weeks. Two days later I felt what was like a really bad contraction, my whole stomach did this crazy acrobatic thing and I called the midwives who thought it was probably her turning. They came to my house about 5 days later and checked and she had turned - good thing because I was 9cm dilated without knowing it and she was born 2 hours later.

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Check out spinningbabies.com.


:iagree:. Mine are normally late turners. Find a chiropractor that specializes in the Webster Maneuver. I found one that had actually studied under Dr Webster. My last baby was breech until 39+ weeks. I went to the chiro several times a week for about a month. The baby flipped thank goodness because I was refusing to have a scheduled c-section simply because I had a baby in the Frank breech position.

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I have a girlfriend who was prepped for a c-section before they realized her baby had flipped, finally. She was 39+ weeks and due to be sectioned because baby was breech. She fasted the night before, went in bright and early, was changed, hooked up to an IV, the whole nine yards...and they did an ultrasound to confirm presentation and location of parts, etc. and saw that baby had flipped sometime during that last 24 hours.


She delivered vaginally a few days later.

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DD3 was still breech when the midwives checked at 36 weeks. Two days later I felt what was like a really bad contraction, my whole stomach did this crazy acrobatic thing and I called the midwives who thought it was probably her turning. They came to my house about 5 days later and checked and she had turned - good thing because I was 9cm dilated without knowing it and she was born 2 hours later.


I kind of had the same thing.

DD2 turned when I was 35w2d pregnant. But she made a leak in my water without me knowing it. 4 days later the labor started, but when we arrived in the hospital I was already fully dilated. Haven't had much pain with her.

And she was perfect! Good weight, good length... 2 days later we went home with her already.

A real succes-story here, although she was born 4 weeks "premature".


I have to admit, if she hadn't turn, I would have given birth naturally. I know they use way too much c-sections in America, but you don't have to if you don't want that. A woman is more than capable of giving birth to a baby that comes with his feet/bump first.

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My 6th baby turned the day before my scheduled c section. He turned all on his own :001_smile:. I went in for a scheduled turning to see if the doctor could manipulate him into turning head down. When I got in there they hooked me up to an ultrasound machine to check on him and they saw that he had already turned head down. I felt him turning during the night and told them of what I suspected, I was thrilled not to have them have to turn him, since I heard it was not a pleasant experience.


I ended up a few days later having an emergency c setion anyway, but not related to him being breech or his size. He ended up being 10 and a half pounds and 22 inches long, my biggest baby :001_smile:

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My son turned after his projected due date, but before I went into natural labor. I had a midwife and a back-up OB with experience delivering breech. So many women in my same position get pushed into the C-section before their due date. I'm glad it wasn't my first baby or I would've fallen for the 'necessity' of the c-section in my (just my own personal) situation.

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My second to last baby turned right near her due date. She was breech until then and I used a lot of the spinning babies stuff and burned moxy or whatever it was called.(because unfortunately, all the other things cost $$ I didn't have).


My last baby though went footling and was doing the splits. He wasn't going anywhere without the c/section unfortunately. It was weird- after he was born, he would be on his back with one leg straight in the air.


I'm hoping for a vbac for my current baby. We'll see!

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