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When you get a laptop, do you get rid of your desk PC?

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Got a used laptop (dh got a new one at work and they do not want the old one back) BUT I am afraid to take down my desk PC even though it would free up some space on my desk.

I am always afraid of the next thing, or rather dubious that it will work as well as what I have and know.

This is probably why I still have a landline and two cell phones. :glare:

Talk some sense into me...

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Our four youngest had desktops set up in the schoolroom but got laptops for Christmas. I' ve moved two of them and I'm telling the owners of the other two to get their butts in gear and copy any pics/whatever they want to save so I can dismantle their computers too.


I'd like to just throw them away, but I'm the only "chunker" in the family. I had to settle for storing them in a closet.


Dh says I have to keep one going so he can use the printer but I don't know........the old schoolroom would be a great pool room.

Edited by Remudamom
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No. My laptop goes with me, but if it were lost with all my work on it? Yikes! I have it so I can work on a few things while I wait for the dc at activities, not to store everything I do. If I did have an extra PC I no longer needed for myself, I'd just set it up for the dc to use.

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Went with laptops from 2004 to 2011.


Then we decided our next major gift (from grandparents) would be a iMac (for the office) and a MacBook Air (laptop). I have to admit the large screen of the iMac is making my ol' tired eyes very happy! I love watching Hulu, movies, and multitasking/working 2 screens at the same time. I'm getting too spoiled that I do not like using the laptop! ;)

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Well, I kept our desktop around for about a year after buying our first laptop. It never got used, as our new laptop was faster and better. It's now down in the basement. I will never buy another desktop. Laptops are so freeing. :001_smile: Having said that, laptops break/malfunction so much easier than desktops. Expect to replace your laptop about every two years (or less), if it's your primary computer. We spend about $1000 on our laptops, buy "good" brands, use them constantly and they start throwing craps after about a year. :banghead:

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We've had a laptop for several years but have kept our old desktop in the schoolroom (it wasn't worth selling so why not just keep it). I still use it for our finances and other things for school. It is nice to have another computer when I am working on the laptop and my dh or kids want to do something on the computer.

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I keep my desktop. The laptop is a convenience; the desktop is a necessity. :-) I have a big ol' ergonomically designed keyboard, and a big monitor. If I'm doing any long project (and I do some desktop publishing as well as some word-processing-type stuff) I much prefer sitting at my big comfy desk chair and using my ergomonic keyboard and looking at a bigger screen.

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I wouldn't get rid of my desktop. We have 5 people in our family and we have 4 desktops plus a server (plus extra parts of desktops just in case!) and we have 5 laptops and a xoom. We all agree that our desktops are a lot more useful for most things and I am on my desktop most of the time when I am doing things related to our curriculum. We mostly use our laptops for more entertainment type things with the exception of my dd4 who uses hers for educational games only (except the one time where she somehow found firefox and googled "dog games" with perfect spelling....thankfully we caught her before she was able to enjoy the fruits of her labor!!).

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Talk some sense into me...

Ok! :D


Most of the folks who keep their desktop do so because they have kids who use it. You don't need that. As long as your laptop is comfortable to use, you do *not* need a desktop also. I got my first laptop years ago, and never looked back. The desktop is there for the kids, and I personally wouldn't even notice if it were gone, except to look at the empty spot and consider what I could keep there now.


Keep your laptop backed up, and enjoy your newfound desk space. :001_smile:

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