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Planning for 5th grade 2012-2013


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**I felt like this got a bit wordy, so I put my main questions/problem areas in bold.


I could use some help/advice, mostly in planning the Lang Arts area. We're in our 3rd year of homeschooling, but we've always used a hybrid school. For various reasons, we will not be returning next year so I'll be flying solo and I'm a little nervous.


I have 4 children, 3 that are homeschooling. Next year they will be 5th, 3rd, and 2nd. We are happy with our math and science choices (Saxon for the oldest, BJU for the younger ones and Apologia for science)


I was planning to use TOG for history and literature, IEW for writing and Easy Grammar for...well grammar. That is until I learned about MCT.

Now I'm confused. I have no strong emotional attachment to EG and don't mind ditching that in favor of something better, or more fun. My oldest is borderline gifted, (tested 98%, the requirement was 99%) but due to an auditory processing issue, she does struggle some in writing, spelling & vocabulary. I thought IEW would help. It looks like MCT covers writing as well, but can I use just the other portions or is it best to use it all together and if so, would we use it in place of IEW or in addition too? Also, does MCT give a good coverage of Latin or do I need to continue with a separate program?



In summary, this is what I have


5th grade


Math ~ Saxon 6/5

Science ~ Apologia

History & Lit ~ TOG


Lang Arts

Spelling ~ AAS

Writing ~ IEW?

Grammar ~ MCT? or

Spanish ~ ?? They've been taking Spanish for the past 2 years so I'd really like to continue it as they are doing quite well.

Latin ~ Eng from the Roots Up???


What am I missing???


Thanks so much for any advice/help!!!

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