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Chicken pox question for the non-vaxers

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:D :D :D :D


I understand the worry, but I think it's a little old-fashioned in this day and age, because there are medications that work very well to combat chicken pox, even in little old ladies like me (and that was a long time ago, so now apparently I'm older than dirt...) It was different in the past, when there was no treatment, and complications could be severe. I know there can still be very serious cases of chicken pox in adults, but it's not always a walk in the park for kids, either.


All I know is that if I intentionally exposed my ds to a disease, and he ended up with a severe case of it or had major complications, I could never forgive myself.


The meds ARE much better now, that's for sure.

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I personally would not be comfortable with a child over age 10ish being deliberatley exposed to the pox b/c the severity of the disease increases after puberty and the older you get. I plan to vaccinate my children for CP when they are 10-11 if they do not have adequate blood titers (will get those drawn first).

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